Give them a little funny shock

Chapter 471 567 was captured

Chapter 471: 567 was captured (Part )

"Want it?"

Looking at Wu Yun's straight and shining eyes, Lan Ya asked with a smile.

"Do you want it very much?"

Wu Yun did not answer, but stared at the hundred-dollar bill in Lan Ya's hand. After looking at it for a while, he slowly said, "Fuck you, fuck you..."

"You bastard, you beast, you..."

"So, can you tell me about the immortality drug you talked about with Leah before? I'm quite interested in that thing." Seeing that Wu Yun had taken the bait, Lan Ya stopped tempting Wu Yun and said directly:

"If you're willing to tell me, this hundred dollars will be yours."

So, not surprisingly and in a classic way, Wu Yun fell and surrendered.

"The elixir of immortality is a medicine I took when I was in another universe. You also know that I am a reincarnated person from another universe. This can be seen from the fact that I control a power system that is completely different from the Galactic Empire in this universe."

There was no hesitation at all. Well, actually, there was still a little hesitation. But after hesitating for less than 0.0001 seconds, Wu Yun immediately made a decision.

Compared with the conflict with this woman, compared with the dislike for this woman, a real man can bend and stretch, so it is better to get the hundred dollars first.

"Although I know you probably won't take this matter seriously, after all, they are the same. I told them, but they always ignore it." Wu Yun said: "But this immortality medicine is a medicine I took in another universe."

"As for the function, as the name suggests, the effect of this elixir is to make you immortal and everlasting."

"Before my brother became the Lord of Yunguang City, he traveled to the depths of the universe. I don't quite remember whether he was traveling or practicing."

"After he came back, he brought back this immortality pill. He said it was the only one left, so he gave it to me to eat. Because I had accidentally killed my sister at the time and she had traveled through time and space, so I was the only one who could take this pill."

"And after eating it, I can be one with the heaven and earth, and I will be immortal." "So you are immortal now?" After hearing Wu Yun say this, Lan Ya asked curiously.

"That's not the case." Wu Yun shrugged. "Although there is indeed a way to achieve immortality, it is a very ancient technology. Only the ancient human empire possessed such technology. And this technology is banned in the human empire, at least for ordinary people. It is banned."

"The pursuit of immortality will lead to an imbalance in the universe. I remember the words used by the Empire at that time. The people of the Human Empire do not pursue immortality, but their lifespans are very long, even longer than many of the top powers in this universe."

"As for this immortality drug..." Wu Yun thought for a moment, "It can probably keep me alive until the end of the universe, right? If what my brother said is correct, but it can't really make me immortal."

"If I were beaten or killed, I would still die. It just allows me to live longer and greatly delays my aging."

"I don't know how this thing works. Maybe it's something that the guy who calls himself an 'alchemist' found in a health product company in an ancient human empire."

"After all, although the Human Empire prohibits people from becoming immortal, it does not prohibit the manufacture of some health care products, such as life-extending products. Therefore, if humans can only 'live until the extinction of the universe', it is still not against the rules."

"When the universe is extinguished, everything loses its meaning, and human life will naturally end. This is a law of the universe, and it is also the ultimate fate that everyone must face." "As for the so-called eternal life, the so-called 'immortality', the existence of such things is undoubtedly contrary to this law. Although the ultimate goal of life is to continue, to continue forever. The ultimate goal of civilization is the same."

"But the human empire doesn't seem to be pursuing this. They don't pursue immortality. Instead, they pursue military power and force, the force to crush and destroy everything."

"The human empire's fleet is powerful enough to destroy entire superclusters, and the huge star gates can transport humans from one end of the universe to the other in an instant."

"And in the end, humanity's brilliant empire, their kingdom of God, finally met their end, a war to end all wars."

"So, humans are extinct. The humans of the old era are extinct. And the human empire, naturally, no longer exists."

"In today's universe, only the remains of empires that existed in the distant past remain, creations that some country bumpkin civilizations call 'miracles'."

"Okay, I'm done with my story."

Wu Yun walked to the refrigerator and took out a bottle of juice for himself. Of course, he didn't give any to Lan Ya. This was the Coke he bought with his own money, and he bought it through Dimension City, which was more expensive, so he was definitely not willing to share it with Lan Ya.

"Your payment is only enough for me to tell you these. If you want to hear stories about my hometown, you need to pay more."

After saying that, Wu Yun took a big sip of juice and let out a long sigh of relief:

“Huh—so cool…”

"It sounds like the story of the human empire you told is an allusion to your homeland, the Galactic Empire?"

As expected, without any surprise, Wu Yun heard in Lan Ya's ears the same response from the other party, after he had told the same story to someone else before.

For some reason, these people never seemed to take his stories about his hometown seriously, even though he was not lying, even though what he said was true, and even though they all believed it.

But believing is one thing, caring or not is another.

Wu Yun didn’t know whether this was intentional on the part of the Dimension City, but after thinking about it, he didn’t think this was the reason.

Because the Dimension City does not provide this service, it only provides the function of concealing the fact that Wu Yun is a dimensional intruder from the Dimension City. It will not be kind enough to help Wu Yun conceal things about his hometown.

Therefore, Wu Yun can only attribute this to the fact that all the people in this world are fucking idiots, mentally handicapped, and retarded.

It's a pity that he wasted so much time talking about it, and he even felt a little bit sad about the fate of his hometown, his real motherland. But these bastards, these beasts, these bastards, none of them took this matter seriously.

I even felt like I was alluding to the fucking Galactic Empire, the Galactic Empire! ???
Although he had no sense of belonging to the Human Empire and no patriotism, Wu Yun was still angry.

(End of this chapter)

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