Give them a little funny shock

Chapter 418 514 Trigg

Chapter 418 514 Trigger (Part )

"Haha! Now that Admiral Trigg is here, he will definitely be able to severely insult, strengthen, and kill Blue Crow and that kid. Kill them!!!"

"Hehehehe!! General Traeger is invincible, invincible, General Traeger, we love you, we respect you!!! Quack!!"

In the combat command room, Wu Yun looked at the images on the screen, the previous conversations between Youtian General Cui Ge, Lan Ya and Zhang Derui echoed in his mind. At this moment, the smile on his face had reached an extremely exaggerated level.

This guy has always been like this, he likes to take advantage of the power of others and likes to rely on the power of others.

Although his own strength is not small and his talent is excellent, this guy is just like this.

Rather than fighting with real weapons or training very hard every day, he would rather seek help from outside forces.

Just like now, just like this, with the help of the power of Cui Ge, the world's number one master, to kill that annoying woman Lan Ya and her lover. Wu Yun doesn't know his name yet, but he may know it. Anyway, he doesn't care.

Anyway, as long as the two people can be completely killed and destroyed, that would be enough.

"Um, Major, General Trigg is no longer invincible. He is now second in the world, and General Wu Wudi is now the number one in the world."

The biting cold.

At this time, Wu Yun, who has become Cui Ge's loyal lackey, does not know what fate is waiting for him next.

To the enemy, there is only one thing he can reveal, and that is destruction.


"Fuck you, you damned guy, who told you to say such nonsense at this time!???"

"But...but Major..." Lan Xing squatted on the ground, her hands still holding her head. She looked up at Wu Yun with a wronged look on her face and said, "But General Cui Ge is indeed..."

"You seem very worried about the boy's safety. Why?"


Outside the expedition ship, in the void.

But this soft part will not be revealed when he faces the enemy.

Wu Yun, who had transformed into Cui Ge's ultimate lackey, angrily shouted at Lan Xing beside him.

Cui Ge noticed the look in Blue Crow's eyes when he looked at the Wuyun battleship. It was a very different look.

Traeger was lucky enough to survive because he had deliberately held back, but if she wasn't treated immediately, her death would be inevitable.

When facing his daughter, Trager can show the soft side of himself as an Earthling.

"Who the fuck needs someone like you to tell me that General Traeger isn't the best in the world?? I said he is, so he is!!!"

Faced with Wu Yun's flattering words, the expedition ship's super AI Lan Xing came out in time to correct Wu Yun's mistake.

Wu Yun's fist hit Lan Xing's head hard, and just one punch made her fall down with her head in her hands to defend herself.

But Wu Yun has never been someone who would appreciate other people's kindness. When faced with others' well-intentioned correction, Wu Yun's first reaction is often not to accept it humbly, but to instantly become furious and take action.

Therefore, he soon realized some of the "tricks" in it.

Complete destruction.

"Did something happen between you and that guy?"

Trager asked after pinching Blue Jay's neck and grabbing her body to stroll around.

In response to Trager's question, Blue Jay did not make any response, but responded with silence.

There was only silence. But such silence could not hide anything, even if Blue Jay had closed his eyes and was ready to die.

But she still couldn't hide what she wanted to hide.

Of course, it was definitely not her love for Wu Yun.

Although Wu Yun's charm value is indeed very high and he is a super succubus, and although Lan Ya's favor towards Wu Yun has skyrocketed because of Wu Yun's previous "Heaven-Destroying Cannon", Lan Ya will not fall in love with Wu Yun just because of this.

Her favorability bar is very long. Although Crow Man can develop a new relationship with other people after the death of his lover, the probability of such a thing happening is actually very low.

First of all, you have to build her favorability and spend enough time fighting alongside her/getting along with her.

Secondly, there must be a bond between you, and it must be more than one or two bonds, or just a small bond.

There must be at least three, deeply entangled, major bonds.

It is very difficult for a Crow Man to have a second love, and in their lifetime, the maximum number of times they can have love is only these two times.

The first time and the second time, but there will not be a third time.

Even though the Crow People have an extremely long lifespan.

Anyway, it must be very difficult to reactivate the love system of a widowed crow man. It is very difficult.

For example, now, even though Zhang Derui, whom she liked very much, had died in Trager's attack, Lan Ya only felt regret and sadness for his death. Apart from that, she had no other emotions...

Well, it wasn't that long since the two of them knew each other, so it's actually pretty good that I can feel sad and regretful for his death.

If someone else came here, I'm afraid there wouldn't be any emotional fluctuations at all.

I have to say that Blue Crow is indeed the true Virgin Mary, the real Virgin Mary.

And at this moment, in the heart of this true Virgin Mary, Wu Yun has already occupied a very large place in her heart.

Of course, it’s not because of love, but because of redemption.

Because she felt that Wu Yun could really be redeemed.

And he, too, deserves redemption.

Although according to her standards, Wu Yun was already halfway to "turning to the light", but based on the crimes he committed in the past, he still deserved to die.

Lan Ya's view on good and evil is simple: she believes that "good people should be saved, and evil people should be killed."

Moreover, "merits cannot outweigh sins, and faults cannot outweigh merits."

On the latter point, her standards are the same as those of the Galactic Empire.

The Galactic Empire is still very much to Blue Crow's liking in this regard, but this obviously cannot offset her disgust for the Galactic Empire, not even a little bit.

The Galactic Empire is the most evil and brutal regime in the universe. It should and must be overthrown and destroyed.

But Wu Yun is different, Wu Yun can be redeemed.

He should also be redeemed, because he is, he is...

Um, to describe it this way might seem a little... um, no, no no no no, no no no.

But all in all, that’s really how Blue Jay sees it.

Wu Yun, he is very special.

(End of this chapter)

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