Give them a little funny shock

Chapter 432 528 Go and kill them both

Chapter 432 528 Go and get rid of them (I)

"What's your name?"

After Allifen stood in front of Wu Yun for three full seconds, nervously and expectantly, Wu Yun finally spoke.

"Colonel! Senior Colonel!" Alleifen was energized upon hearing Wu Yun's voice: "My name is Alleifen! Sir!"

"Fuck, why are you yelling so loudly!" Wu Yun scratched his ears in dissatisfaction. Seeing that Allifen's expression became more nervous, he waved his hand and said:
"Alright, alright, there's no need to do this."

"Your name is Al... um, Al what?"

"Alleifin! Sir!" Alleifin repeated his name loudly.

"Oh, yes, Allifen." Wu Yun nodded perfunctorily, "It's a good name, so now I have a task for you."

"Yes!! Sir!" Wu Yun's words made Allifen even more excited and excited.

"You go like this." Wu Yun said, pointing at the two women opposite and flicking a finger:
"You, go and kill these two people."

"Ah?" Allifen was a little confused. He first looked at Wu Yun, and then looked at the two women over there.

Finally, he pointed at himself, looked at Wu Yun and asked:

"Yes." Wu Yun nodded, "You, go and kill them both."

"You are eager to help me, right? Now is the time for me, the conqueror of the empire, to test you."

"Go and kill them both for me. I will report to my superiors right away. Then you will be able to ascend to the heavens in one step and become a great conqueror of the empire, a conqueror of a higher level than me."

"How is it? Very good, isn't it?" Wu Yun said, smiling and patting Alleifen's shoulder. "I've been very good to you! I gave such a great credit to you."

"Alas, I don't ask you to give me anything in return. After all, promoting and discovering talents is also the job of us conquerors."

When he said this, Wu Yun seemed quite proud. He looked at Allifen, whose face looked a little dull, and nodded with satisfaction, "Go ahead! I have long seen that you are a rare good guy, a pillar of our empire's future, yes..."

Except for Wu Yun who was talking incessantly, no one else spoke at the scene and everyone remained silent.

"This guy..." After a moment's silence, Su Mei was the first to speak among the remaining three.

Obviously, as someone who met and communicated with Wu Yun for the first time, Su Mei's tolerance for some of Wu Yun's outrageous behaviors was relatively poor.

Or perhaps it was because he had never seen anyone as extraordinary as Wu Yun before.

After all, considering the level of this guy's incredibleness in this universe, he is indeed a scorpion daddy, unique and poisonous.

Most people do not have a good understanding of Wu Yun’s extraordinary level, because in Wu Yun’s hometown, Wu Yun is not the only one who is extraordinary.

In the previous mission worlds, because of his powerful strength, Wu Yun was able to crush everything through absolute force.

When the disparity in power is too great, some things the strong do will become "taken for granted."

"This guy should know that we can hear him talking to that kid, right?"

Su Mei looked at her companion Lan Ya, and after hesitating for a while, she asked, "I don't think he knows."

"Why?" Hearing Lan Ya's answer, Su Mei looked at her in disbelief:
"you sure??"

"Of course." Blue Jay nodded, "I'm sure."

At this time, Wu Yun and his "temporary subordinate" were whispering with their heads down, looking shifty.

During this time, Wu Yun often raised his head suddenly and glanced at Lan Ya and the others with a vigilant look, as if doing so could make his current state appear not suspicious at all and very normal.

"Okay..." Su Mei shrugged, then said: "But he is conspiring with his teammates to kill the two of us. Are you sure we really want to leave instead of staying here to get rid of him?"

As she spoke, Su Mei glanced at Wu Yun, and at this time it happened to be Wu Yun's turn to raise his head with a sly look in his eyes to observe the surrounding situation.

The two people's eyes met at this moment, and then Wu Yun lowered his head and looked away.

Like an innocent boy... um, that's called stealing the bell while covering one's ears. Children, yes, that's called stealing the bell while covering one's ears.

"When I was a kid, I would often say I wanted to kill my friend when I was angry after quarreling with him." Lan Ya glanced at Su Mei and said, "When my late husband was still alive, we would sometimes quarrel, and I would also say I wanted him."

"Sometimes we would even fight each other, and every move was aimed at killing the other."

"Um, these things can't be mixed up, right? Sister Lan?"

Lan Ya's answer made Su Mei speechless. "This guy really wants to kill both of us, right? You should be able to see that, sister?"

For some reason, Su Mei always felt that Lan Ya had become very strange in many things since she met this man.

Before meeting Wu Yun, before meeting this man who also gave her a strange feeling, Lan Ya's image in the team was that of a strong, mature, calm, and wise big sister, and she was the admiration of several men in the team.

Su Mei's attitude towards Blue Ya is the same. She admires Blue Ya's strength and yearns for her beauty and wisdom.

If both she and the other person were not women, she would probably fall in love with him/her instantly.

Of course, women can also develop that kind of feelings towards each other, and Su Mei is aware of this.

However, neither she nor Blue Crow had any thoughts about homosexuality.

Although outside of "Covenant Wars", Blue Crow has been paired with many female characters in comics, after all, this mature older sister is really suitable to be paired with any character.

Even the authorities are promoting some CPs for these. Of course, these are not official announcements, but just some hints and sweeteners based on some combinations that are more popular among the public.

As for the real official pairing, it is naturally only the pairing in the comics plot.

Su Mei and Lan Ya are actually a pair that are very popular among readers outside of comics, and the official has also launched many activities for them.

Of course, in the original comics, these two have various official couples.

"Do you really have some feelings for this, this guy? Sister?"

(End of this chapter)

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