Give them a little funny shock

Chapter 458 Chapter 554 Trial

Chapter 458 Chapter 554 Trial (IV)

Wu Yun's trial began as scheduled the next day. There were no unexpected situations during the trial, and Wu Yun did not wait for reinforcements from the Galactic Empire.

He was eventually court-martialed, and his sentence was read out in front of the entire universe:
It is indeed not a death sentence, but Wu Yun still needs to go to jail. But it is not a prison, but someone will be assigned to watch over him all the time, so that Wu Yun can see the world and the universe from another perspective.

The Star Alliance felt that perhaps by doing so, Wu Yun would be able to realize how wrong his past actions were and how evil the Galactic Empire he had served was.

If you can successfully influence an Earthling, even if he does not intend to serve the Star Alliance or participate in the battle against his homeland, as long as he becomes a pacifist, admits his mistakes, and changes his ways.

Then it will all be worth it.

"Now, is there anything else you want to say?"

When the verdict on Wu Yun was over, the judge looked at Wu Yun and asked.


Wu Yun answered expressionlessly. Of course, at the beginning of the trial, he didn't have that expression on his face. At that time, he was as greedy as he could be and as afraid of death as he could be.

He is the one who is afraid of death and loves life.

But now, knowing that his life is safe, he immediately turned into a tough guy again. Facing the judge of the Supreme Military Tribunal of the Star Alliance, he will treat him with contempt...

"You seem to be tough now?" Seeing Wu Yun's tone and facial expression, the judge smiled and shook his head.

However, he obviously didn't care about this. So, after learning about Wuyun Kerosene's objections and having nothing to say, he announced that he would withdraw from the court.

The trial was over, but the live broadcast of the trial had not ended yet. After the trial, Wu Yun would have to accept interviews from various media reporters from the Star Alliance.

These interviews will also be broadcast live to viewers in other civilizations in the universe, and in the interviews after the trial, Wu Yun's performance was very tough, and he can definitely be called a "tough guy."

In the Galactic Empire, many people were also watching this live broadcast. This was not a big deal. After all, although captured Imperial conquerors were rare, they did exist.

As for the fate of those captured Imperial conquerors, before Wu Yun, none of them could survive the trial of the Star Alliance.

Therefore, in such a situation, all the Galactic Empire could do was to hold a funeral for the soldiers far away in the enemy country and provide all relevant pensions and subsequent compensation.

Apart from that, they couldn't do anything else. After all, they only received the news the day before the trial, because the Star Alliance would block the information in advance and would not reveal it to the outside world until the trial was about to begin.

As for these conquerors, when the trial is over, they will be executed by the Star Alliance immediately, without any delay, such as waiting for a period of time, waiting for the Supreme Court to verify the execution. This does not exist. The trial is over in the previous second, and they will be dragged to the execution ground for public execution in the next second. It is that fast.

But Wu Yun is quite special, because he is the only Earthling in the Galactic Empire who has been captured by the Star Alliance. Therefore, the Empire pays great attention to him.

However, no matter how high his status was, this guy's situation was no different from those conquerors captured by the Star Alliance before. Therefore, although many high-ranking officials of the Empire felt it was a pity, the Empire still did not give him any special treatment just because of Wu Yun's "specialness".

Although Wu Yun was a genius, there were countless geniuses in the empire, and countless geniuses died every year. Wu Yun was just one of them, and there was nothing special about him.

The Empire had no intention of doing anything, because until the verdict on Wu Yun came out, the Empire's judgment on Wu Yun's fate was no different from that of his "predecessors" who were resurrected by the Star Alliance.

But Wu Yun once again proved his extraordinary qualities, proving his extraordinary qualities as the only Earth conqueror currently captured by the Covenant.

The Star Alliance didn't sentence this guy to death, nor did they sentence him to jail. The Star Alliance's highest military tribunal sentenced Wu Yun, a guy with blood on his hands, countless innocent souls, and who destroyed countless homes, to...

How to say it, with this level of punishment, even the Galactic Empire would feel that the sentence for Wu Yun was too light.

However, since there is no death sentence, Wu Yun naturally needs to be saved. Just like the Star Alliance said to "save Wu Yun" and "redeem Wu Yun", the Galactic Empire also wants to save its loyal warrior, Wu Yun, the Empire's outstanding conqueror, from the clutches of the Star Alliance.

The imperial warriors responsible for going to the core area of ​​the Star Alliance to rescue Wu Yun will also be the top players among the imperial conquerors.

This naturally did not include Wu Yun's sister Wu Han, although Wu Han immediately asked her superiors to join the Wu Yun rescue team. However, due to the relationship between Wu Yun and Wu Han, it was impossible for Wu Han to join the rescue team from the beginning.

After all, anyone with a discerning eye could see that the success rate of the rescue operation for Wu Yun would definitely not be high. And the ultimate fate of the soldiers sent to rescue Wu Yun would most likely be death.

But the Empire will still do it, even if it comes at a huge cost.

Of course, the personnel who joined the rescue team were resources, and there was no mandatory behavior. Therefore, the only people who would choose to carry out this mission that was almost impossible to survive were naturally Wu Yun’s compatriots, his fellow countrymen on Earth.

In the entire empire, the only people who are willing to rush to carry out the mission even though they know it is a suicide mission are the people of Earth.

These guys have muscles in their brains. For them, the more dangerous the mission, the more opportunities there are to fight and the more chances they will have to teeter on the brink of life and death.

The people on Earth pursue this kind of battle, pursue putting their lives on the line, pursue breaking through the limits.

Therefore, the personnel who perform various difficult combat missions are basically earthlings. Although the mortality rate is indeed very high, from another perspective, their "survival rate" and "success rate" are actually relatively good.

(End of this chapter)

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