Give them a little funny shock

Chapter 472 568 Broken

Chapter 472 568 Broken (I)

Time always passes quickly. In the blink of an eye, Wu Yun has spent nearly half a year in this star system called "Matella".

During these six months, his life had not changed much, but based on the news he read, it seemed that the Covenant had encountered many setbacks in its battle with the Galactic Empire.

Although at the end of the comic "Covenant Wars", victory always triumphs over evil, the evil and brutal Galactic Empire was finally destroyed in what may be the most brilliant fireworks in the universe.

But at this moment, at least for now, the war between the Empire and the Covenant is still quite intense. Sometimes the Covenant has the advantage, sometimes the Galactic Empire has the advantage, or the two sides are in a balance and neither can gain any advantage.

But no matter which one it is, the intensity of the war between the two sides is still increasing. At the same time, although the Star Alliance had some advantages in the past period of time, they were not able to counterattack the Galactic Empire's homeland, nor did they recover much of their original territory.

However, the war on the front line will not affect this place, not now and not in the future. Because in the original comics, even in the most critical moment of the Star Alliance, the star region where this star system is located is far away from the front line in the Star Alliance.

Even though there is war on the front line, life here is still peaceful...

Well, it's not a peaceful time, as a large number of Star Alliance members have also enlisted to defend their homeland. At this moment when the entire civilization is facing destruction, there are no people in the Star Alliance who are more willing to protect their own family than to protect everyone else.

Just like you can't find a deserter on the battlefield in the Earth Empire...well, well, there are some in the Earth Empire, such as Wu Yun.

Although he was a prisoner and had never been a deserter, at most he was just making a tactical retreat, which was a completely reasonable act that was recognized by the empire.

After a day out, when Blue Jay returned home, he sat on the sofa as usual.

She was holding a cup, which contained various drinks that Wu Yun had purchased from his hometown universe. It could be juice, carbonated drinks, coffee, alcoholic drinks, or something else.

But without exception, they were all drinks and food that Blue Jay had never seen before, and they tasted very good.

Of course, after getting free food and drinks from Wu Yun for free for several times, no, more than ten times, no, dozens of times... um, probably hundreds of times. After getting free food and drinks from Wu Yun for hundreds of times, Lan Ya finally paid Wu Yun.

She paid a lot, so Wu Yun didn't care about it anymore. After all, the other party would pay, and he could even make a small profit, which naturally turned from a loss-making business into a serious business.

Therefore, he even treated Blue Jay in a much better manner. After all, the other party gave him money, and he would not go against money.

As for the reward points from the Dimension City spent on the way, in Wu Yun's opinion, such things are obviously not more important than real money.

What's more, Dimension City provides currency exchange services. Although the exchange rate is not transparent, judging from the currency exchange rates he obtained in previous mission worlds, Dimension City is still relatively honest and fair.

The higher the level of the universe, the more Yunguang City legal tender you can exchange for the currency you obtain there. At present, the currencies used by the Galactic Empire and the Star Alliance are undoubtedly the most valuable, and the exchange rate with Yunguang City currency is close to one to one.

As for the guy whose name was Si Xianghui in the first mission world, the money in his hometown is not that valuable.

But it doesn't matter. After all, you can get money by making a phone call, and spending this kind of thing is the least valuable. Yunguang City has long abolished the excess communication fees for inter-city and cross-border communications, so the cost of a phone call is only a few cents at most. Inter-universe communication is naturally also cross-border communication. The two are the same, so there will naturally be no difference in charges.

"Where have you been today?"

After Wu Yun returned home, this was the first question Lan Ya would ask as usual. Wu Yun had already gotten used to it, even though the woman was just asking knowingly.

Because every time he goes out, this guy will follow him, this damn woman who won't give him any privacy.

He hasn't had sex for almost ten years since he traveled to this universe to carry out a mission... Oh no, uh, that's not important.

Wu Yun is not a lustful person, so this matter is completely unimportant.

But no matter what, he still didn't like Blue Crow following him. The main reason was that the other party would not give him money for this, so he could only be followed and tailed for nothing.

"Don't you know where I went?" Facing Lan Ya's daily inquiries, Wu Yun's answer was no different from yesterday, the day before yesterday, or even ten days ago. "Besides, even if you really don't know, why should I tell you? It's none of your business."

Lan Ya didn't show any emotion because of Wu Yun's insults. He just drank a sip of coffee in the quilt and said, "Your coffee powder is almost used up. When can you buy some more online?"

"Where's the money?" Wu Yun didn't waste any words and went straight to the point.

"I'll give it to you in a few days." said Blue Crow.

"Then I'll place the order after you pay me in a few days."

Without the money, Wu Yun naturally couldn't place an order in advance. Although Lan Ya would definitely not default on the debt, he would definitely not do such a thing.

"Oh, by the way, I have something to tell you." Lan Ya looked at Wu Yun. She put down the cup in her hand and stood up from the sofa.

"According to the intelligence department, it seems that an elite team of the Galactic Empire entered the Star Alliance some time ago and caused considerable losses to our army." "Their strength is generally very strong, so we have not been able to capture most of them so far, except for a feathered person. She was captured by our army in the Maras star zone seven days ago and has now been controlled and sent to the Supreme Military Court of the Star Alliance."

"She will be tried there by a Covenant military tribunal."

"What does that have to do with me?" Facing Lan Ya's words, Wu Yun directly put on an indifferent attitude, "If she was arrested, she was arrested. I don't care whether she lives or dies."

"She is six-feathered." Blue Crow continued.

"So what?" Wu Yun still had no emotional fluctuations. He was not worried that his sister would come to rescue him, because he often secretly contacted his sister with his mobile phone during this period.

(End of this chapter)

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