Give them a little funny shock

Chapter 459 555 Rescue

Chapter 459: Rescue (I)

This may sound contradictory, but it is not at all.

The mortality rate of suicide missions is very high, and this is true in all civilizations. Generally speaking, the mortality rate and failure rate of a suicide mission should be around 99%.

After all, there is such a mission. No matter whether it is the person who carries out the mission or the person who issues the mission, they actually all roughly know that this mission is basically a zero-sum death, but they have to do it.

But if the mission is carried out by Earthlings, the mortality rate and the probability of mission success are very high and low respectively. But relatively speaking, if compared with the whole, because of the characteristics of Earthlings, the success rate of this mission is...

It’s actually quite high.

This also includes the mortality rate, which is also lower than normal.

If the mortality rate of ordinary people performing suicide missions is 99%, then if the mission is performed by earthlings, their mortality rate will be lower than that of ordinary people. Although it is still above 90%, it will definitely be less than 99%.

It may not even be 90 percent.

As for the probability of mission success, if it is generally one percent, then the people on Earth can raise this probability to ten percent.

That's a pretty huge increase, actually.

After the trial of Wu Yun ended, the Galactic Empire naturally took corresponding countermeasures immediately: it began to organize personnel and began to plan how to rescue Wu Yun from the heart of the Star Alliance.

Thus, with the enthusiastic registration of a group of Earth conquerors, a rescue team composed of the empire's most elite conquerors was formed.

Moreover, not all members of this team are from Earth, there are also two winged people among them.

One is Liu Chongyu, which is not surprising because Liu Chongyu’s feelings for Wu Yun are almost known to everyone in the empire.

It was not surprising that she would choose to participate in the rescue of Wu Yun. The Empire also chose to help the others, although many people opposed it for the same reason as they did not allow Wu Han to participate in the rescue of Wu Yun.

But with Liu Chongyu's own insistence, she was successfully selected. After all, there was no direct blood relationship between her and Wu Yun, nor were they true partners and lovers.

A woman is willing to sacrifice her life for her lover, and the empire is willing to help them achieve their goals in this regard.

As for the other winged person, her identity was not an admirer of Liu Chongyu, but a winged conqueror who was very angry about Wu Yun's "betrayal".

She was also a level nine conqueror, but Wu Yun did not know her and the two had never met before.

The reason why she chose to join this rescue team was that she planned to wake Wu Yun up and kill the Yinle Crow Man who dared to seduce Wu Yun.

The relationship between the Feathered People and the Crowed People is still quite bad, and it has always been quite bad. Liu Chongyu is actually one of the Feathered People who has a very good attitude towards the Crowed People, and he has no special prejudice against the Crowed People.

Of course, she has it now.

The leader of this team was someone Wu Yun knew well. He was the former top fighter of the Galaxy Empire, the previous owner of the title of God of War, the former regent of the Empire, and the current General Youtian.


As for the reasons why he was willing to join the Wuyun rescue team, one was because he liked Wuyun, and the other was because he felt that Wuyun had great potential and was worth saving.

As for the third one, it was because he wanted to see the stunning love drama between Lan Ya, Liu Chong Yu and Wu Yun. If he could see this drama, it would really be, really... really worth the money even if he died!!!

Cui Ge attaches great importance to his daughter's life. He doesn't want his daughter to practice martial arts, join the army, or be in any danger.

However, he did not value his own life so much, just like Cui Wuji was extremely concerned about his father's safety and strongly opposed his father's joining the Wuyun Rescue Team, but did not value his own life at all.

Wu Yun is probably the only person on Earth who values ​​both his own life and the life of his sister Wu Han.

This rescue team, composed entirely of the empire's elite ninth-level conquerors, has a total of eight people. Each of them is a battle-hardened warrior among the ninth-level conquerors, and three of them are even former masters of the heavenly general level.

They chose to participate in this rescue in order to be able to return to the top and regain the qualification to compete for the title of "Heavenly General".

Perhaps in the past, they were the empire's top talents and the most elite warriors. But since their titles as Heavenly Generals were taken away from them, their strength has gradually failed to keep up with the latest versions.

Although still powerful, he had long lost the qualifications to compete for the title of Heavenly General.

For a human being on Earth, this is undoubtedly absolutely unacceptable.

Therefore, they need more training and more fighting.

But for strong men of their level, when they reached the ninth level of conquerors, close to the strength of heavenly generals, there were actually not many opportunities in the universe for them to be "honed".

The brutal battlefield is certainly suitable, but the number of top-level warriors that can be assigned to each battlefield is limited. However, there is no shortage of strong men on the battle line of the Galactic Empire.

Only the strongest among the strong are qualified to go to the most brutal front lines and face fierce battles where life and death hang on the line.

But they, the powerful ones in the past, were not qualified.

Because they are no longer kings or generals.

But now, these former kings and generals have waited for an opportunity, an opportunity for them to show their skills and experience the most brutal battle.

And this is the suicide mission: saving Wu Yun.

As for the task of rescuing Wu Yun itself, I'm afraid that except for Cui Ge, the strongest among the eight, and Liu Chongyu, the weakest, none of the others really take this matter seriously.

Oh yes, maybe we should also add the crow man who is of the same race as Liu Chongyu.

Even Cui Ge's attitude towards saving Wu Yun was still unclear. After all, compared to saving Wu Yun, he was more likely to see a Shura battle between Wu Yun, Liu Chongyu and Lan Ya.

Compared to Wu Yun’s life, for Cui Ge, maybe... well, just maybe, maybe the Shura Field is more important.

Of course, Cui Ge can still distinguish priorities, so he will still save Wu Yun.

Yes, it will.

(End of this chapter)

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