Give them a little funny shock

Chapter 456 Chapter 552 Trial

Chapter 456 Chapter 552 Trial (II)

"Your name?"

"Wu Yun."

"How old is...?"

"I can't remember, probably in my thirties or forties."

"Okay, then..."

When Wu Yun was being interviewed by reporters from various media outlets of the Star Alliance, his interviews were also being broadcast to all viewers in the universe at the same time.

This naturally includes Wu Han, who immediately reported his brother's current news to his superiors after learning about it.

The Covenant didn't even need to tell them what they would do after capturing a living conqueror of Earth. The Galactic Empire guessed their plan at the first moment.

There is no doubt that according to their past tradition, Wu Yun should be sent to a military court for trial, and the trial process should be broadcast live. As for Wu Yun's final fate, it should be the same as his predecessors in the past, that is, death penalty.

Therefore, when Wu Han heard that Wu Yun was not dead, he was in a very good mood, because it meant that his brother was still alive, and it also meant that he still had hope.

But when Wu Han heard the fate his brother was about to face, his mood was not so good.

But for some reason, she had a premonition, a premonition that she couldn't express, but was very certain about, which was: her brother should not die.

She couldn't explain why she was so sure, but she was sure, absolutely sure.

My brother will never die, and will never die in that trial.

The Empire responded quickly to the news about Wu Yun reported by Wu Han, but did not take any action regarding Wu Yun who was about to face trial.

If the Empire had known this news earlier, it would definitely have sent special operations personnel to the heart of the Star Alliance to rescue Wu Yun, even at a huge cost.

This is something that most civilizations in the universe will do, because regardless of whether the final result is failure or success, it will be able to bring huge prestige and credibility to their own government.

This is a great way to improve the favorability of the people, especially the military.

The interview with Wu Yun began not long after Wu Han received the news about Wu Yun. Wu Han naturally also saw the live broadcast on TV, no, on the Internet, and also saw Wu Yun looking at the Star Alliance reporters in front of him with a Sima face.

She opened the live broadcast on time, so naturally she saw the scene that appeared on the screen when the live broadcast of Star Alliance's interview with Wu Yun started.

The scene was of Wu Yun riding on a beautiful female Crow Man, who was looking at him with a smile.

Perhaps it was because of this scene that Wu Han thought that his brother would not die? After all, he could still ride on others even after being captured, which did not seem to be dangerous at all.

Of course, not everyone would be in a good mood when seeing such a scene, especially a certain Feathered Conqueror from the Feathered Empire, her name was Liu Chongyu.

Today, Liu Chongyu has become a powerful ninth-level conqueror of the Galactic Empire, just like Wu Han. But even after becoming a ninth-level conqueror, she still couldn't win Wu Yun's heart.

And today, after learning that Wu Yun was missing and captured by the Star Alliance, and was about to be interviewed by the Star Alliance and broadcast live to the entire universe, Ms. Liu Chongyu, who opened the website to watch the live broadcast as soon as possible, naturally saw that scene.

Then, she exploded. Her entire mentality exploded.

Because she remembered this woman, she remembered her very clearly. Because they had met several times before, and when Wu Yun proposed to kill this woman, she chose to let Wu Yun not do it and spare her life.

She regrets it now.

Very sorry.

I should kill her, kill this bitch, kill this bitch who took Wu Yun away. She should, she should...

When seeing that scene, Liu Chongyu almost collapsed.

Fortunately, when Wu Yun stood up and explained to the people in front of him the relationship between him and the blue crow, Liu Chongyu, who was originally in an extremely crazy state, calmed down.

However, even though she knew it was just a beautiful misunderstanding and Wu Yun had no interest in that woman, Liu Chongyu had still included that woman in her must-kill list in this life.

Of course, if she could become Wu Yun's wife, then after that, if she was still alive and if Wu Yun also liked her, then she would not be unable to be more magnanimous and share Wu Yun's love with her.

But the prerequisite is that Liu Chongyu is Wu Yun’s wife, the legal wife.

Generally speaking, the Feathered will not kill the current partner of the person they have identified. But if they have identified a person, and the person they have identified already has a partner who is not married, then they will often choose to challenge that partner.

Only the winner can and is qualified to enjoy the love of his or her sweetheart. This is what the Feathered People will do when competing with others for a relationship, regardless of whether that person is of the same race as them or not.

Blue Crow is a Crowman. Although the Crowmen and Feathermen have been separated for many years, the two races still retain similar traditions in this regard.

Crowmen will also duel with competitors to determine the winner, and only the final winner is qualified to become the partner of their loved one.

Of course, if your beloved has other choices... then there is nothing you can do. After all, you can use violence to make other suitors give up, but you can't use violence to make your beloved fall in love with you.

Although the Yu people are very violent, they will not use violence when pursuing their lover, because there is no meaning. The love they pursue is two-way, that is, you love me and I love you.

Unrequited love is fine, but if you force the other person to submit, then it will be meaningless.

All in all, when it comes to the attitude towards the Blue Crow, the current Liu Chongyu is completely different from before.

If she meets this woman again next time, she will definitely kill her.

Unless he had won Wu Yun's love before her, there was only one fate waiting for Lan Ya, and that was...


Just as Liu Chongyu's thoughts were flying into the sky, the interview with Wu Yun was coming to an end.

"So, you have deeply regretted your past actions, right?"

"Yes, I regret it very much and I am very sorry. To those innocent people I killed, I want to..."

(End of this chapter)

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