Give them a little funny shock

Chapter 389 385 I am really a time traveler

Chapter 389 Chapter 385 I am really a time traveler ()

Contribution points are another 'currency' besides regular currency in the Galactic Empire, but this is not important.

"What on earth do you want to do?"

After beating Barrow, Wu Yun, who was in a much better mood, turned to look at the blue jay who also followed him into space, and asked very displeasedly:

"Didn't I say that the duel will begin when the person responsible for dueling you arrives? What are you doing coming to me at this time?"

"Don't be so nervous, Major Wu Yun." Blue Crow tilted his head and looked at Wu Yun and said, "I won't do anything to you. You don't need to be so afraid."

"Who the hell said I'm scared?" Wu Yun was angry, "I just don't like you following me. Can you get out? It's so fucking annoying."

"I still have some questions to ask you." Faced with Wu Yun's rude expulsion, the Blue Jay did not leave cooperatively like last time, but continued to look at him, tilted his head and said:
"I'm really curious about you, so I have some questions. I hope you can answer my doubts."

"Are you fucking crazy?" Wu Yun looked at the woman in front of him like a fool and asked. "Why do you think I will answer your questions? Where do you get your confidence from? You are so ordinary and so confident, are you fucking sick?"

"You are really different from ordinary earthlings." The blue crow was not angry at Wu Yun's insult. Instead, he became even more curious about Wu Yun:
"Sure enough, you are completely different from ordinary earthlings. Why is that?"

"Then, can you tell me about your hometown, your hometown in your previous life?"

Then the situation became a bit embarrassing, but fortunately he responded in time, stopped what he said, and changed his curse:

"What the hell does this have to do with you?"

"This is not their nonsense. I am not from Earth. I was reincarnated from another universe..." Faced with Blue Crow's question, Wu Yun subconsciously told the answer.

"Whether it's the Covenant's money or Amblina's money, in our Galactic Empire it's all..." Wu Yun wanted to say this, but rejected Blue Crow with a nonchalant tone.

"Fuck, so what if it is, so what if it's not? What does this have to do with you??" However, because he didn't like the woman Blue Jay, Wu Yun's attitude was still very bad.

"Last life?" Wu Yun rolled his eyes, "Whatever, if you say it was your last life, then it is your last life, but why should I tell you? I don't like you at all, and we are in a hostile relationship."

Wu Yun also noticed the expression on Blue Jay's face when he said this. It has to be said that when everyone in the world, even the people who trust you the most, don't believe what you say, it seems a bit strange to suddenly pop up. I believe you, it will indeed make people feel a little different.

"Nonsense..." So Wu Yun said and revealed his mouth again.

Blue Jay seemed to be taking it a bit seriously.

"Are you really from another universe?" After hearing Wu Yun's statement, Blue Crow was not like other people on Earth, including those from the Galactic Empire military, who only regarded this matter as Wu Yun's brain. unusual.

"I can give you money."

But the Blue Jay pulled out something he simply couldn't refuse.

That's a piece of gold.

A piece of yellow gold. Although Wu Yun had no idea where this woman found out about his weaknesses... ah no, his preferences. But when such a large piece of gold was placed in front of him, he still selectively ignored this problem. "Your boss is Major Wu Yun. What does he like?"

"This? I don't know much about this, but it seems that Major Wu Yun likes money, but it is harder to impress him with ordinary money. You have to use some real money, I mean gold and silver. Wu Yun The Major seems to like this."

"Really? Why does he like those things?"

"I don't know either. Anyway, I just know that he really likes gold and silver."

"Okay, thank you. And thank you for bringing me to Mr. Wu Yun."

"You're welcome. You are an acquaintance of Major Wu Yun. I'm just helping you find him."

The above is what happened when Wu Yungang left his expedition ship and ran to the Moen planet to have breakfast. Just when he was ordering.

Of course, Wu Yun must not know these conversations, after all, he is not omniscient and omnipotent.

"Tell me, tell me your story." Looking at the gold bar pattern flashing across Wu Yun's eyes, for some reason, Blue Jay suddenly wanted to laugh, and almost couldn't hold it back.

If it were her before, the one who still lived in the Yaren's hometown, Wu Yun would definitely have laughed out loud when she saw Wu Yun like this.

But now tens of thousands of years have passed. In these tens of thousands of years, she has experienced too many things. Her heart had already become a little cold.

Of course, he rarely expresses his joy on his face. As for anger and sadness, they still appear frequently. Especially anger.

Wu Yun is indeed a very interesting person. This guy is stupid most of the time, but sometimes he is very smart. But more often than not, he is a person who can easily make others laugh.

This was true not only for Blue Jay, but also for his other colleagues in the Galactic Empire's military.

While on Commodore Liu Chongyu's expedition ship, although Wu Yun quarreled with another colleague every day, basically the quarrels brought more comedy effects.

After all, Wang Yu and Wu Yun, two earthlings, would often scold each other, but when it came to taking action, they would shrink their eggs at Wu Yun's speed of light and leave it alone.

But because this guy didn't dare to fight, he would definitely not be outdone by scolding, which led to Wang Yu's skills in fighting with others getting better and better day by day. Today, I'm afraid it has far exceeded the same level of strength as her. of all first-level conquerors.

Even many high-level conquerors may not be able to scold Wang Yu today.

The bad mouth skills of people on earth are directly proportional to their strength. Although the increase in strength does not really affect the eloquence, the actual situation is this: the stronger the person, the more advanced the skill of swearing.

But this is understandable, after all, ordinary people on earth will start fighting after just a few curse words, and after the fight starts, the fight can easily turn into a life and death battle.

Being able to win in a scolding battle naturally means that he can also win in a fist-to-fist battle. Only those who survive can continue to talk, and those who die...

(End of this chapter)

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