Chapter 72 072 Tomb ()

"Not yet." Wu Yun sat down on the ground, "I just placed an order on Tianma. The protective clothing and multi-functional laboratory will have to wait for a while."

"Haha, my dear, just wait for a while, there's no rush anyway."

  Yunguang City, core area, city lord's mansion.

'knock knock'


"City Lord Crane, you need to handle this batch of documents."

A woman wearing the uniform of a Yunguang City government employee walked into the city lord's office and said to a person in the office who was looking attentively at the holographic screen on the table in front of her.

"Uh, City Lord?"

The woman holding several hard drive-like devices in her hands was slightly stunned after noticing the expression on Wu He's face at this moment.

This was the first time she had seen such rich expressions on Wu He's face: sometimes smiling, sometimes frowning, sometimes speechless and at a loss of whether to laugh or cry.

And after she called several times, the other party didn't even look at her. They were still paying attention to the holographic screen in front of them, seeming to have completely ignored her.

"City Lord??"

The woman's voice rose a little higher, and this time, she successfully attracted Wu He's attention.

He cast his gaze over, and the two met each other's eyes. When Wu He's eyes met, the woman's face turned slightly red, but the blush and gaffe quickly disappeared, returning to its previous calmness.

Although she has served as Wu He's secretary for five years, the woman still can't help but feel her heart beat faster every time she looks into Wu He's eyes, and sometimes she blushes.

Wu He has peerless beauty and is the dream lover of countless women of the right and inappropriate age in Yunguang City. At the same time, he is probably the appearance reference for nearly 70% of the male protagonists in romance novels in the city.

Strength, appearance, wisdom, status, and character are all extremely perfect. He is the embodiment of the BMW Prince in the hearts of countless women in Yunguang City. He is...well, forget it.

"what happened?"

Wu He looked at the secretary who walked into the office gently and asked.

"There are some documents here that need you to deal with immediately..."

"I know." Wu He had already returned his attention to the screen in front of him and waved his hand casually, "I'll look at it, just put it there first."

"But these are very important..." The secretary wanted to say something more, but was immediately interrupted by Wu He: "Not now, I am watching the live broadcast. Besides, you are my secretary, there are some things Just help me deal with it."



As soon as the secretary spoke, she interrupted the spell again, and Wu He also looked at her at this time. The gaze was so intense that she felt her face begin to heat up again.

"I believe you can handle these things well, so I give you the authority to handle these things."

"I'm relying on you."

After two sentences, steam began to come out of the secretary's head, and his face turned red like a boiling kettle. Faced with such gentle eyes and such firm trust. Shangguan Luoxia's defense was completely defeated.


"Yes. That's good. Thank you, Shangguan Luoxia."

So, Wu He no longer paid attention to Shangguan Luoxia, who was like a chicken blood, and Wu He continued to watch his live broadcast. While watching, he shook his head, laughed, and at the same time began to mutter to himself:
  "This boy is really..."

  "Oh! Welcome to the city lord of Yunguang City to our live broadcast room! It really makes our live broadcast room shine! Oh oh oh! Thank you to the lord of the city for sending ten super spaceships! Thank you to the lord of the city! Wow! Lord of the city! We love you, we love you!!!"

At this time, the things Wu Yun bought online are already being delivered and are expected to be delivered to Wu Yun within five minutes. As for how it is sent from one universe to another, the answer is, isn’t that what express delivery does?
  So it makes sense and there's nothing unreasonable about it at all.

In Teacher You's live broadcast room, the entire live broadcast room was already boiling because of the arrival of his brother.

Wu He's prestige in Yunguang City can be said to be extremely terrifying, infinitely terrifying, and invincible. He is not only the dream lover of many women, well, probably men too. At the same time, he is also the person most men admire the most.

With unparalleled strength and a reputation that is renowned all over the world, this is Wu He, the leader of the Yunhe Sect, the lord of Yunguang City, known as the 'Jade Star God' and the 'God of War of the Century'.

"Oh oh oh! Here is a barrage sent to [I am the world's number one killer] by the Lord of the City! The Lord of the City asked me to bring you a message, saying, 'Boy, be honest when you go on TV! '"

"These are not my words, Brother Killer. These are the city lord's actual words. If you don't believe me, just read the barrage."


Wu Yun, who was sitting on the ground waiting for the delivery, heard the teacher's voice coming from the phone. Wu Yun said "cut" with disdain, but the next second, another sentence from Teacher You instantly made all the hair on his body tremble. Standing up:

"If you do this again, you will see if I can rip your head off when I go back."

Wu Yun shrank his neck and said no more.

"Your delivery!"

At this moment, the void in front of him was suddenly broken open, and a drone with four propellers flew out of the void behind it, throwing a small box in front of Wu Yun, and a pleasant child's voice sounded:

"Please sign for it!"

The drone lowered in front of Wu Yun, played a holographic screen, and clicked on it a few times. The drone sounded a burst of cheerful music, rose into the sky again, and made a circle.

"Thank you for your purchase!"

After leaving such a sentence, it re-entered the void and disappeared in front of Wu Yun.

Standing up expressionlessly and rarely saying a word, Wu Yun silently opened the express box, took out two capsules, pressed the valve of the purple one, and threw it to the ground.

'Boom! '

With an explosion and huge smoke, a huge hemispherical building appeared in the open space.

Then, Wu Yun pressed the valve of another capsule, threw it out, exploded, and a large box appeared in the open space.

Walk up to the box and press the button above. Just like the medical kit, the box instantly unfolds and turns into a huge platform.

Taking the lead on the platform, several robotic arms swarmed up. With one operation, Wu Yun had a set of heavy protective clothing on his body.

"Okay." Walking off the platform, Wu Yun looked at Yu Jing and Li Chuixing and said, "You two, come up."

Although they were ancient people, they were definitely not fools, so neither one nor the other monster made any mistakes. They all successfully put on the protective suits and followed Wu Yun into the huge hemispherical building.

When they entered, at the very center of the building, on a huge platform, Wu Yun was standing there, with the crystal key in his hand flying into the air, and the moment the two of them saw it, an explosion that shook the entire The room was engulfed in dazzling white light.

The light was so piercing that people couldn't even open their eyes, even for Li Chuixing, who was an 'immortal'. I can only close my eyes and wait for the light to dissipate.

"Oh! Friends! The portal is ready! Go in now!" Teacher You's excited voice came from the mobile phone, which made both of them extremely curious, but they couldn't open their eyes at all.

"Wow! What a cool portal! What a cool teleportation process! Oh! If you can see such a cool scene, even if you die right here, it's worth the price of admission, it's worth the price of admission...!" "

Someone's tone became more and more excited, and his words became more and more exaggerated. The curiosity in Li Chuixing's heart grew even higher, but she still couldn't open her eyes and could only let the curiosity in her heart continue to grow.

Of course, a certain fox was different. She didn't want to open her eyes at all because she wasn't curious at all.


Wu Yun's plain voice sounded, and after this, Li Chuixing was the first to open his eyes.

Everywhere he looked was shrouded in mist. When he looked down, his legs were already submerged in the water, about a foot (30 centimeters) deep.

Water and fog make up everything in this world.

And a pyramid-like building standing quietly in the thick clouds and mist in the distance, as if it is close at hand, but also as if it is far away.

In other words, it is a tomb.

(End of this chapter)

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