Give them a little funny shock

Chapter 446 542 Treason is forgiven

Chapter 446 542 Treason is forgiven

Wu Yun's sincerity in cooperating with these people was not very strong. Because of his personality, when cooperating, he would always think about how to stab the other party in the back.

As for whether this would bring him any benefits, it was not important, because for him, being able to successfully stab the other party unexpectedly while cooperating with him was already a big enough "benefit" for him.

After all, betrayal is a standard behavior for a villain like him.

However, he was not completely unwilling to cooperate with these people. Well, it didn't matter whether these people were human or not. If the price offered by these people could satisfy him, then he could still consider it.

For example, enough money...

No, this is not enough. It is not just enough money, but also something else. Wu Yun has become smarter now and knows that money is not the most important thing.

"You clearly have the ability to easily kill all of us, but in the previous attack, except for the few people in our team, you did not attack us."

Seeing Wu Yun who seemed to have no intention of attacking, the faceless person swallowed her saliva and said to Wu Yun cautiously, even though she had no mouth:

"So, I would like to ask you: Do you also want to betray the Galactic Empire?"


Wu Yun was stunned by the woman's question, because this was an answer he had never expected.

The Faceless Man actually had such suspicion ever since Wu Yun attacked the four of them but failed to hit them many times.

She suspected that Wu Yun didn't actually want to kill them. As for those three people, it was obviously because they did not pass the "Good and Evil Test".

As a veteran who has fought in so many mission worlds in the infinite space, the Faceless Man is of course well aware that in some high-level martial arts worlds, the strong have abilities similar to "detecting good and evil."

And unlike some fantasy worlds, this skill needs to be performed before it can be activated, and it can also be avoided. In the high-level martial arts world, this skill is a kind of "passive skill" of the strong, almost instinctive.

Whether you are good or evil, good or bad, it can all be seen at a glance.

As for whether what you said is true, a lie, or nine truths and one lie, or even a 'real lie', these strong people's instincts can clearly see it. Lies are meaningless in this world, and because lies and cover-ups have lost their meaning, these extraordinary worlds are often extremely difficult worlds.

Just like now, the world where the Faceless Man and the others live.

In the eyes of the faceless man, Wu Yun is obviously a "strong man" of this type. Although he serves the Galactic Empire, his heart yearns for light.

Otherwise, this cannot explain why this guy, who clearly had the power to kill all the people on his side in an instant, only killed some of them and then started playing this cat-and-mouse game with them.

Yes, in the eyes of the faceless man, this is a game. The strength of the attack shot from the opponent's fingertips can be said to be devastating. The faceless man can be sure that if she is hit by such a blow, she will definitely die when the insurance measures on her body have been exhausted.

But the opponent only knocked out the insurance on her body, just like he knew that she had insurance. When all the insurance on her body disappeared, his attack also lost its accuracy.

So, after being attacked by this person as if teasing her for dozens of times, the Faceless Man finally couldn't bear it anymore, and she asked Wu Yun for a truce.

"What the hell are you talking about?" Wu Yun frowned and said to the faceless man, "Why, why do you bastards always say this to me?"

"What do you mean by betraying the empire? I have never thought of doing such a thing. Why do you all keep coming to me and talking about it???"

Wu Yun really didn't understand the faceless man's question. If the locals like Lan Ya said this to him, it would be fine. After all, he had met that guy several times and he had let her go several times.

But fuck, this is an intruder from the hostile infinite space, right? Why would these bastards say such things to him? ? ? What's wrong with this? ? ?

In fact, what Wu Yun didn't know was that in this universe, almost all the intruders, no matter which infinite space they came from, were actually hostile to the Galactic Empire in their "official identity" in this universe.

This is true even in the dimensional city where Wu Yun works. The vast majority of intruders in the dimensional city are from the Star Alliance or from some neutral civilizations.

As for intruders like Wu Yun who have official identities in the Galactic Empire, although there are indeed more than one Wu Yun, they are also pitifully few.

There is no doubt that the Galactic Empire is powerful. Although arranging an identity for its own intruders in this empire is not troublesome for the space itself, its cost is indeed higher than arranging a legal identity for the intruders in other forces in this universe.

There are many powerful people in the Galactic Empire, and there is no shortage of strong people who can sense the existence of infinite space.

The same is true for the Star Alliance, but the Star Alliance is rather special in this regard, so the vast majority of infinite spaces still choose to place their own intruders on the Star Alliance side.

In most of the infinite space intruders' missions, if they can kill or instigate a conqueror from the Galactic Empire, the rewards they can get will be extremely amazing.

Therefore, this is also an important reason why the Faceless Man chose to initiate peace talks with Wu Yun. Because if they can successfully instigate a fourth-level conqueror of the Galactic Empire, then they will really make a fortune.

However, she knew in her heart that this matter was obviously not that easy, so Wu Yun's answer did not surprise her.

"Of course, I'm just saying it. If you don't want me to, I won't mention it again." Wu Yun's face darkened instantly after hearing what she said.

Before Wu Yun could explode, the faceless man immediately took out a few gold bars from his storage space and handed them to him as an apology.

I have to say, this guy is really smart.

(End of this chapter)

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