Give them a little funny shock

Chapter 335 Chapter 333 Let’s light up the galaxy!

Chapter 335 Chapter 333 Let’s light up the galaxy! (five)

After doing all this, Wu Yun no longer stayed on this planet. He activated the real fire and returned to his spaceship.

Wu Yun flew here on his own, but he was not alone. There was an imperial warship coming with him.

There are some officials on the battleship who are responsible for taking over the galaxy after Wuyun Tutu is completed. Now it is time for them to appear.

Wu Yun's work is over, so he wants to return to his room on the spaceship to reward himself.

It's not that reward, it's a serious reward.

Humming a little tune, he took out the key card and opened the door.

You don't need a room card, but Wu Yun likes room cards.

The style of Wu Yun's room is incompatible with other rooms on the ship. This is a battleship, but there is no military style at all in this room.

There is only luxury, incomparable luxury.

This is a language that Wu Yun doesn't understand at all, but he can understand its meaning. The translation is: "Huh? Sorry, I was a little hungry just now, but I will pay."

At this time, she was placing her two feet on the table in front of her.

He was wearing a gothic-style black coat and a pair of dark brown high leather boots with a knife stuck on them.

In an instant, Wu Yun became angry.

Where the hell did that cat come from? ? ? ?

"What are you doing in my house?"

When it comes to money, Wu Yun always becomes very talkative, and this time is no exception.

The robber was currently sitting on the large sofa in Wu Yun's living room, holding an opened can in his left hand and Wu Yun's royal iron spoon in his right hand.

The table in front of her was piled with unpacked food packages, and a black cat lay on her lap.

So, she stopped what she was doing, raised her head, her cheeks bulging, "Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu, uhhhhh..."

That’s pretty much what it means.

An invisible aura emanated from Wu Yun's body and spread in the room. At this time, the woman also felt the pressure filling the house.

There is a scar under her left eye, and a three-cornered hat hangs behind the string on her neck.

As soon as he entered the living room, Wu Yun was suddenly stunned.

He was definitely a thief, no need to think about it. Not only was he a thief, but he was also extremely arrogant and completely ignored him, the owner of the house who opened the door and came in.

Did he really not realize that someone had actually entered his home when he was outside the door?

But today is different, mainly because this woman is really big... ah no, mainly because Wu Yung has just completed half of the galaxy and is now in the sage time, so this woman has escaped a little bit.

As for why the other party suddenly appeared in his room, even if he didn't notice it before opening the door and entering, this kind of thing is not important at all.

The woman is very beautiful, quite beautiful.

If it were normal, Wu Yun would have already struck someone, and he would have hit the other person's head directly with a Skylight Finger.

Even if she brought a cat in?

"Give me the money first." Wu Yun said coldly as he watched the woman eating her canned food.

The woman who was urged by Wu Yun had just finished eating a can. She put the empty can on the table where various empty food packages had piled up, and gently rubbed her belly, with the word "comfortable" written on her face. He sighed with great enjoyment:
"So full, so delicious... I haven't had such delicious canned food in a long time..." said:
"Oh yes..." The woman who had just laid down straightened up instantly and put her left hand into her arms to fumble, "Pay, of course! I never refuse to pay." "Here!"

She took out a few coins from her arms and handed them to Wu Yun.

Before taking the gold coins, Wu Yun briefly inspected them with his eyes. These gold coins had a high gold content and were genuine.

She touched the three gold coins in her palm, tossed them upwards, and felt the weight of the gold coins.

There are three gold coins in total, each weighing about thirty grams.

"Less, only this little, why the hell are you sending beggars away?" Faced with the three gold coins given by the woman, Wu Yun directly pocketed them, and then continued:
"You're so stupid. Do you know where this place is? This is a military restricted area. If you break into the restricted area without permission, I can beat you to death."

"But now you're lucky because you've met me, and I'm a very kind, handsome, and gentle man."

As Wu Yun spoke, he stretched out his hand, rubbed his three fingers together, and said:
"So you have to give me seven more gold coins. The three just now can only be regarded as the loss for eating so much of my out-of-print food."

Facing Wu Yun's blackmail, which was obviously a blackmail from a lion, the woman didn't feel anything at all. Instead, she nodded and said:
"Is that so? Well, I'll give you some more." With that said, she took out seven more gold coins, put them in the palm of her hand and handed them to Wu Yun.

"You know how to recognize someone." Seeing that this woman was so knowledgeable, Wu Yun's impression of her immediately improved a lot.

Wu Yun is such a person. As long as you are willing to spend money, he will be very pleased with you.

As long as you are willing to give him money, then to you, he can be the gentlest person in the world.

And this is what Wu Yun is like now.

"But there is one more thing." After receiving the seven gold coins, Wu Yun thought of another charging point, which was the cat still lying on the woman's lap.

That black cat.

"Pets are strictly prohibited in my place. Violators' pets will be confiscated and executed. But I am kind-hearted and handsome, so if you pay a fine of ten gold coins, I can pretend I didn't see this one." cat"

Pointing to the black cat on the woman's lap, Wu Yun continued.

"Why do you keep emphasizing how handsome you are?" Faced with Wu Yun's obvious blackmail or deception, the woman still didn't care.

Her focus on things is as strange as Wu Yun's.

"For I am indeed handsome and wise."

Faced with the woman's doubts, this was Wu Yun's answer.


Faced with Wu Yun's answer, the woman fell silent. Not just her, but the black cat on her lap also had a very human expression on her face.

Complex and difficult to stretch.

"Um..." After a moment of silence, the woman finally spoke:
"I won't refute it about appearance." As she said that, she took out ten more gold coins and handed them to Wu Yun.

"In terms of intelligence..."

"What the hell do you mean?" Wu Yun frowned instantly.

"It's nothing." The woman immediately laughed. Then, she looked at Wu Yun and her eyes became serious.

"Why do you want to kill all my people?"

she asked.

(End of this chapter)

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