Give them a little funny shock

Chapter 371 269 Blue Jay

Chapter 371 269 Blue Jay ()

The planet that Blue Jay and his deputies arrived on was no longer inhabited, and only the ruins of these former cities remained on the entire planet.

The two walked around the planet and found that they did not see any signs of life, so they planned to leave for the next planet.

As a planet on the edge of this star system, its responsibility in the past was just a simple border defense line. The entire star system had no other role except strategic significance.

After the El Balak civilization was conquered by the conquerors from the Galactic Empire, this border galaxy no longer needed to assume its previous responsibilities.

This place now belongs to the territory of the Galactic Empire. Although the civilization has not yet been accepted by the Galactic Empire, the final fate waiting for them is likely to be abandoned by the empire together with this galaxy after the source crystal resources nearby are exhausted.

The Galactic Empire will not include all the areas they conquered under its rule. This mainly depends on how many 'value points' the civilization can receive from the department responsible for evaluating the value of civilization.

Only civilizations with higher value points are eligible to join the Galactic Empire and become a member of the Galactic Empire. As for the low-value ones, the Galactic Empire will not directly exterminate them after using them up. They can still find a way out.

Apply to purchase a star area with a favorable environment from the Galactic Empire, and with the help of the Empire, move your family there and start a new life. And that area is controlled by the Galactic Empire, and they will never need to worry about being invaded by others.

Of course, apart from being invaded by other neighbors who are also under the control of the Galaxy Empire, the Galaxy Empire will not care about this kind of thing. They are only responsible for 'selling houses' and are not responsible for providing property services.

If you have a deep love for your hometown, you can naturally continue to live in your hometown. However, in the face of a hometown where all resources have been collected by the Galaxy Empire and no longer have any development value, it is hard to say whether they can make a comeback if they continue to stay here.

"What are you doing here, outsiders?"

It did not surprise the two of them. After walking around the planet, and when they were about to leave, a red comet appeared from the horizon. Its speed reached an astonishing 0.1 times the speed of light. In an instant, He had already arrived in front of the two of them.

He has neat short hair and a delicate and heroic appearance. He is the conqueror of the earth on the Liuzhongyu ship - Wang Yu.

Stopping in front of Blue Jay and her deputy, Wang Yu glanced at Blue Jay, then looked at the Earthling beside her, and stayed on him for a moment.

There was a hint of surprise in her eyes as she looked at the Earthling: "Are you an Earthling?"

"It used to be," the Blue Jay's deputy replied calmly, "Any questions?"

"No." Wang Yu shrugged, "I don't care who you were in the past or who you are now. Now, tell me your origins, outsiders."

"This is the territory of the Galactic Empire. You have trespassed into our territory without permission. I hope to get a reasonable explanation. Of course, no explanation is okay."

As she spoke, a breath rose from Wang Yu's body. She looked at the two people in front of her with burning eyes. Although both of them were much stronger than her: one was at the level of a fourth-level conqueror, while the other was There are three conqueror levels.

No matter which one it is, it is obviously not something she can touch now, but Wang Yu doesn't care.

She is a traditional earthling, very traditional.

She will not back down because of the strength of the enemy. The stronger the enemy, the stronger the fighting spirit in her heart will be. Even if it is a life-or-death battle, she will rush forward without hesitation. This is the people of the earth, this is the soul of the earth, unlike someone...

"I'm here to challenge the conquerors responsible for conquering this galaxy." The blue jay ignored Wang Yu's vigorous fighting spirit, because she was not his opponent, nor was he his goal in coming to this place.

Her target is the main conqueror, the Yu Ren whose identity she still doesn't know, her former compatriot, Liu Zhong Yu.

"You are not my target, so you can contact your superiors, Conqueror."

"Hmph." After hearing Blue Crow's words, Wang Yu's fighting spirit disappeared instantly. The effect of this sentence was very good. A remark to avoid war can calm down an earthling who is fighting vigorously in an instant, just like now.

Wang Yu snorted coldly, and then disappeared in front of the two people in an instant.

Since she is here to kick the gym, she will naturally follow the procedures for kicking the gym.

If you don't want to be invaded by the Galactic Empire, but you don't have enough military power to resist the Galactic Empire's army, or you have been invaded by the Empire and want to drive away the invaders without sufficient military strength, there is actually a way. .

And this method is dueling.

Challenge the conqueror responsible for conquering the area to a duel. If successful, the empire will immediately withdraw military operations in the area, or cancel military operations in the area, and pay corresponding war compensation.

At the same time, the empire will also promise that in the next thousand years, it will not commit any crimes against the civilization and will not invade or attack the region by any means.

If it is an area conquered by the Imperial Group Army, this method is also applicable, but the target of the challenger is not the conqueror, but the senior general of the Galactic Empire in this large-scale war——

A warrior of the Galactic Empire.

This war general is basically a lieutenant general, sometimes a general. A lieutenant general is a seventh-level conqueror, and an admiral is an eighth-level conqueror. Of course, if it is an area conquered by a relatively large-scale legion, then the general the challenger needs to challenge may be a general.

The empire has two military ranks: brigadier general and senior colonel. This is mainly to correspond to the first to ninth level conquerors in the empire's conqueror system. Major corresponds to the first level conqueror, and general corresponds to the ninth level conqueror.

As for the higher level, there is actually a marshal, but a marshal is generally a commanding general who is responsible for commanding the troops. He is not responsible for directly participating in the battle, and naturally is not divided based on personal strength.

Most of the Nine Heavenly Generals are imperial generals, and there are also a few marshals among them, but they are generals because of their commanding abilities, not because of their personal strength.

As a fifth-level conqueror, Liu Chongyu's strength level is brigadier general level, which is commonly known as 'half-step general level...' Well, this is a folk saying.

Folks are always relatively middle-class, and have their own set of names for the division of strength levels, such as Kaitian, Broken Star, Fuyu, and Qingzhou.

(End of this chapter)

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