Give them a little funny shock

Chapter 461 557 Show me some respect!

Chapter 461 557 Show me some respect!

"Little bastard! What are you talking about!???"

Faced with the innocent words of a child, Wu Yun obviously didn't understand what 'innocent words of a child' meant. He only knew that this little bastard had touched his sore spot, so he was instantly defeated.

Even though he knew that he was defeated by the blue raccoon robot that even the Dimension City rated as "extremely dangerous", he was definitely discovered by the Faceless Group anyway.

Therefore, in the records of the Star Alliance and the Galactic Empire, Wu Yun was captured by a group of Star Alliance volunteers who were not as strong as him.

Yes, the Faceless Men are not even the regular army of the Covenant. They are just civilian volunteers established out of "justice and passion".

Or volunteers, civilian armed groups. The Star Alliance certainly has civilian armed groups similar to the Galactic Empire's civilian armed groups, but the Star Alliance's civilian armed groups are much stronger than those of the Galactic Empire, and there are also strong people who can rival the conquerors of the empire.

And he was captured by such a group of volunteers.

Looking at it this way, it’s not so embarrassing, right?

But no matter whether it is embarrassing or not, for Wu Yun, this is definitely a topic that he cannot even touch.

"You little bastard, show me some f*cking respect!!!"

Wu Yun, with veins popping out on his forehead, glared at the child in front of him fiercely and cursed: "Even if I'm already your prisoner, you can't fucking insult me ​​like this!!!"

"Ah! How scary!" The child was frightened by Wu Yun's words, and his eyes were immediately filled with tears, as if he was about to cry in the next second...

Well, no. In fact, the child said this to Wu Yun with a smile.

When Wu Yun had a blank expression on his face, the little brother was still quite afraid of Wu Yun, so when he mustered up the courage to talk to him, his fear was genuine.

But when Wu Yun's defense was broken by his words, he was suddenly not afraid at all.

Of course, the Star Alliance members are all very beautiful, so when Wu Yun was broken by his words, Xiao Haige quickly apologized to Wu Yun:
"I'm sorry, uncle, I shouldn't ask you this."

"I'm not even fucking older than you, and you call me uncle???" Even though the kid apologized, Wu Yun was clearly still not satisfied, because in addition to the insult to his strength, the little bastard also insulted him in terms of his age.

Wu Yun hates being called uncle because in his mind, he is just a child.

And precisely because he is a child, the adults in this world should give in to him instead of giving him his favorite iron fist of justice.

This is also the reason why Wu Yun's many behaviors seem like those of a "giant baby". Because children of his age are not very mature psychologically.

Even without counting the immortality elixir he had taken, or even the life span bonus of a supernatural being, Wu Yun was indeed very young in his hometown.

The humans in Wu Yun's hometown belong to the immortal species, especially these new humans. Although the average lifespan may not be as long as that of the old humans during the Human Empire period, it can still be called "immortal".

Therefore, as a child, Wu Yun hated being called uncle.

"But, but I'm only eight years old this year?" The child looked at Wu Yun who was still angry and said innocently.

"I'm not even a hundred years old!" Wu Yun yelled, "Why do you call me uncle?!" "Okay, okay, big brother..." A few black lines appeared on the little brother's forehead, but he still cooperated and changed his words.

"I'm sorry, big brother. I apologize to you. Can you calm down?"

"Hmph..." Wu Yun snorted coldly, no longer paying attention to the boy, then turned around and looked at a store on the street.

It was a game store, and that was the reason why he went out today. He wanted to buy a few genuine new games produced by the Star Alliance to play, because the game industry of the Star Alliance was quite developed, and it could even be said to be the most developed in the universe.

As for the Galactic Empire, although it is also one of the most powerful and developed civilizations in the universe, compared to entertainment such as games, extraordinary civilizations in the empire like them would rather fight with real weapons.

Even in the case of games, most of the games of Galaxy Empire are action games, with the theme of fighting and a relatively simple genre. This is also determined by the market of Galaxy Empire.

Therefore, in terms of the types of games it has, the Galactic Empire is naturally not as diverse as the Star Alliance.

The games of Star Alliance are all pretty good. As a veteran video game enthusiast, even though Wu Yun doesn't like Star Alliance, he has to admit this.

Besides, life in the Star Alliance was actually pretty good and comfortable, a bit like when Wu Yun was back home on Earth in this universe.

Yes, although the people on Earth are cruel and the Galactic Empire is a ruthless military empire, the quality of life of the citizens in the empire is actually quite good.

Especially on Earth, if the people on Earth don’t fight, their daily lives are still very peaceful.

The environment on Earth is also very good. Of course, it is a different picture compared to this area where there is an atmosphere of peace and stability everywhere.

The sunlight on Earth is always violent and violent, and it doesn't give people the same warm feeling as the sun here.

The same is true of the Earth's wind. It is cold and sharp, and when it blows on a person's face it feels like countless sharp blades are cutting across the face.

It won't be so gentle, so soft.

But these feelings, such sun and wind, can be felt on this planet.

"Big brother, are you going to buy a game?"

At this moment, Xiaoxiaoge's voice sounded again. Wu Yun had no intention of paying attention to him. But the other party's next sentence forced him to turn his attention back to him:
"As an apology, I will buy you a few games, okay?"

In an instant, Wu Yun's eyes turned from the game store on the street to the little boy in front of him.

Wu Yun does not have the currency of the Star Alliance, but the Star Alliance will give him a living allowance every month. To be honest, it is not much.

Although food, clothing and accommodation are all free, the pocket money is still a bit little and a bit tight.

Of course, the Star Alliance also encourages Wu Yun to find a job here. After all, labor is also a form of reform, and the effect may be better.

But it is obvious that Wu Yun is not a hard-working person and does not like to do proper work.

(End of this chapter)

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