Give them a little funny shock

Chapter 375 Chapter 373 Are you the protagonist?

Chapter 375 Chapter 373 Are you the protagonist? (one)

As a protagonist, although Jet himself does not know that he is a protagonist, he is always very unlucky and always encounters things and people he does not want to encounter at all.

Just like now, he originally just heard from the boss of Old Possum that there was a good order here, and asked him if he would take it. He said that the reward was good and the money was high. So Jet, who happened to be short of money, immediately completed the task without saying a word.

Then he came here, and then he ran into the Galactic Empire.

He is not someone who is inexperienced in the world. As a mercenary and bounty hunter, he flies around the universe all day long. He is very clear about the name of the Galactic Empire.

That was a country that a bounty hunter like him never wanted to mess with, and he had never heard that the Galactic Empire had activities in this region before taking the mission.

But unfortunately, the other party is indeed active in this star area.

Fortunately, although the Galactic Empire is an extremely cruel and aggressive military country, if it is just a 'bounty hunter' like him, there is still no problem in operating in the areas controlled by the Galactic Empire.

Even if they accidentally enter some controlled areas that are not allowed to enter, as long as they come out, the Galactic Empire officials will not take any special action against bounty hunters like them. At most, they will drive them away.

Half of the Galactic Empire's aggression is directed at other civilizations, mainly their lands. As for those individuals in civilization, except for the casualties caused during war, in other periods, they basically will not care about those people.

Jet was able to leave safely. Although Wu Yun was scolding him, he had no intention of taking action against him. Although this was mainly because Jet was obviously stronger than him, Wu Yun could only get his fill of fighting over others here.

In this world of missions, where you can easily find a few strong men who are much stronger than yourself by just grabbing one on the roadside, Wu Yun naturally seems to be very low-key. To be precise, he is actually a bitch, because he has a bad mouth the whole time.

He has no strength, but his mouth is very mean. Isn't this just being mean? However, most people on earth are really like this. On the contrary, it is Wu Yun's hometown. Most people really can't be so mean.

Facing the insult from the conqueror of the Galaxy Empire, Jet just raised his eyebrows, but he was not angry. He did not think the other party's words were offensive, although being called an old man was indeed a bit insulting. .

Jeter has always felt that he is still very young, and he is indeed very young. He is only 500 years old this year. As a member of the Star Alliance and a level five conqueror, his lifespan is basically as long as the stars in the sky.

The Star Alliance is an extremely powerful association of civilizations with an extremely long history. It is the most powerful opponent the Galactic Empire has encountered since it broke out of the galaxy.

Although the current war between the Empire and the Covenant is in a period of dominance, the Covenant is being defeated steadily.

Before the Star Alliance encountered the Galactic Empire, the two sides had no contact. If the Empire hadn't attacked them, it is estimated that given the temperament of the Star Alliance, there would be nothing between the two countries in tens of thousands of years. contacts.

Unlike the aggressive Earthlings, the Covenant's impression on other civilizations in the universe is that of gentle, good-natured people.

But gentleness and good-naturedness do not mean that the Star Alliance is weak. In fact, the Star Alliance is very powerful, otherwise it would not have been able to sustain the empire's fierce offensive for so long, or even be able to complete the counterattack in the end. As a comic with the Star Alliance as the protagonist, the Star Alliance certainly represents the most upright and upright force in the universe, and it is indeed upright and upright enough: it never bullies the weak, and it never hesitates to help emerging civilizations. I even dare to give you any technology.

Of course, the premise is that civilizations recognized by the Star Alliance can enjoy the treatment of "all technologies are given". As for civilizations that are not so "honest", that is, not so kind, the most they can do is to give them some basic technologies so that they can Break out of the star system.

The Covenant is like the Blue Jay, helpful and kind-hearted, but at the same time they also have some thunderous methods and can also carry out some murderous acts.

And Jet is a very typical Covenant: if he was the only one here, even if the Covenant and the Galactic Empire were currently hostile, he would most likely follow the words of the conqueror who insulted him. Donkey, leave here immediately and act as if nothing happened.

Even though this civilization is obviously suffering from the invasion of the Galactic Empire, even though this may torture his conscience, he may still run away, because he is one of the more cowardly among the Covenant people.

But now, in front of him, there were two parts of a human body lying, and there was no sign of losing life in the two parts of the body. It was obvious that she could still be saved, but the two conquerors obviously had no intention of letting the woman on the ground live.

When such a situation appeared in front of Jett, he had no way to turn a blind eye.

"She no longer has the ability to resist, why don't you let her go? You two?" Without any hesitation, Jet just sighed, then walked up to Blue Jay and blocked her body behind him.

"Would you Earthlings take action against someone who has fallen to the ground and lost any ability to resist?"

"Isn't this in line with the way you Earthlings behave?"

"This is mine...well, we can deal with our defeated generals how we want to deal with them. What the hell does this have to do with you?" Facing Jet's words, Wu Yun stood directly beside Liu Zhongyu. , and even moved back, looking like a complete bitch.

"It's so cute." Liu Zhongyu, who was regarded by Wu Yun as a fox pretending to be a tiger, noticed Wu Yun's small movements, his eyes instantly curled up, and he whispered.

"Huh?" In an instant, Wu Yun felt the hairs on his body stand on end. But he still had no intention of leaving the other party's side, because compared to facing the fifth-level conqueror whose origins he didn't know, it would be better to continue being sexually harassed by this boss.

Wu Yun didn't know why Liu Zhongyu had such a good impression of him. He couldn't understand it at all. All I can say is...well, this is what happens to people who are too handsome and too charming.

There's nothing wrong with this, and it's not all bragging, because Wu Yun's charm is indeed very high.

"Well, I don't want to care about the flirting between you." Looking at the little moves between the couple in front of him, for some reason, Jet suddenly felt an unknown fire rising in his heart.

As a man whose marriage and love have failed, he despises this the most.

(End of this chapter)

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