Give them a little funny shock

Chapter 370 368 Blue Jay

Chapter 370 368 Blue Jay ()

Destruction, and death. This was the only view that Blue Jay saw after nearly twenty days of sailing to his destination, a place that had long been conquered by the conquerors of the Galactic Empire.

There is only death and destruction and nothing else.

There is no longer any pain, wailing, or anger, only endless numbness.

Well, to be more precise, he actually doesn't care who the person ruling over him is, and he still looks like an ordinary person living his life.

At the beginning of the Albalak civilization, Albalak was already ruling the Albalak.

This is the origin of the name of this civilization, and also the origin of the name of this race.

Only those with the blood of "El Balak" are qualified to rule Al Balak. This is the consensus of all the people in the El Balak civilization.

"Elba" actually means "people" in this civilization, and "Balak" means "ruler".

As for the two words put together, the meaning of the word, or the surname, is naturally very clear.

There is no doubt that for all the "Elba" of the Elba Lake civilization, the "Elba Lake" should be the ruler by nature.

Since the entire history of civilization, the legitimacy of El Balek's rule has never been questioned.

It’s unknown whether there really isn’t that, but most Elba has no doubt about it anyway.

But now, Elbalek, who had ruled Elba for many years, suddenly disappeared.

News that appears on TV shows, fire raining from the sky, cities burning in the distance, and weird machines that have never been seen before all over the city can attest to this.

Since then, the Elbaleks, or Elba, have had a new ruler.

A ruler named "Galactic Empire".

"This place is simply hell..."

When he set foot on a border planet in El Balak, looking at the countless ruins on the planet, the Blue Jay's deputy shook his head and sighed.

There is not a corpse to be seen here because the body of an ordinary human being simply cannot withstand any blow from the Conqueror or the Conqueror Expedition Ship, or even those combat robots.

The mortal body appears so fragile in such a battle, as small as a grain of sand in the desert.

With such power, they can't even leave any trace.


But unlike the deputy's performance, after Blue Jay glanced at the surrounding environment, especially the ruins of the city, the battleships and satellite debris that crashed to the ground, she had a somewhat different view.

Observing the surrounding environment, Blue Jay slowly said: "Is it okay here? I don't feel any bad atmosphere here."

The strong men in Star Alliance Wars basically have the same abilities as a certain lady named Sun in the world of Wu Yun's first mission, so there was no fluctuation in Blue Crow's heart about those people who died on this planet.

However, her deputy, the Earthling, was quite intolerant of this. Blue Jay is a very beautiful person who can sacrifice her life for the safety and justice of innocent people. She is the most orthodox Virgin.

However, she is a holy mother, but she is also a decisive person. In the face of evil and ugliness, she will also strike hard and show no mercy.

This border planet is an important border area for El Balak, so the troops stationed here are naturally the most elite troops in the empire, that is, they are all composed of El Balak with the surname "El Balak".

Their number is around 50 million. As the ruling class of the Elbalak civilization, Albalak naturally controls all the military power of this civilization.

A civilization with a control area of ​​10,000 light-years, while ensuring quality and quantity. The size of its army generally does not exceed 5 billion, of which elite troops account for about 25%.

El Balak controls all the military power of civilization, and as a large family with a population of several billion, the number of soldiers serving in the military system is naturally staggering.

The number of Albalek's most elite troops is almost 500 million, and these 500 million people are all Albalek with the surname "Elbalek".

They have the best equipment, the most adequate training, and the highest priority logistics support.

Of course, there is also the most important thing, the most powerful fleet in the entire civilization.

Living in the Elbalek civilization as an "Elba" and accepting the rule of the Elbaleks is not actually a very tragic thing, otherwise the Elbalics would have rebelled long ago.

After all, no matter how inoffensive or indifferent an intelligent species is, life must survive.

It needs to survive, and if it cannot survive, life will naturally find a way to survive.

However, we are now in the interstellar age, so rebellion is not that easy.

It is obviously not difficult for a civilization that has developed to this level to find people with this intention and carry out targeted elimination.

Before being conquered by the conquerors, the number of people living on this planet was approximately 4 billion, of which 3.8 billion were civilians and 200 million were military.

Excluding the army's logistics personnel, the number of combat soldiers on this planet is approximately 85 million.

The population ratio of most interstellar civilization fortress planets is basically the same, and El Balak is not special in this regard.

The conqueror responsible for dealing with this planet is Wang Yu. In just ten minutes, she has completely swept across the entire planet's surface, turning it into the ruins it is now.

During its operation, the population of the planet was lost as high as 1.2 billion, especially the Elbalek army stationed on the planet, and basically no one was spared.

As for the civilians, the loss in the number of civilians living on this planet is not great. They can even be called "rare", with only two to three billion in number.

As for the civilians who did not die in this operation, because the surface of the planet had become uninhabitable after Wang Yu's sweep, they had been moved to other planets in the star system where they were located.

A livable planet is not this cold and dark fortress planet.

Speaking of which, Wang Yu herself was quite surprised at the small number of population losses she caused when she conquered this fortress planet.

Because Wang Yu is not a "kind-hearted" conqueror of the Earth Empire. In past conquest missions, her normal performance was to directly kill nearly half of a planet's population at one time.

(End of this chapter)

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