Give them a little funny shock

Chapter 353 Chapter 351 Departure

Chapter 353 Chapter 351 Departure ()

Wu Yun's assessment did not last long. The two of them fought for only about twenty seconds, which was enough for the examiner, General Luo Zhen, to evaluate Wu Yun's level.

"Yes, you are qualified."

When Luo Zhen made such comments about Wu Yun, Wu Yun immediately stopped what he was doing, so fast that even Luo Zhen couldn't react immediately.

He was about to subconsciously suppress Wu Yun so that this kid could calm down, but he didn't expect that before he could take action, this guy had already run out of the field by himself?
Then again, why is this kid so fast? Obviously he wasn't so fast during the exam just now?
"You kid..." Wu Yun, who had already run out of the field, Luo Zhen shook his head, "You kid, you are really... forget it."

Luo Zhen didn't intend to say anything to Wu Yun. In fact, 'sane' Earth talents like him were encouraged by the current Earth Empire. But it is a pity that most, it can be said that 99% of the people on earth cannot be as calm as him.

This is not an easy thing for people on earth.

Even if he is a top powerhouse like Luo Zhen, who is also known for his "stable mind" among powerhouses of the same level, he still can't control himself sometimes.

Just like the unlucky candidate at the beginning today, he died by his hands.

But Wu Yun was able to stop immediately when Luo Zhen only said "the assessment is over" under the circumstances just now, and the fighting spirit in his body disappeared instantly, and if Luo Zhen himself was brought into the world In this situation, even he might not be able to do this.

"What, what happened? General Luo?"

In fact, to put it simply, there is no privileged class. Because there is no privileged class, there is naturally no so-called 'meritor'. Similarly, 'making up for one's faults' or 'taking account of the merits made in the past' , naturally it doesn’t exist here either.

"Nothing! Let's go!" Luo Zhen waved his hand, but when he saw the expression on his face, he suddenly felt a little unhappy, so he cursed: "Fuck you, are you an earthling? Why are you so embarrassed? Does anyone still have this kind of expression?"

The Earth Empire is not a place with distinct classes. Wu Yun is actually quite clear about this. For example, even if you are the 'Emperor of the Empire', you still have to go out to the vegetable market to buy groceries every day like everyone else.

Merit is merit, and fault is fault. Merit can neither replace nor make up for the faults committed. You will be punished in any way.

Wu Yun, who heard Luo Zhen's voice, turned his head at this time, looked at Luo Zhen behind him who was hesitant to speak, and asked cautiously.

Wu Yun did not answer Luo Zhen's question, and Luo Zhen just complained casually and did not intend to dwell on this issue.

In addition, there is no way to make a fortune by getting promoted, because salary is not linked to grade, and benefits are not linked to grade.

Moreover, if you arrive late, the same good food will be picked up by others, leaving only garbage.

All in all, at this point, the Earth Empire is indeed much better than the Human Empire in Wu Yun's hometown.

In the wasteland society after the destruction of the human empire, there are basically various social forms.

Although they are all 'cities' in name, it's hard to say what kind of system is actually implemented in the city. What about slave republics, feudal monarchs, centralized monarchies, and... well, I won't talk about the others.

Yunguang City is somewhat similar to the Earth Empire here in some aspects, but it is only somewhat similar. Yunguang City has not eliminated the privileged class. The privileged class also exists in Yunguang City.

Although the rich have to pay very high taxes in Yunguang City, they pay taxes and they do enjoy some benefits that "ordinary people" in Yunguang City cannot enjoy.

Wu He actually didn't like this kind of thing, but he had no choice. Even though he was the strongest man in the world, some things still couldn't be controlled by his personal will.

The Empire's Conqueror Certificate was issued the day after Wu Yun passed the examination. He still had about three days of free time to deal with matters at home before officially heading to the Imperial Military Airport in Neverwinter.

But he didn't have anything to deal with, because his sister Wu Han was also a conqueror, and her "free period" was about to end, and she would rush to the front line with him soon.

There is currently no major war in the empire, and it is currently in a stalemate with its biggest enemy, the Covenant. The current situation between the two sides is that neither one can do anything to the other.

Wu Han is a second-level conqueror, and Wu Yun is a first-level conqueror. Conquerors of their level currently do not need to be dragged to the frontline battlefield between the Empire and the Star Alliance, because there is no point in going there.

Although the war with the Star Alliance has reached a stalemate, the empire's expansion in other directions has not stopped.

Some primitive civilizations that have not yet left the star system, or some early civilizations that have just begun to explore other star systems, or 'small interstellar civilizations' that control an area of ​​hundreds or even thousands of light-years in diameter.

These places are the goals of these low-level conquerors. To conquer a star system with a star system weapon, this is called making the best use of everything.

For some larger interstellar civilizations, such as those that control territories of thousands of light-years, a conqueror of level 4 or above usually brings several lower-level conquerors together to carry out conquest operations.

For example, Wu Yun is about to face the first conqueror military operation. He will join two other colleagues who have also just become conquerors. Under the leadership of a fifth-level conqueror, he will participate in an attack on a control area of ​​3,000 people. The conquest of a civilization five hundred light years in diameter.

The first conquest action of most first-level conquerors is like this. It is led by a veteran, plus a few other novice teammates, and they conquer a slightly 'larger' civilization together.

They will bring destruction and death to that civilization, leaving a deep imprint in their hearts - that is the infinite fear for the Earth Empire, the Galactic Empire, and the conquerors of the empire.

They will cry, howl, and beg for mercy, but those actions will mean nothing.

If a civilization does not choose to surrender unconditionally within the time given by the notice after the conquerors of the empire issue the first notice, then killing and death will be inevitable.

The black-winged angel who brings death, this is the image of the imperial conqueror among other civilizations in the universe.

(End of this chapter)

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