Give them a little funny shock

Chapter 390 386 I am really a time traveler

Chapter 390 386 I am really a time traveler ()

The dead person is dead immediately, so there is no right to continue to curse or fight.

"This is the story of my hometown. Now you have finished listening to my story."

Half an hour later, on the planet Moen, in a cafe in New Moen City, the capital of Moen civilization, Wu Yun picked up a cup of coffee on the table and took a sip. After moistening his throat, he looked towards the blue jay in front of him. road.

"It's a good story." Blue Crow nodded, "It's just that the human empire you are talking about is not good, right? You said that the human empire finally started a war that ignited the entire universe because of its bellicosity. "Complete extinction, is this a metaphor for your current home, the Galactic Empire?"

"Damn it..." Wu Yun put down the coffee cup in his hand, looked at the blue jay opposite, and almost laughed angrily at her words, "Do you want to listen to what you bastard are talking about? What I said Is it something about my hometown, does it have anything to do with the fucking Galaxy Empire?”

"But the human empire you are talking about, no matter where you look at it, it looks like a renamed version of the Galactic Empire?" Blue Crow said with a smile.

This wasn't the first time she talked to Wu Yun with a smile. Although she didn't want to laugh at all, she couldn't help it, just like last time.

Wu Yun is a conqueror of the Galactic Empire, and he is the most classic and stereotyped kind of conqueror. He is cold and ruthless... well, it's not like he is ruthless to everyone, otherwise the thing like last time wouldn't have happened.

But all in all, he is still a very classic and stereotyped conqueror of the Galactic Empire, who regards other people's lives as nothing. Blue Jay didn't want someone like him, and he didn't think he should have any good feelings towards him.

The Yu-men, who have a very good relationship with the people on Earth and have similar ideas, are no exception to the fact that the Ya-men, who are from the same origin, are no exception.

"How come such a big difference has become a malicious metaphor for the Galactic Empire? Besides, why should I be a malicious metaphor for the Galactic Empire? Even if I am a soldier, if I want to scold the Galactic Empire, then Is it okay to scold him directly?”

Just like Wu Yun said: He doesn't like himself at all and just hopes that he will get out of here quickly. Blue Jay herself felt the same way, but she just couldn't dislike Wu Yun.

"The Galactic Empire is the Galactic Empire, and the Earth Empire is the Earth Empire. There is no connection between the two. They are two completely different empires, existing in two unrelated universes. Why do you have to think of these two? What is the connection between them?" Wu Yun said very unhappily when faced with Blue Crow's attitude.

Wu Yun even killed several people on the way to this cafe with her. As for the reason, there was no reason. In his own words, it was 'I wanted to kill, so I killed'.

But she is not Wu Yun, so she will not kill the other party just because of this instinctive disgust. But similarly, facing Wu Yun who killed those people, Blue Jay would not think there was anything wrong with what he did.

"You have to understand one thing. I am a time traveler. Before I traveled here, I lived in another universe. Although there is indeed a parallel universe, I am sure that this place is definitely not a parallel to my hometown. universe."

The strong men in this world are all straight forward, and the strong men in twists and turns only exist in some civilizations. And most of the strong people in civilization are basically upright.

And the people on earth are the best among them.

"Even..." As he spoke, Wu Yun's body burst into flames, "Didn't you fucking see it? The techniques I use and practice are completely different from all the techniques currently popular in the Galaxy Empire. Although they lead to the same goal through different paths, among them You can probably see the huge difference in details, right?”

But for those people who were casually killed by Wu Yun, Blue Jay had no sympathy at all. Even the blue jay had an instinctive dislike for those people when he saw them.

"Do you have any stereotypes about our Galactic Empire? Do you think we are a country that doesn't allow people to speak?"

"Uh, okay, I apologize to you." Blue Crow seemed to have no intention of continuing to argue with Wu Yun on this topic, and apologized to Wu Yun very simply.

"However, your story is indeed very good. The setting of the human empire made me almost feel that that empire was a real country, and their final fate, to be honest, I still feel quite deeply." Lan Crow nodded. Recognize the story told by Wu Yun about an extremely glorious and splendid civilization that eventually perished due to his uncontrollable and infinite desire for war.

"Speaking of which, so your setting in the story..."

Seeing the expression on Wu Yun's face when he heard what he said, Blue Crow smiled again and changed his words, "So when you were born, it was already the end of that empire, right?"

"Yes." Wu Yun nodded with a stinky face.

"So, after the collapse of the past human empire and the extinction of the old humans, what will your new human society be like?" Blue Jay asked.

"Do you think of me as a fucking storyteller?" Wu Yun frowned and said.

But just when he was about to continue insulting the other party, a gold bar was placed on the table and he changed his tune in time.

"Okay." Wu Yun, whose expression changed faster than he could flip through books when he was a student, grabbed the gold bar at a speed that even the blue jay couldn't see clearly. After drinking another cup of coffee, he cleared his throat and said:
"Then let me tell you about the general situation in my hometown's wasteland."

"In my hometown, there is a song that I like very much. It describes the wasteland society after the fall of the human empire very well. The lyrics are probably like this:"

"Time has passed for hundreds of millions of years, and human beings have shed countless tears.

Why it was lost, he had no way of knowing, but... the human era had ended. "

"But through the eternal night, in that place where the stars shine, in such a distant place, it all just happened yesterday."

"So, do humans shed tears?"

Wu Yun didn't understand what he said. He looked at Blue Crow with a little confusion: "What do you mean?"

"In your lyrics just now, it was said that human beings have shed countless tears." Blue Jay said: "Do humans... really shed tears?"

"Why not??" Wu Yun's mind was a little confused for a while and he continued to ask: "Why do you think humans don't shed tears?"

However, his rhetorical question "awoke" Blue Jay and made her suddenly realize.


"It's just that he doesn't know why these tears are shed, right?" Blue Crow, who realized something, looked at Wu Yun and asked.


Wu Yun was at a loss.

(End of this chapter)

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