Give them a little funny shock

Chapter 354 Chapter 352 Departure

Chapter 354 Chapter 352 Departure ()

However, this black-winged angel is not actually the image of Earthlings. Although Earthlings are the most famous among other civilizations as a transcendent race in the Galactic Empire, the image of this 'black-clad angel of death' is not that of Earthlings. people.

It belongs to another race in the Galactic Empire, the Yumen, which is a race similar in appearance to the humans of the Earth Empire.

There is almost no difference between the two races in appearance. They both have two eyes, one nose, one mouth, two hands and two legs. But the Feathered People are just like their name: they have wings, while the Earthlings have no wings.

In addition, there are obvious differences between Earth people and Yu people in terms of appearance: Yu people are very androgynous in appearance, whether male or female. In the words of Earth people, they are very beautiful.

As for the people on Earth, regardless of whether they are male or female, their bodies are very 'generous', or in the words of the Yuren, 'very strong'.

After all, the average height of Yu people is about the same as that of Earthlings, and is even taller than that of Earthlings. The average height of Earthlings is 1.9 meters, while the average height of Yulings is two meters.

But in terms of size, Earthlings are much larger than Yuren.

The female Earthlings are okay, they are just tall and well-proportioned, some are a little stronger but they can still see perfect body curves, which is a very good figure in someone's eyes.

But male earthlings are different. Even there are male earthlings who look more androgynous, but they are often very strong in body, at least a bit stronger than ordinary feathered men.

The most destructive weapons possessed by its civilization are several star system energy focusing systems set up on the borders of its territory.

If coupled with wormhole technology, as long as the opposite side of the wormhole is set as the core area of ​​the enemy's forces, the powerful energy bombarded by the weapon system will be able to directly cause a devastating blow to the enemy civilization.

This time, Wu Yun's first Conqueror mission as a Conqueror was to be led by a Level 5 Featherman Conqueror, along with three Conqueror teammates, two Feathermen and an Earthling.

The relationship between Yu people and earth people is very good, and these two races are also the largest in number among the conquerors of the empire.

In human terms, Dyson focuses the beam. By collecting the energy of an entire star, focusing it on a point and then launching it, it is powerful enough to annihilate all obstacles in its path.

After reconnaissance by the advance team, this civilization seems to have taken control of all galaxies within a radius of 5,000 light-years from its parent star system, and has mastered relatively rudimentary means of interstellar jump.

Wu Yun is classified as a "potential newcomer" in the official files, so the first mission assigned to him by the imperial military is more difficult than that of ordinary conquerors.

"Brother, be careful."

After all, one shot can destroy thousands of... ah no, hundreds of millions of miles, directly destroying an entire star system. This is indeed a very deterrent and powerful destructive weapon.

On April 22nd, at the Imperial Air Force Port in Neverwinter City, in front of an imperial shuttle, my sister Wu Han stood under the stairs of the shuttle and said while adjusting Wu Yun's conqueror uniform.

The name they want to conquer this time is a rudimentary interstellar civilization on the edge of the Scarab Super Galaxy Cluster, which is two billion light years away from the empire's border.

This is a relatively rudimentary weapon system, and its price/performance ratio is not very high. It can even be said to be relatively low. But it is simple and crude, and it is the fastest destructive weapon that a civilization that has just entered the space age can build.

"Sister." Looking at his sister who was helping him sort out his clothes, Wu Yun hesitated for a while and then said, "How about... why don't you think about it and apply for retirement?"

"If there is already a conqueror in your family, you can apply for retirement. You might as well stay behind..."

"Why?" Wu Han interrupted Wu Yun and asked before Wu Yun could finish his words.

"I..." Wu Yun paused: "I'm afraid something will happen to you, after all... after all... the mortality rate of conquerors is not low. Your brother, I'm fine, I'm not afraid of death, but you..."

Wu Yun is really not afraid of death. He checked on his mobile phone before and found that the death insurance given by the system has not expired, but it can only be used for one mission, that is, until the end of the next mission.

"But if I am not a conqueror, won't something happen?" Wu Han did not directly reject Wu Yun, but asked rhetorically. Her rhetorical question made Wu Yun stunned for a moment.


Regardless of whether it is a conqueror or not, the Earth Empire is actually not a very 'safe' country. This safety does not mean that it will often be invaded by foreign enemies and often involved in wars.

It is the internal friction of the people on earth themselves.

"Then you, then you must pay attention to safety..." After his sister said this, Wu Yun no longer had the idea of ​​​​persuading her to retire. He could only nod his head with some discomfort and said to his sister:
"If you can't fight, just retreat. This is also encouraged by the empire. You must preserve your strength, instead of continuing to fight even though you know that you will die if you continue."

"You must, you must remember..."

"Yeah, I got it." Wu Han nodded. Her answer instantly caused several staff members nearby to turn their eyes here, looking at the two brothers and sisters with extremely shocked expressions.

Obviously, such conversations are not common in the lives of Earthlings. However, no one showed any contempt for this conversation between the brother and sister.

Obviously, the relationship between the newly conquered empire and his relatives is very good, and most importantly, this guy is able to express his feelings for his relatives.

People on earth do not have love, nor do they know how to love, let alone what sadness is and what care is.

They only have anger, endless anger. And an endless desire to fight.

This is the stereotype that most civilizations, even many civilizations in the Galactic Empire, have about people on earth.

But how could something like love not exist on earth? Of course, people on earth know love and also have sadness.

It's just because of their nature and some of their 'destinies' that they don't seem to understand these things and won't understand them.

Just like now, a few of the people looking at Wu Yun and Wu Han had envy on their faces.

"Then let's go."

At this time, Wu Yun's clothes had been sorted out. Wu Yun took a few steps back, turned around and walked up the stairs of the shuttle. After walking into the shuttle door, he turned back to look at his sister and waved to her:

"I'll call you when I get over there!"

"Okay." Wu Han also waved in response.

(End of this chapter)

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