Give them a little funny shock

Chapter 431: 527 Captain! It’s me!

Chapter 431: 527 Captain! It's me! (Part )

Why are they all women?
Yes, Wu Yun’s followers are all women, coming from various extraordinary civilizations in the empire, and each of them is from a race that conforms to the aesthetic standards of Earthlings.

It’s hard to imagine that there’s nothing fishy going on here, but there really isn’t.

Even Wu Yun's superior in this mission was quite surprised when he saw this situation, and sighed that this guy is really popular with women.

The distribution of Wu Yun's followers' personalities will not be done manually, but will be carried out by the AI ​​responsible for this aspect.

It is not an AI with self-awareness, but a supercomputer without self-awareness.

However, even if an AI with self-awareness is responsible for this matter, the situation will probably not be any different.

In the Galactic Empire, although AI can have self-awareness, based on their nature, they are still the most rigid, and everything will be done according to the procedures in the rules and regulations without exception.

Unless there are unexpected circumstances stipulated in the rules and procedures.

This may seem rigid and may lead to some bad situations, but in reality, such a situation is almost impossible to happen.

After all, civilization has developed to this level, and some low-level mistakes have long been completely eliminated and no longer exist.

Of course, some low-level errors may still exist.

But this is not important. Anyway, all the followers under Wu Yun are women. It can be said that they are all beautiful and charming, each with their own unique style, beautiful and magnificent...


However, Wu Yun did not bring his beautiful alien subordinates to this planet to bully the weak ones. Some of them are fighting on the front line, some are training on the ship, and some are looking for Wu Yun everywhere.

But no one came to Wuyun.

This is Wu Yun’s secret time, his exclusive moment. How could Wu Yun allow others to disturb his beautiful time and exclusive moment?
But this is a good thing, otherwise the person he might have wanted to kill just now would not just be this friendly soldier with such clear stupidity in his eyes.

"Nothing, it has nothing to do with you." Looking at the friendly soldier who came over and looked at him with admiration, this creature with horns, whose age was unknown but looked very young, probably a male, Wu Yun casually waved his hand and said perfunctorily:
"If you have nothing else to do, you should return to your post. Your rank is not high enough to participate in the conversation here."

"But, Colonel, you just clearly..."

The young warrior was obviously unwilling to leave, although no one knew why.

It seemed that he had great respect and admiration for Wu Yun, and there was a clear light in his eyes when he looked at Wu Yun.

But for a warrior of his level, conqueror is actually a very distant thing.

Even though he was much stronger than the previously killed Malgard, his strength could be considered to be of the standard of a "superhuman" in the Galactic Empire.

But in the Galactic Empire, the number of extraordinary people is probably more than the planets in a galaxy.

As a conqueror, he is probably one in a billion among the stars in this sky full of stars.

There is no doubt that the gap between Wu Yun and this warrior is enormous.

I'm afraid that throughout his life, this warrior will not be able to reach the level of a conqueror's squire. He may not even be able to survive in the empire's army for more than a year, and this is not the empire's regular army, and its personnel loss rate will be higher than that of the regular army.

The road to transcendence is a road paved with blood and death. It is extremely long, and for most people, there is no end to the road ahead.

"My name is Al Lefen! Senior Colonel Wu Yun!" The young soldier stood in front of Wu Yun with a nervous look on his face. Although he had been ordered to leave by Wu Yun, he still stood up straight and said loudly:
"If, if there is anything I can do to help you! I will definitely do my best! Colonel!!!"

Wu Yun looked at the young man for a long time without saying anything.

That late summer, Alleifen lived in a house in the country, with a view of the high mountains that separated the river from the plain.

The riverbed was of pebbles and boulders, dry and white in the sun, and the water was clear, the river was swift, and there was a deep blue pool.

The Empire's troops walked past the house onto the road, stirring up dust. Huge airships flew overhead, spreading dust that fell on the leaves of the trees and even on the trunks of the trees.

The leaves fell early that year. Alleifin looked at the road and the sky, the mighty imperial army passing by, and the gorgeous and dazzling military emblem of the imperial army. His heart was filled with envy and yearning for the future.

Dust was flying, and leaves were blown down by the breeze. After the army passed, the road was white and empty, with only a fallen leaf left.

There were abundant crops on the plains and many orchards, while the mountains outside the plains were bare and brown.

On the other side of the mountain is the Empire's airport.

In the dark night, it was as bright as day. Huge beams of light shot from the ground to the sky, illuminating the stars hidden in the darkness.

That was Alleifin's hometown, a small village in the empire, where he was born and raised.

In the past, his greatest wish was to join the Imperial Army and become a soldier serving the Imperial Army.

The empire he belonged to was a small empire that had joined the Galactic Empire for less than twenty years. It had no presence in the empire and was not famous.

However, this empire is a country with great potential. Many soldiers in its ace legions are now serving in the empire's main 72nd Legion and are one of the empire's billions of elite troops.

Of course, this obviously does not include country boys like Alleifen.

He was the best, most handsome and strongest young man in Dami Village. When the recruiting officer came to Dami Village to recruit soldiers, he was the first one to be noticed and selected.

"What a great boy! You will definitely become a general of the fucking Galactic Empire in the future!!"

He still remembers what the recruiting officer said to him, and it is one of the sources of motivation that drives him to this day.

It is not easy to serve as a member of the imperial army and assist the empire's regular legions in combat, as the mortality rate of soldiers is very high.

But this is
It was voluntary, and neither the Empire of Allifen nor the Galactic Empire had any compulsion on this matter.

However, due to the huge benefits and honor, the number of places to join these auxiliary legions is still very tight.

As a country boy, Allifen is indeed good enough.

(End of this chapter)

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