Give them a little funny shock

Chapter 372 270 Blue Jay

Chapter 372 270 Blue Jay ()

"I heard you were looking for me?"

Wang Yu quickly reported the news to Liu Zhongyu who was on the Imperial Conqueror expedition ship. After getting the news, Liu Zhongyu also rushed over quickly.

As Yumen, their enthusiasm for fighting is on par with the people on earth. This is the main reason why these two races can come together and have a particularly good relationship.

The relationship between the Yu people and the people on earth is the best. In the Galactic Empire, it is so good that it is almost like you have me and I have you.

This is not just because the two sides are highly similar in appearance, but also because the level of abstraction between the two sides is also very close. It can be said that they have the same chemistry, work together, celebrate each other, and are even more powerful...


When she appeared in front of Blue Jay, Liu Zhongyu herself had a very dull expression on her face, but the Blue Jay opposite her was different.

The moment he saw this woman, the blue jay's pupils suddenly shrank, and he froze on the spot.

It was a face she had never seen before, but was extremely familiar.

It wasn't because of the other person's race, because this wasn't her first time coming into contact with a feathered person. If she was facing only one feathered person, she would still be able to maintain the most basic composure.

Even her mood may not change much. Although she will become extremely cold, at least she will be calm enough.

However, when she saw Liu Zhongyu, especially the purple fluff on Liu Zhongyu's forehead and the iconic red color at the corners of her eyes, these all revealed to her the other person's identity: she came from a The noble feathered family, the noble feathered warrior family - Liuzhongyu.

Liuzhongyu is a famous family in the Yuren Empire. In the past and present history, this family has produced countless top warriors, and the strong men in their family have opened up new realms of martial arts time and time again.

They are the best warriors in the empire, but they are also the most brutal warriors in the empire.


The moment she saw that iconic feature, the down on Blue Jay's body exploded and her blade feathers stood up, which meant that she had entered a fighting stance.

"Oh?" After seeing the iconic appearance of Blue Jay, Liu Zhongyu, although not as emotional as the other party, was still quite surprised:
"Are you a Raven?"

She looked this beautiful woman up and down while also assessing her strength. It was not powerful, just the level of a fourth-level conqueror, which also made her less interested.

However, when she noticed some 'unique' marks on the other person's body, she also recognized the other person's identity.

"Yes." The anger in Blue Jay's heart was already burning, and her soul was already trembling at this time. But she still suppressed her anger and answered the other party's question.

"Not bad." Liu Zhongyu could also feel the anger of the other party, the anger that went straight to the soul. But she didn't care. Instead, she looked at Blue Jay with admiration and nodded towards her:
"Your family is a respectable warrior family, and I would like to express my respect to you. In addition, the heads of your ancestors are also well preserved by us."

"If you still choose to fight me, I will collect your head with the highest standards."

After Liu Zhongyu said the above words, Blue Jay, who had been suppressing her anger, finally couldn't bear it anymore. The corners of her eyes were even torn, blood and tears burst out, and a harsh roar came from her mouth. , echoing on this planet that no longer has any life:

"Then come on!!!" Although Liu Zhongyu was a very young Yuren and had not participated in the war that her fathers participated in, it was still tens of thousands of years before she was born.

But Liu Zhongyu also has memories of the brave warrior family among the Crow people.

Feathermen have a habit of collecting body parts of defeated adversaries, usually heads. They will also record the stories of those opponents and pass them on to their descendants, so that the names of those opponents will be passed down forever.

This is the respect the Yu people have for their enemies, although this respect may seem like a cruel show off to most other civilizations.

But the Yuren themselves don't think so, and they don't care what others think.

Blue Jay's family is obviously such a family. Some of her physical features reminded Liu Zhongyu of information about her former family.

Blue Jay's surname is Lan. There are many people with this surname Blue, but the family that Blue Jay belongs to is the more famous one.

It was a great warrior family with a noble spirit and unyielding will, and this Blue Jay lady was obviously a descendant of that family.

In other words, the last descendant.

She is the only one left in Blue Crow's family. As for the other members of her clan, they all died in the war between the crows and the feathered people. This is their duty as warriors. In this regard, Blue Crow does not I don't think it's that sad.

It's just that the Crow people are different from the Yu people. Unlike the Yu people who advocate 'any means' in battle, the Crow people have the same view of fighting as the people on Earth. Therefore, the Blue Jay only felt humiliated and angry about the death of his parents and relatives.

This is also the difference between Crows and Earthlings. Although they won't fight with more than less in a duel, they don't care whether others beat them one-on-one or in a group.

"as you wish."

Facing Blue Jay's anger, Liu Zhongyu still had an indifferent smile on his face. He just nodded slightly, and at the same time easily dodged dozens of attacks launched by the blue jay in a thousandth of a second, and launched a counterattack with an elegant and indifferent attitude.

Her sharp claws tore open Blue Jay's chest, drawing out streaks of blood. In an instant, the distance between the two people changed from face to face to hundreds of thousands of kilometers apart.

"You can also bring your deputy along, I don't mind."

Floating in the stratosphere of the planet, with the curvature of the planet's surface visible below, Liu Zhongyu shook off the blood on his fingers, with that indifferent and elegant smile still on his face.

Although their attack methods are extremely vicious and their fighting styles are extremely violent, they are able to still retain that kind of nobility amidst this madness and viciousness, the kind of nobility that people can't forget once they see it.

Noble indeed. The Yuren's temperament is indeed something that no Earthling can learn, although no Earthling would envy this temperament.

This battle will not be an interesting battle for Liu Zhongyu. Although I don't mind the abuse of food, it really doesn't have a trace.

At the same time, Yuren don't mind if their opponents in battle attack them, because their own fighting philosophy is 'no taboos'.

(End of this chapter)

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