Give them a little funny shock

Chapter 455 Chapter 551 Trial

Chapter 455 Chapter 551 Trial (I)

Of course, the probability of the latter is actually very small, because the Galactic Empire has never done such a thing.

Public trials of Imperial conquerors have occurred in the past. Although the Covenant has never captured conquerors from the Earth Empire, they have captured some conquerors from other civilizations.

There are even some Imperial conquerors who are willing to "abandon the dark and join the light" and serve the Star Alliance. However, up to now, there is only one conqueror who has been accepted by the Star Alliance.

As for those conquerors whose surrender was not accepted by the Covenant, they had only one fate: to be tried by the Covenant's Supreme Military Court and sentenced to death.

There are no exceptions, because all the conquerors, except the only one whose surrender was accepted by the Star Alliance, have their hands stained with the blood of people from innocent civilizations in the universe and the souls of tens of billions of innocent people.

They have no right to live.

Even the conqueror whose surrender was accepted by the Star Alliance was also sentenced to death and executed and confirmed dead according to the Stargate's external announcement.

This was to protect the conqueror, to prevent him from being labeled a 'traitor' by the Galactic Empire.

Although this would not cause his family members in the Galactic Empire to be exterminated, there would still be some impacts. For example, his children might not be able to work in the government of the Empire, and those who are already serving in the military might be forced to retire.

Of course, this mainly depends on the empire and race the conqueror belongs to. If they are from Earth, then their families will not be affected at all. Those who should work in government departments will continue to work, and those who should serve in the army will continue to serve in the army.

As for promotion or transfer, it would not be affected in any way because one of his relatives had rebelled against the empire.

This is naturally due to the characteristics of the earthlings. They are completely trustworthy to the empire.

Although in the later part of the comic "Covenant Wars", the Earthlings left the Empire and chose to join the Star Alliance and were whitewashed, the remaining Earthlings who were still in the Galactic Empire were not neglected, but were still entrusted with important tasks.

After all, they are the best fighters and there is no way to ignore them.

As for now, although Wu Yun is the first conqueror of the Earth Empire captured by the Star Alliance, he is not the only Earthling in the Star Alliance.

It is naturally impossible for everyone in the Earth Empire to support the actions of the Galactic Empire and support their own race's invasion and massacre of other civilizations.

There are pacifists and anti-war people on Earth, such as the parents of former Imperial Regent Trigg, who are typical anti-war people. It's just that they did not leave the Galactic Empire.

In fact, there are quite a few people on Earth who have left the Galactic Empire. Here we are referring to those people on Earth who have renounced their nationality and chosen to draw a clear line with the Galactic Empire.

So far, there are about 10 million people on Earth who have successfully escaped from the Galactic Empire. All of them have done so through the official route, that is, completing a duel designated by the Empire. If they win, they can leave, but if they lose, they will face death.

As for the Earthlings who didn't make it, the number is 25 million, which is not a lot, to be honest.

As for other citizens of the Galactic Empire outside the Earth Empire, there are also many who choose to leave the Galactic Empire, but those people may not necessarily follow the official route.

After all, the official route has a very high mortality rate, and the way for Earthlings to renounce their citizenship of the Galactic Empire is not applicable to all member states.

This regulation only applies to the extraordinary empire within the Galactic Empire. As for ordinary technological empires, this regulation does not apply.

If those people in the empire want to leave the Galactic Empire, they either need to pay money or give up all their property in the Galactic Empire. However, these are only a minority.

Because in most empires, leaving the Galactic Empire is absolutely prohibited and is a serious violation of the law. Once it happens, not only the person who wants to leave the empire, but also their family members will be affected and punished by the country's officials.

The Galactic Empire has always been an extremely harsh and ruthless military empire. After all, this country is no longer the small alliance composed of several founding countries, but a behemoth.

If it weren't for Wu Yun's peculiarity, his fate would actually be no different from that of his predecessors. After all, this guy was really bad, extremely bad.

In the eyes of the Star Alliance, such bad people are totally unqualified to survive in this world. The blood on Wu Yun's hands may not be the most among the fourth-level conquerors, and may not even be at the average level. After all, this guy was promoted quite quickly.

But in terms of the degree of evil, in terms of the degree of badness, this guy is the top level among all conquerors, whether they are level one conquerors or level nine conquerors, maybe even the best.

"Tomorrow, you will be tried by us in the Supreme Military Tribunal of the Star Alliance as a war criminal from the Galactic Empire, just like your predecessors who were captured by us as conquerors of the Galactic Empire."

At this time, the commissioner of the Supreme Military Court of the Star Alliance who was responsible for notifying Wu Yun also spoke. He said to Wu Yun:
"However, because of your special nature, and Blue Crow should have told you before, so you don't need to worry about your life safety. If nothing unexpected happens, you should not be sentenced to death."

"However, we came here today, in addition to informing you of this matter, mainly to prepare to interview you. After all, you are the first conqueror from the Earth Empire that we have captured. Although we have dealt with your race many times, countless civilians and soldiers in the Star Alliance have died at the hands of your race."

"But we still know too little about you, your race." "So, we hope you can cooperate with our interview." After saying that, the commissioner from the Supreme Military Court of the Star Alliance stepped back a few steps, and then people from the media stepped forward, pointing all kinds of cameras at Wu Yun's face. "Damn you, why do you think I will cooperate with your interview!?!"

Wu Yun originally intended to say this because he was worried that his sister who was far away in the Galactic Empire would be affected by his weakness.

But at this moment, he had already talked to his sister, so there was no need for him to pretend to be a tough guy.

It would be better to pretend to be evasive first and see if you can find a way out.

Therefore, he planned to cooperate with the interview of the Star Alliance media.

(End of this chapter)

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