Give them a little funny shock

Chapter 444 540 We can cooperate

Chapter 444 We can cooperate (I)

[You have killed a Tianyun space warrior! ]

[You have killed a Tianyun space warrior! ]

[You have received a reward...]

While Wu Yun was killing people in this unknown space, reminders about the dimensional city kept popping up on his phone.

Speaking of which, since coming to this mission world, he has rarely used his mobile phone and basically does not read the prompts of this dimensional city.

The battle was still going on at this time. Wu Yun killed three of the seven people in an instant, but this did not include the most powerful faceless man and the skeleton man who Wu Yun believed to be the instigator of everything.

The Skeleton Man was not very strong, not even at the level of a Level 1 Conqueror, judging from the situation when Wu Yun fought against this guy. However, this thing was very slippery, and could easily dodge Wu Yun's attacks many times, and even took a fatal blow from Wu Yun without any damage.

But obviously, judging from the other party's heartbroken expression, the cost of blocking Wu Yun's attack must be quite high.

Although the other party had no face, Wu Yun could still see the extremely human expression on his face. After all, the two dark eye sockets were almost squeezed together.

The Tianyun warriors, or these intruders from all kinds of messy infinite spaces are like this. You will never know how much insurance they have bought and how many props they have prepared in order to save their lives in the mission world.

However, no matter how much insurance or props there are, when the gap in strength is too huge, these things are often useless.

At present, there are only these four people still alive at the scene. They are like four slippery loaches, which cannot be caught or hit no matter how hard you try.

Even if they were hit, they would usually be able to escape danger safely. This made Wu Yun feel very uncomfortable and unhappy.

They were clearly just seven mice and seven ants, but such insignificant and extremely weak existences were able to survive under his hands for such a long time.

This is simply an insult to him!
But there is no way, the actual situation is like this, Wu Yun has no choice.

After several attacks without getting the desired result, Wu Yun thought about asking for help. In fact, when he first arrived here and before he started to attack these people, Wu Yun had already done this:
In this world, he didn't need to take out a communicator from his pocket to communicate with others. He only needed to think about it, and he could transmit information hundreds of thousands of light years away through the military information transmission base stations set up by the empire in various parts of the universe.

This ability, which is similar to teleportation, is not something that extraordinary people possess inherently, although the principle is similar and extraordinary people also have this ability.

However, most of the extraordinary people's "telepathy" or the so-called "telepathic" skill can only transmit information over a distance of less than hundreds of thousands of light years.

Generally speaking, the communication distance of the extraordinary people's "telepathy" skill is limited to the range of a planet, with the help of the planet's magnetic field.

And if one possesses some special abilities, or has practiced some special skills, the distance can be even farther, probably a few light years to more than ten light years.

But this is basically the limit - the limit of the extraordinary people in this world is not as good as the level of the extraordinary people in Wu Yun’s hometown.

As for Wu Yun's ability to call his brother over from who knows how far away or across countless universes, that goes without saying.

Of course, under normal circumstances, Wu Yun's situation would not happen, because it was totally out of common sense. But this was also normal, because Wu Yun's world was not... "Damn it, damn it, you bastards, why aren't you dead yet???"

When Wu Yun found that his information could not be transmitted in this special space, he once again increased the intensity of his attack on the remaining four people in front of him. But unfortunately, it did not have any effect, it only made their faces more frightened, and their dodging movements more embarrassed and flustered.

As long as you miss the target, everything is meaningless.

"I think we can talk, respected Conqueror of the Galactic Empire."

Somehow, after being beaten by Wu Yun for almost a minute, the faceless man was surprised to realize that he was not even injured. Suddenly, an idea popped into his mind:
"Is it possible that this conqueror did not really want to kill them?"

As for the teammates who were killed, to be honest, the faceless man didn't like them very much, and didn't like them. He even hated them. Because those guys were the most common existence in the entire Tianyun space: without principles and without mercy.

As for justice, persistence and the like, they simply do not exist.

Although they have the appearance that they have always dreamed of, their hearts are uglier than their appearance.

The faceless man hates this kind of people.

However, such people are the majority in Tianyun Space. Although they have no principles and no mercy, and only treat people in the mission world as NPCs, they can still cooperate well with their teammates.

Of course, this is based on the premise that the group still has cohesive value.

When a team no longer has cohesive value and there is no need to stay together, then they will naturally sell out their teammates without hesitation.

You can't say they don't have team spirit, but absolutely, they are absolute egoists.

Ugly, extremely ugly.

As for the group of people left in the room, it must be said that they were all teammates that the Faceless Man met in this world. They felt like they were like-minded and worthy of close friendship. Therefore, the relationship between the remaining four people was also very good.

The relationship between them is much closer than that of the three people who died instantly in Wu Yun's attack.

Therefore, the Faceless Man is still very concerned about the safety of these people.

Oh yes, he is the one among those seven strange-looking people whose gender cannot be determined, so he is described as the faceless man... uh, this person... uh, never mind.

Therefore, it is not quite appropriate to describe this existence as the faceless man.

As the strongest and leader of the team, the faceless man had a very active mind. Therefore, after realizing that Wu Yun was "wrong" and having related ideas, he immediately took action.

After dodging Wu Yun's twelve Heaven and Earth Destruction Fingers, he stopped in the distance and shouted at Wu Yun.

(End of this chapter)

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