Give them a little funny shock

Chapter 417 513 Trigg

Chapter 417 513 Trigg ()

There was a certain emotion in her eyes, and Trigg happened to notice it.

"Huh?" Trigg, who noticed the emotion in Blue Jay's eyes, also looked over there. That was Wu Yun's ship.

Traeger had heard of the name. The Galactic Empire is a very large empire, but the population of the Earth Empire is not large.

Of course, this does not refer to the territory it controls.

Therefore, in this "small" empire, if something happens, it will basically become known to everyone soon.

Naturally, this also includes Wu Yun's shitty things.

Because of his bullshit and the Galactic Empire's vigorous promotion of this "smart" Earthling, Wu Yun is currently very popular in the Earth Empire.

He even has a lot of fans because of the "romantic story" between him and Liu Zhongyu.

This includes Trigg.

For other civilizations in the universe, this can be considered a good thing.

But there was no way. As the daughter of the number one master on earth and the former number one master, Cui Wuji couldn't beat his father and couldn't teach him a lesson on this matter.

Trigg didn't agree with his daughter's martial arts training, but he had no choice but to control it. So I just let her go.

As a result, Cui Wuji became a soldier and a conqueror.

But in the end, he had no way to keep his daughter forever, and he had no way to let her live her life completely according to her own wishes.

She may not even be able to beat the current Wu Yun. Although Wu Yun is currently only at the level of a second-level conqueror and a first-level conqueror, this guy's strength is better than that of Cui Wuji, who is a second-level conqueror. of.

In the Earth Empire, what cannot be inherited is not only talent and wisdom, but also rights and status.

As a conqueror with diarrhea, the empire's training method for such conquerors is also very simple, that is, they are thrown into the most cruel battlefield to hone their skills.

But strength cannot be inherited, and neither can talent.

The empire would not give Cui Wuji any preferential treatment just because she was Cui Ge's daughter, otherwise Cui Wuji would not have failed the Conqueror exam after taking the exam for more than ten years.

They will wander on the edge of life and death again and again, crawling back from the ocean of death to constantly break through the limits and reach higher realms.

Trigg is the God of Fighting, once the most powerful man in the universe, and now the second most powerful man in the universe.

No matter which universe you are in, randomly setting up CPs for people is an indispensable part of some groups.

Of course, the reason why Cui Wuji is so weak and is still only a second-level conqueror now in her seventies is mainly related to her father.

Although as a high-ranking member of the Galactic Empire's military system, Trigg actually knew the true story of the "romantic story" between Wu Yun and Liu Zhongyu, but like some groups, he was still more willing to support Wu Yun and Liu Zhongyu "cp" between feathers.

Cui Wuji's talent is very poor, very poor. At this point, she is completely different from her father and her dead mother.

For the Earthlings, this is a weakness, because when talents cannot be inherited or even have nothing to do with their parents, some "strong alliances" naturally have no meaning.

However, Trigg was strongly opposed to his daughter joining the army, and even locked his daughter at home for a year and refused to let her go out.

This is not a very unusual thing, this kind of situation is very common among people on earth. Of course, it does not refer to the matter of "matching up a partner and forming a CP", but
It can only be said that at this point, Cui Ge is indeed inferior, and his daughter Cui Wuji also hates this matter.

Of course, there is no need to say more about the mortality rate.

This is what Trigg, as a father, is most worried about... Well, he is not worried.

As a soldier, this is the life that a soldier hopes for most, and it is also the life that he hopes for most as a daughter. People who are naturally strong and gifted do not need to go through too much training or growth.

Because their progress is so fast.

They will be placed in a place that is more suitable for them, to face opponents that are more suitable for them, and to face tougher but also rarer challenges.

Therefore, such a life can actually be a bit boring.

Because not all extraordinary civilizations are galactic empires that can have such a large number of powerful people.

Therefore, in this regard, the strong men in the empire are actually quite envious of the less powerful earthlings.

Because they can live in endless battles throughout their lives, walking on the edge of life and death again and again.

This is definitely the life that all warriors dream of.

Of course, it is definitely not the life that someone like Wu Yun wants for his sister.

This is not what Trigg, as a father, hopes for his daughter's future life.

But Cui Wuji is not Wu Han, she does not have Wu Han's talent, so this is what she is destined to face.

Of course Cui Wuji herself would not object to such a life. On the contrary, she even enjoyed it very much.

When looking in the direction of Wu Yun and his "Tianwu", many things flashed through Trigg's mind:
About the story between Wu Yun and Liu Zhongyu, Wu Yun's personal information, as well as the information about his sister Wu Han, and the deep feelings between brother and sister.

Wu Yun has always been worried about his sister, so he basically spent the whole day applying to his superiors to ask if his sister could be transferred to a non-combat position.

Of course, this was not promised, but this allowed Trigg to see some similarities between him and himself.

Therefore, he couldn't help but think of his daughter.

The thoughts in his mind turned around, and after a long time, he brought his thoughts back to reality.

At this time, less than a tenth of a second had passed since he appeared next to Blue Jay and Zhang Derui and extended an olive branch to them.

Trigg, who returned to the real world, withdrew his gaze from Wu Yun's direction and focused on the two of them again.

"Don't agree?"

Trigg's eyes began to become cold and heartless, although he had this look from beginning to end.

"Then..." After saying that, Trigg raised his hand, "Then you all go and die."

As soon as the words fell, this space had been completely erased from this universe.

no longer exists.

Extremely powerful, pure power, standing at the pinnacle of nature's creatures.

This is the conqueror of the Earth Empire, this is...

The former "God of Fighting".

He can destroy anything in this universe.

(End of this chapter)

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