Give them a little funny shock

Chapter 355 Chapter 353 I knew there were other intruders

Chapter 355 Chapter 353 I knew there were other intruders ()

Ten days later.

Scarab supercluster, Alba Lake star system.

'knock knock'

On the Conqueror battleship where Wu Yun was located, Wu Yun was lying on the bed bored and playing with his mobile phone. Although his mobile phone could not connect to the network in his hometown, he could still surf in the online world of this universe.

Therefore, this does not affect anything. Wu Yun can still play on the mobile phone when he should, and Wu Yun can still surf the Internet when he should surf the Internet.

Plus engage in online world war with others.

"I'm not here."

Facing the knock on the door, Wu Yun, who was fighting a shocking battle in the online world of this universe, immediately spoke.

Of course, soldiers can use the Internet and play with their mobile phones, even on the front line. The empire does not have corresponding confidentiality regulations on this. Many imperial soldiers will make videos to make money when they are on the front line, and some even directly broadcast live broadcasts.

As for whether this will cause the troops to be detected by the enemy and then accurately struck?
The distance from the super galaxy cluster where the empire is located to the scarab super galaxy cluster that is the target of this mission is two billion light years. Even with the tyrannical technological strength of the Galactic Empire, its fleet would have to travel for at least twenty days to arrive. destination.

The relationship between Yu people and Earth people is very good, so Earth people are also the race with the most marriages to Yu people. As a star race in the Galactic Empire, no, in the entire known universe, the Yuren's reputation is actually much better than that of the Earthlings.

Therefore, you can use one sentence to describe him, that is: "It's finished! I'm surrounded by beautiful women!"

And unlike the people on Earth who disdain the use of means during battle, let alone sneak attacks, as long as the battle begins, they will not hesitate to use any means that allow them to fight.

Among the five conquerors on board the Babalola, only Wu Yun was male, and the others were female, including his fellow Earthling.

But unlike Wu Yun's attitude towards her, Ms. Liu Zhongyu's attitude towards Wu Yun was very good. From the moment she got on the ship, she showed unusual concern for Wu Yun.

Although this is actually a race that is more cruel than the people on Earth: cruel, bloodthirsty, and extremely violent.

Five conquerors, one fifth-level conqueror plus four first-level conquerors, plus more than a dozen conqueror retinues, as well as a large number of accompanying combat robots and engineering robots, on this two-kilometer-long conqueror battleship This is the case with staffing.

As for the other crew members on board, there were no more. There were only a dozen or twenty people on board the huge battleship.

There is nothing wrong with this, because the other four conquerors are indeed very beautiful, whether they are fellow conquerors from the earth or the feathered conquerors from the feathered empire.

As for the faster wormhole portal, because Wu Yun and the others are the vanguard of the Elbalak star system, they are also responsible for the task of going to Elbalak to build a space wormhole.

The fifth-level conqueror who is responsible for leading their four first-level conquerors is Liu Chongyu from the Yuren Empire, a 325-year-old young Yuren woman. She is very young and beautiful, but Wu Yun is very fond of her. It is to be kept at a respectful distance.

The imperial army participating in the El Balak military operation only had one warship, the 'Barbarola'. For the empire, conquering a civilization of this level only required the dispatch of a military force of this size.

Whether it is a sneak attack or a false surrender, there are also various underhanded tricks. In addition to using more enemies to defeat enemies without justice, basically all kinds of dirty methods will be used.

But even so, the Yu people's reputation among other civilizations is still much better than that of the people on Earth. As for the reason, the reason is very simple: pure appearance.

Although Earthlings and Yumen look similar in appearance, their temperaments are extremely different. Even if they are a race that looks completely different from humans and has different aesthetics, they can still feel a 'temperament' from Yu Ren, a temperament called 'holy' and 'noble'.

It can only be said that races born with wings are different from races without wings, and are more noble.

At this time, the person knocking on the door of Wu Yun's room was the owner of the ship, the captain of the Babalola, Liu Zhongyu. Wu Yun didn't even need to wait for the other party to call Wu Yun's name, Wu Yun already knew the other party's identity.

As for why we know it, the reason is very simple:
This woman was the only one on the whole ship who would come and knock on the door of his room while she was idle all day long. Then find a way to sneak in, and then talk to him about all kinds of things and get close to him.

And she likes to look at him with a strange look.

As Wu Yun has an excellent rapport with women, and every time he is in a movie, he will be accompanied by a beautiful female partner who is absolutely loyal and devoted to him. Obviously, in the mission world of Dimensional City, his setting is also the same. Effective.

In fact, not only the captain, Ms. Liu Zhongyu, but also the other two female feathers in the team were somewhat interested in Chen Bei.

The only one who was better was his compatriot, a female conqueror named Wang Yu.

This is a very traditional Earth woman, that is, a woman whose brain is full of muscles and who prefers fighting to falling in love.

"I have something urgent to ask you. Can you let me in? Wu Yun?"

After Wu Yun shouted towards the door, Liu Zhongyu's voice also came through the door of the room.

It was a gentle, intellectual female voice, full of feminine charm. But this is obviously of no use to Wu Yun.

"If you have anything to do, just go to the conference room for a meeting. Why do you want to come to my room?"

Wu Yun didn't want this woman to enter his room, because Wu Yun didn't want anything to happen to her.

Yu people have a very loyal attitude toward love. When their spouse dies due to an accident, they will never marry again for the rest of their lives, and may even die in depression.

Under such a racial background, Wu Yun did not want to have anything to do with this woman who had an obvious affection for him.

Don't think about it at all.

"I really have something urgent to do with you! Wu Yun, just let me in..."

Faced with Wu Yun's straightforward rejection, Liu Zhongyu outside the door did not give up. Yu Ren was also very persistent in pursuing love.

But fortunately, when they pursue someone, they still won't do it like they do after they have established a relationship with someone.

Therefore, as long as you are determined enough, you can still make them give up.

"I will report you if you do this again! Please respect yourself!"


(End of this chapter)

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