Give them a little funny shock

Chapter 460 556 The rescue has not started

Chapter 460 556 The rescue has not started (Part )
Of course, the rescue operation would not start so quickly, because Wu Yun was currently in the core area of ​​the Star Alliance, and the Empire knew nothing about the situation here, because they had never fought here before.

Therefore, without knowing anything about the deployment of the Star Alliance's core area, the star map, and the subspace, the rescue team will not immediately go to rescue Wu Yun. So this matter cannot be rushed.

Anyway, Wu Yun is not in any danger now. For some reason, the Star Alliance values ​​him very much. Maybe they are really deceived by his disguised "innocent appearance".

Although most of the high-ranking officials in the empire did not believe this, some still thought it was possible, and most of those who thought so were from Earth.

After all, this proves that Earthlings are also very good at "cunning". Earthlings are not willing to admit that they are more willing to use violence than brains to solve all problems.

As for themselves, they think they are still very smart and are willing to use their brains.

Of course, Wu Yun knew nothing about the Galactic Empire's rescue plan for him at this time. However, he probably knew that after the Empire learned that he would not be sentenced to death, it would take some action against him.

It shouldn't be the intention to kill him. It should be the intention to rescue him, or to negotiate with the Covenant and get himself back through exchange.

Rather than sending a special operations team to the heart of the Star Alliance to rescue him at such a huge cost, Wu Yun still felt that exchanging prisoners was more realistic.

And more valuable too.

The Galactic Empire has prisoners from the Covenant. Of course, the Covenant will not execute every Galactic Empire combatant they capture. Only those war criminals who have committed heinous crimes are eligible, or will be sent to the Covenant's military court.

As for the others, some ordinary soldiers, and middle and senior officers, these people still have the normal prisoner process: enter the prisoner-of-war camp and stay there.

As for whether a military court will be brought, it depends on the Star Alliance's background check on the combatant. As for the exchange of prisoners, although this behavior is very common in the universe and occurs in many wars between civilizations, there has been no exchange of prisoners between the Galactic Empire and the Star Alliance.

After knowing that his life was safe, Wu Yun was naturally not so scared anymore. Although his life was still in the hands of others, at least, Wu Yun had some confidence.

Although no one knows where his confidence and courage come from, but... never mind, it doesn't matter anyway.

The Star Alliance prepared a cell for this "prisoner" from the Galactic Empire, a huge cell. Although in Wu Yun's opinion, this place could not be considered a so-called "cell" at all. Because the Star Alliance prepared an entire star system for him.

To be more precise, it allows him to live in this star system as an 'ordinary person'.

This star system was not a special star system, nor was it a criminal star system tailor-made for war criminals like him. It was a star system located near the capital of the Star Alliance, a civilian residential star area of ​​the Star Alliance, very developed, with a pretty good economy and beautiful scenery. It was a holiday resort for many people in the Star Alliance.

Of course, this also leads to overcrowding during holidays.

As for why a dangerous person like Wu Yun was placed in such a place, the answer is very simple. The Star Alliance just found a place nearby to put Wu Yun there.

As for the issue of safety, Wu Yun is under guard 24 hours a day, and a locator has been installed on him by the Star Alliance. So there is no need to worry about this. The planet Wu Yun is currently on is a planet in the third orbit of this star system, and its location is the same as Wu Yun's hometown Earth, whether it is the hometown Earth of this universe or the hometown Earth of his real hometown.

Moreover, this star is similar in size to Earth, even including the distribution of continental plates. In addition, this planet also has a satellite, which is similar in size to Earth's moon, and the environment on it is exactly the same.

This is basically the "Earth" in the Star Alliance. Although this "Earth" is actually very common in the universe, it is so common that basically as long as there is a habitable galaxy, the planets in it are very likely to have this configuration.

Speaking of which, thanks to the previous live broadcast, Wu Yun is quite famous on this planet.

"Uncle, uncle, are you really, really the conqueror of that brutal Galactic Empire? Uncle?"

Wu Yun's home on this planet is located on a continental plate similar to his home on Earth in this universe. There is also a city at the same geographical location on a different planet, and the style is actually quite similar to that on Earth.

The main race of the Star Alliance is the Starman, a humanoid race that looks similar to humans on Earth. Speaking of which, humanoid races are quite common in this universe, and basically all intelligent life forms look like this.

A child from the Star Alliance stood in front of Wu Yun, who was now a prisoner of the Star Alliance and had a positioning bracelet on his hand. He looked up at him with some fear in his eyes, but more of curiosity.

"You look so strange. Why are you so big?"

The people of the Star Alliance are generally very "slender", even among the women of Earth, most of them are not as slender as the people of the Star Alliance. Of course, this slenderness does not mean that they are skinny, but that their body thickness is not as exaggerated as that of the people of Earth.

Of course, the Covenant people are still big where they should be, although they are definitely inferior to the people on Earth because of their size.

Their appearance is also more "slender", or "neutral" and "delicate" than that of Earthlings. This is a bit like the Feathered People, and the Star Alliance people are indeed very similar to the Feathered People.

The appearance is delicate and androgynous, both men and women.

Of course, the Star Covenant people are definitely not as brutal, bloodthirsty and bloodthirsty as the Winged People. In addition, the Star Covenant people do not have wings, and they do not have any hair on their bodies like the Winged People except for their hair.

"Yes, child. I am the conqueror of the Galactic Empire who has terrified countless Star Alliance members and made countless people feel fearful..."

Looking down at the pretty doll-like child in front of him, who was not sure whether it was a boy or a girl, Wu Yun said, "I am..."

"Then how did you get captured by someone who is not as strong as you?"

In an instant, veins popped up on Wu Yun's forehead.

(End of this chapter)

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