Give them a little funny shock

Chapter 445 541 We can cooperate

Chapter 445 541 We Can Cooperate (Part )


Wu Yun paused after hearing this, but he didn't stop attacking: "Why the hell should I cooperate with you? You bastards, wherever I go you go to find trouble with me, and now you tell me that we can cooperate?"

"Fuck you, I don't..."

Wu Yun originally wanted to say "I won't do it!", but when he noticed that the woman who looked like an old man and a child among the remaining four people took out a glittering golden thing, he swallowed back the words he was about to say.

"Let's talk."

So, Wu Yun stopped attacking. In the void, he looked down at the four people in front of him with the attitude of a big boss and said.

In fact, the Faceless Man had no confidence in this matter, so even though he shouted that he wanted to cooperate, he did not stop fighting back with his hands and dodging with his body.

However, when Wu Yun actually stopped, he was stunned at first, but he quickly reacted and stopped as well.

"But I need you to show some sincerity first."

Wu Yun folded his arms, looked at the four people below, and said arrogantly.

When facing people who are several levels stronger than himself, Wu Yun's 'aura of strength' and 'arrogance of strength' are undoubtedly astonishing in intensity, able to overwhelm people.

Just like now.

"What do you want to talk to me about? Cooperation?" Wu Yun asked, tilting his head. "But I think you still have to show some sincerity first, like this."

As he spoke, Wu Yun pointed at the woman among the group of people and a rather lewd smile appeared on his face.

After being pointed at by Wu Yun, it was obvious that the ugly woman's body trembled violently. At the same time, the expressions on the faces of the faceless man and the skeleton man became extremely wonderful.

"Um, this, this, this..." The faceless man responded to Wu Yun's request with some stammering, because he really didn't know why Wu Yun would even be interested in such a, such... um, such a humanoid creature that didn't conform to his aesthetic standards for human appearance...

Uh, uh…

Have such an idea?

"This, this..."

"Fuck you, what do you think I'm talking about?" Wu Yun naturally noticed the strange expressions on the faces of several people. He couldn't help but frowned and looked at the people in front of him: "I'm talking about the thing that woman took out before, that thing! The golden one!! "

"give it to me!!!"


But this time, the woman's body trembled even more violently.

"What?" Noticing the woman's actions, Wu Yun raised his eyebrows and asked, "Are you reluctant to part with it?" "No, no..." The woman shook her head, then took out the glittering golden thing she had taken out before. She trotted over, handed the thing to Wu Yun, and then ran away like a fly.

"Hmm?" Wu Yun looked at the golden furnace over and over again. After a careful inspection, he realized one thing: this thing was not real gold.

It was just some kind of utensil painted with gold. As for the outer layer of gold paint, it was indeed pure gold, but only a little. This was obviously not enough to satisfy Wu Yun's greed. "This thing." After observing it for a while, Wu Yun shook the golden stove in his hand and said to the woman, "Why the hell is this thing not pure gold?"

"Because this is a magic weapon... Mr. Conqueror..." The woman who was stared at by Wu Yun shrank her head and spoke to Wu Yun cautiously.

“Magic weapon?” Wu Yun looked at the thing again, then threw it back with a look of disgust, “I don’t want a fake like this, give me the real one!”

"I want real, genuine gold!!"


The woman was stunned, but the faceless man reacted quickly. He immediately took out a few gold bars from his personal storage space and handed them to Wu Yun respectfully: "Please accept them!"

When working in infinite space, gold and silver are things that basically every intruder with some experience will carry with them.

Because this stuff has a certain value in almost all universes. Even those civilizations that do not use gold or silver as currency or industrial raw materials, this shiny metal still has a certain value.

Gold and silver, especially certain ornaments made from them, are valuable commodities that can be circulated directly in almost any civilization.

After all, the pursuit of beauty is basically a characteristic shared by all universes and all civilizations.

"Hmph." Wu Yun snorted coldly, grabbed the gold bar handed over by the faceless man, weighed it in his hand for a few times, and looked at it with his super true vision eyes. After confirming that it was gold, he nodded.

“Not bad.” He looked at the faceless man, “You kid… uh, you girl, not bad.” From the appearance, it is difficult to tell the gender of the faceless man. His body has certain curves, but it is difficult to tell whether he is a man or a woman... uh, well, he does look more like a woman.

At the same time, his voice is also very neutral, and you cannot tell the other person's gender from his voice.

As for the face, there is no need to mention it, this guy doesn't even have any facial features.

As for why Wu Yun directly called the other person "girl", it was because when he was looking at this guy, Wu Yun forgot to turn off the perspective.

So Wu Yun saw some things under the faceless man that she had but she didn't, and some things that she had but she didn't.

This unknown creature is a female beast... uh, female.

"Okay, I see your sincerity." After accepting the gold bars from the faceless man, Wu Yun nodded and said, "Now tell me, how do you want to cooperate?"

The Dimension City does not have a rule that prohibits cooperation with the warriors from the Tianyun Space. Yes, there is no rule, and it is not even discouraged. It just says that the risk is borne by the intruder himself.

The same rules apply to Tianyun Space. Although the two spaces are in a competitive relationship, in fact, the two sides can also carry out some extremely limited cooperation in certain mission worlds.

Of course, the official will definitely not endorse this private cooperation to ensure the security of the alliance. After all, the two companies... no, the two forces are in a competitive relationship.

But the competition is also legal competition, so it will not be as cruel, bloody and without bottom line as those illegal unlimited spaces.

It is true that illegal unlimited space may give employees very big benefits in the early stage, and the progress will be very rapid. But in the end, these benefits still need to be squeezed back from the employees.

(End of this chapter)

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