Give them a little funny shock

Chapter 376 Chapter 374 We surrender!

Chapter 376 Chapter 374 We surrender! (two)
"If you want to flirt, then please continue. I wonder if you can let me take the lady on the ground away?" After calming down for a while, Jet let out a long sigh and looked towards Liu Zhongyu and Wu Yun asked:

"You have already won this battle, so there is no point in continuing to attack the seriously injured person on the ground, right? She seems to be seriously injured. Why don't you let me take her back for treatment?"

"After she recovers from her injuries, she will continue to come to you for revenge. At that time, you can beat her again after she has grown up."

"I think this should be a very interesting thing for both you earthlings and you feathered people, right?"

"What do you think?" Faced with Jet's proposal, Liu Zhongyu neither agreed nor refused, but turned his eyes to Wu Yun beside him and asked.

"Are you sure you can kill him, boss?" Wu Yun asked Liu Zhongyu directly.

"Yes." Liu Zhongyu nodded.

"Then just beat this damn Star Alliance man to death." Wu Yun curled his lips, glanced at Jet, and then continued: "As for that Crow Man..."

"I think we can take her back for interrogation. Why did she come here suddenly? Oh yes, I think we can take this Covenant back for interrogation. We should be able to catch a lot of things."

"You are very good at strategies?" Liu Zhongyu looked at Wu Yun with some surprise and said, "You are indeed the person I like..."


Originally, Wu Yun would be very happy to hear this, because it was an affirmation of his amazing wisdom and superb resourcefulness. It would definitely make him happy, it would definitely make him happy.


As for not recruiting? How could something like that happen? ?

He is indeed a first-level conqueror. Whether it is from the energy and blood contained in his body or the aura that overflows, he is a serious and genuine first-level conqueror.

However, his offensive did stop with Wu Yun's sudden insertion.

When the six layers of feathers slammed into the depths of a planet, and Jet, who was also scarred but had already won the battle, was preparing to deal the final blow to this fierce feather man, Wu Yun finally It was at this time that he rushed to Jeter, knelt down and surrendered to Jeter.

In the dark void, Jett, whose chest was glowing with light, looked at the Earthling who could rush to him and surrender to him in such a short time. His face suddenly showed a look of astonishment, and his whole person also followed suit. Stunned.



"Take her away!!!"

"You can take me away! You can take me away!!! We surrender, we surrender!!!"

So, three hours later.

"You guy..." He looked at Wu Yun who was standing in front of him. Hearing what the other person said, he looked up and down at Wu Yun with some surprise.

But now, coupled with the words behind Liu Zhongyu, Wu Yun's mood is a bit complicated at the moment.

If nothing can be found through torture, then leave it to the professionals who will come over at that time. This guy will definitely be recruiting for everything by then.

But this kind of thing is not important at the moment. The most important thing now is to deal with the damn guy in front of him, capture him, and then imprison him on Liu Zhongyu's battleship and torture him severely.

"No! We surrender! We surrender!!!!"

How did a first-level conqueror rush straight in front of him before he could even react? ? ? This guy……

what happened?

Moreover...listen to the other party's begging for mercy and combine it with the other party's identity as an Earthling. Jet only felt that the unknown fire in his heart became even stronger.

Damn it, why? Why?
As a man who has failed extremely in love, he hates to see such a scene. At this time, he even had an impulse in his heart, an impulse to send away the guy in front of him and the guy embedded in the planet.

However, he is a member of the Star Alliance after all, and is not so impulsive and crazy. Even the people on earth would not be so crazy.

So he stopped.

Jet looked at Wu Yun in front of him with burning eyes, looking at the expression on his face, and after being silent for a while, he nodded.


After saying that, his figure disappeared in front of Wu Yun. As for where he went, Wu Yun didn't care at all. After Jet disappeared, he immediately rushed into the thick atmosphere of the planet behind him.

It was a gas giant passing through ammonia clouds composed of white ammonia crystals, passing through deep layers that light could no longer reach, passing through hurricanes with speeds exceeding 1,700 kilometers per second, and passing through huge arcs produced by static electricity. Where the sun cannot reach, it is like daylight.

Finally, Wu Yun reached the surface of this gas giant, an ocean of liquid metallic hydrogen under huge pressure.

It is a white, pure ocean. The pressure here is two hundred atmospheres and the temperature is about nine thousand degrees Celsius.

In the depths of this white ocean, the deepest part of this gas giant, in a solid sphere composed of highly compressed rocks, metals and foreign ice, Wu Yun found the seriously injured Liuyue Yu.

He walked over, dug out the six-layered feather from the core of the gas giant, and held it in his arms.

"Cough cough."

Rising to the surface of the metal ocean, Liu Zhongyu coughed heavily and spit out a large amount of blood and organ fragments.

In this ocean of nine thousand degrees Celsius and one million atmospheres of pressure, neither Wu Yun, who came to rescue people, nor Liu Layyu, who was seriously injured and almost dying, were not affected by the environment in the slightest.

After reaching the realm of conquerors, the stars are no longer something that needs to be "looked up" to these powerful people.

They are not sacred or grand.

They are just marbles in the universe that can be bounced around at will.

Every attack of the Conquerors is comparable to a supernova explosion, and each of their flashes can form tiny black holes in place.

They represent the highest level of personal power in this universe and are truly...

God among men.



Liu Zhongyu was held in Wu Yun's arms, and one of her eyes was gone. But at this moment, the remaining eye was staring at Wu Yun, not wanting to move away even for a moment.

She suddenly realized that her heart had been completely filled, although her chest was actually empty at the moment.

This kind of situation usually doesn't happen to Yuren before the relationship is confirmed, but there will always be unusual times in life.

As for Wu Yun at this moment, he was also numb.

The empire is not
(End of this chapter)

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