Give them a little funny shock

Chapter 34 I have to participate now

Chapter 34 I have to participate now ()

"If you can win the first prize and get the first prize, you can be received by the empress in person and see her beauty."

Lu Yan repeated again.

"Why didn't you tell me earlier???" Wu Yun's eyes widened even more.

"Didn't you say before that you weren't interested in the Laoshizi Conference?" Lu Yan rubbed her hands in embarrassment, "Well, this can't be blamed..."

"If you said that, how could I not be interested!? You didn't mention the main point of what you said. You just said it was a conference to select talents for the Jade-faced Empress. How could I be interested in something like this that has no elements that interest me? interest?"


"Okay, Brother Yun." At this time, Sun Yunguang probably couldn't stand it anymore, so she finally spoke. She sat next to Wu Yun and patted Wu Yun on the shoulder, "Let's just turn this over first? Let's talk about it anyway. We have to continue walking tomorrow, and just go to the conference then. Instead of feeling itchy now, it’s better to take action now.”

"Who the hell do you think you are?" Wu Yun, who was tapped on the shoulder, turned back and glared at Sun Yunguang, "Do you think you are my brother? It's your turn to persuade me?"

"But what you said does make sense, so I'll just listen to you for once."

"Thank you." Sun Yunguang nodded towards Wu Yun and then sat back.

Wu Yun didn't speak, and no one else spoke in the inn. Huang Xun had obviously always wanted to get closer to Hu with Wu Yun, but Wu Yun, who had already obtained the information he wanted, had no intention of paying attention to him anymore.

And the other party didn't know whether he was afraid of Wu Yun or something else, because Wu Yun didn't speak, and he never took the initiative to speak to Wu Yun after that.

After eating and drinking enough, Wu Yun lay on the bench, picking his teeth with a toothpick while continuing to browse his phone. This time he also had a power bank in his hand.

No one was surprised by his habit of bowing his head. Only a few of the six newcomers still looked at him curiously from time to time.

Nauka continued to tinker with Si Xianghui's pistol, and had even completely dismantled it into parts and reassembled it several times.

Now she has basically fully figured out the usage and structure of this pistol, and the love for this thing is getting stronger and stronger between her brows.

Seeing that Nauka liked this thing so much, Si Xianghui had no idea of ​​taking the pistol back. Since the other party liked it, it might as well just give it to him. It was of no use to him anyway.

Time continued to pass, and late into the night, the remaining six people were still in high spirits, continuing to drink wine and exchanging words in low voices from time to time.

Wu Yun, who had been lying on the stool playing with his mobile phone for more than an hour, seemed to be tired of it now. After stretching, he sat up from the chair and looked around.

Sun Yunguang had fallen asleep on the table, his cheeks were flushed, and he had obviously fainted from too much alcohol. Nauka was still playing with Si Xianghui's pistol, and he was equally energetic. Now he was playing tricks with the pistol.

As for Si Xianghui, he was holding his cheek with his hands, his eyelids were also fighting, and his head was extremely heavy and swaying there.

Several times, his hands could no longer support his head, and he let it fall. Then he woke up suddenly because of this, and then immediately propped his head up again, and then continued the cycle of swaying, failing to hold up, waking up, and holding up again.

"Alas, alas, alas, ha-yow-"

Wu Yun sat on the bench and stretched, and also yawned. Then he got up and walked to Lu Yan, who had sat back behind the counter, and knocked on the counter. "Go, go get me a room. I'm going back to my room to sleep." "Ah? Okay!" Lu Yan was also taking a nap, but Wu Yun just knocked on the counter and woke her up. Then she nodded, He took out a bunch of keys from the counter and said, "Please come with me, benefactor. Do you live on the second or third floor?"

"The third floor." Wu Yun said, and then asked, "There shouldn't be a bathroom inside, right?"

"Bathroom?" Lu Yan was stunned for a moment, but she quickly came to her senses, "You mean a bathroom? There really is one here, and it can put hot water at any time. This is the signature of my inn."

"Hey?" Wu Yun was a little surprised when he heard this, "I didn't expect that an ancient inn like yours would have such a thing inside? That's great."

"Haha." Lu Yan said with a smile, "As long as you like it, that's fine." While saying that, the two of them came to the second floor. Lu Yan used the key to open the door of a guest room on the second floor for Wu Yun, and then opened the door to a guest room on the second floor. Handing him the key: "Please come in."

"Yes." Wu Yun nodded, took the key and walked into the guest room. After looking up and down for a while, he nodded with satisfaction. Then he turned around and said, "It's really good."

After saying something to Lu Yan, he closed the door.

"As long as you like it! I'll also ask your other companions. They are probably sleepy at this time."

Lu Yan's voice came from outside the door, followed by the sound of her footsteps gradually moving away.

With a smile on her face and brisk steps, Lu Yan returned downstairs. However, as soon as she came downstairs, a strong smell of blood immediately entered her nose, causing her to frown instantly and her face to change dramatically.

She hurried back to the lobby, and immediately she saw the people who were suddenly at war with each other for some unknown reason.

And on the ground among the people, there was a severed hand lying quietly, with a pool of blood. The severed hand belonged to one of the subsequent six-person group, the middle-aged man who had previously spoken to Wu Yun.

At this moment, his face was pale and gloomy, one hand covering his shoulder that was missing an arm, and his eyes fixed on the woman opposite, Sun Yunguang.

In Sun Yunguang's hand, he was holding the long fish-head knife that had been unsheathed. There was a long blood groove on the blade. Under the light of the store, it reflected a coquettish luster.

"You, what are you doing for..."

Lu Yan opened her mouth and was about to speak, but before she could say a few words, among the six people confronting Sun Yunguang and his party, a shadow suddenly flew out, carrying a strong wind, towards Lu Yan The face door attacked.


But the next moment, before Lu Yan even reacted and realized what had happened, a loud bang exploded from behind Sun Yunguang.

Then, there was a muffled groan, and the shadow changed its position just before hitting Lu Yan, fell to the other side, rolled on the ground a few times, but then suddenly jumped away again——

But before the black shadow could come out, several loud noises exploded in succession. Along with these loud noises, the black shadow finally trembled violently a few times, stopped on the ground, and stopped doing anything. Moved.

A flash of bright red slowly trickled out from under the black figure, forming a red puddle on the ground.

At this time, when I looked around again, I realized that the black figure turned out to be a person. It's just that his stature is stooped and his appearance is weird. He doesn't look like any of the six people in the middle-aged Huang Xun.

(End of this chapter)

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