Give them a little funny shock

Chapter 430: 526 Captain! It’s me!

Chapter 430: 526 Captain! It’s me! (I)


"I see."

After listening to Wu Yun's words, Lan Ya nodded. Her tone finally changed and her expression seemed a little lost.

"Since this is your choice, I respect it."

As she spoke, Lan Ya came closer again, and Wu Yun was unable to dodge this time, allowing her to hold him in her arms.

He was very confused. What was going on and why was this happening?

Why can't I avoid it?
Fortunately, this time Blue Ya did not sexually harass him for so long. He just hugged him gently and then let go.

"Then let's just say goodbye."

After letting go of Wu Yun, Lan Ya took a few steps back and looked at Wu Yun.

"I hope we can meet again one day."

"Who the hell wants to see you again?"

Wu Yun wanted to say this, but he was interrupted by another sudden voice:
"Where do you want to go?"

Wu Yun was not familiar with this voice, so it couldn't be Liu Chongyu or Cui Ge.

However, this is obviously worse for Wu Yun.

Because of Cui Ge and Liu Chongyu, Wu Yun was relatively familiar with them.

He knew nothing about this sudden voice.

The unknown means uncertainty, means danger, means...well, a lot of things anyway.

As soon as this strange voice came out, everyone present turned their eyes to the direction where the voice came from.

Then, they saw one.

Well, this is obviously not a soldier or warrior from the 72nd Legion of the Galactic Empire.

He was wearing an officer's uniform from an unknown ally of the Empire. He looked very similar to an Earthling, but his skin was dark purple and he had two horns on his forehead.

Wu Yun didn’t know what race this person belonged to, but it didn’t matter, he didn’t care anyway.

Because this guy is not strong.

Since he is not strong, he poses no threat to Wu Yun.

The lack of any threat naturally means that he can continue to act with ease.

"Who of you two is going to kill him?"

So he asked Lan Ya and Su Mei.

Wu Yun certainly couldn't do this himself, because the other party was a friendly force, and attacking friendly forces would undoubtedly lead to being brought to a military court.

If he were to do this, Wu Yun would be sentenced to death, 100 percent of the time.

And if he did not do it himself, or if he conspired with others to murder friendly forces like he is doing now, then his crime will be more serious.

It's still a death sentence though.

Wu Yun naturally knew this, but even though he knew this, he still chose to do it.

The reason was very simple. He thought he would not be caught by doing so, so he did it.

It is difficult to imagine the brain circuits of a funny comic character, although they may be very smart, with a high-end brain configuration, and powerful enough to destroy the world. But sometimes, no, it should be said that many times, the things they do are not like what a normal person can do.

But for him, this is indeed normal, very normal.

After all, it comes from a comedy comic, so it doesn't feel strange to do such a thing.


In response to Wu Yun's order, Su Mei was the first to speak.

She looked at Wu Yun with a little curiosity and asked: "Why do you think we want to help you? You should know that we are enemies."

"Fuck it, you guys were the ones who came to incite me to rebel, but you guys refused to help me!?"

When Wu Yun heard Su Mei ask this, he immediately became furious and cursed loudly.

"But you didn't agree at all. And if you didn't agree, why are you afraid of this friendly soldier and want us to help you kill him?"


Wu Yun was speechless for a moment, because he really didn't understand what was going on.

When the owner of that voice appeared, there was only one thought left in his mind, and that thought was:
"It's broken, I'm done!"

Then, an idea automatically popped up in Wu Yun's mind, which was to kill this guy, this uninvited guest. Otherwise, if he revealed his affair with the two women, he would be finished.

He couldn't let this happen, couldn't allow this to happen.

This is absolutely not allowed, absolutely not allowed!!
So, after some intense and exciting thinking, the above conversation took place between Wu Yun and Su Mei.

At this moment, Su Mei looked at Wu Yun as if she was looking at a fool.

Even Lan Ya, who was standing next to him, couldn't help but look at Wu Yun with a hint of pity in her eyes.

A little compassion for the mentally handicapped.

"Colonel Wu Yun, who did you say you were going to kill? Where are you going? What happened?"

At this time, the friendly soldier who was in the sky also ran down.

Unlike the dead Malgard, this guy has a clear and stupid look in his eyes, just like the super AI Lanxing on the Wuyun ship, and Barrow, the former follower who has become a conqueror.

Barrow has been a conqueror for four or five years. Although Wu Yun is a very lazy conqueror, he is very keen on bullying weak opponents.

He would beat Barrow every day, no matter what, and torture his followers in various ways. He would beat him today and tomorrow, and the way he beat him was almost different every day.

Even so, Barrow still had to be grateful to him because Wu Yun's training was indeed effective.

In just a few years, a conqueror's follower became a true conqueror.

Of course, this also requires Barrow to work hard enough and learn from every beating and gain new insights.

Otherwise, just getting beaten would make you stronger, but it certainly wouldn't be as fast as it is now.

After all, they are not from Earth, so the experience points gained from being beaten will not be that high, and they do not have the same tenacious vitality as Earthlings. It is basically difficult to be beaten to death, and the more serious the injury, the higher the experience points.

I have to say, Wu Yun is a bully... No, when it comes to teaching, he is a genius who can figure out the questions.

Because of this incident, Wu Yun was given more attention by his superiors. And in this mission, he was naturally assigned more followers.

Now, as a fourth-level conqueror, he has twelve followers under his command, which is a very astonishing number compared to other conquerors of the same level.

There was one point that Wu Yun didn't quite understand.

(End of this chapter)

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