Chapter 73 073 Tomb ()
  Looking up at the sky, it was also shrouded in white mist. The visibility was extremely poor and nothing could be seen at all. In the past, Li Chuixing could clearly see the lifeless city on the moon in the sky at night.

Even during the day, her eyes could penetrate the blue sky and see the stars one after another in the space.

But now, she can't see anything. Just like an ordinary person in the secular world who goes out on a foggy day.

The water on the ground is crystal clear. When you lean down and stare down, you can clearly notice that the ground under your feet is very flat, with obvious artificial traces.

The clear geometric patterns on the ground extend to the end of the horizon, and its terminus seems to be a pyramid standing in the distance, shrouded in clouds and mist.

The thick protective clothing greatly weakened her perception of the outside world, but it also isolated her from the pervasive and ubiquitous intrusions from the outside world that permeated the world.

After looking around at the strange environment around him, Li Chuixing didn't have any clue. Because she only got this thing last year, deep in a place where evil people died.

But it was not the one who opened the portal in Wuyun.

There are many places where evil people die in this world. Not all of them are called by this name. They are called by different places. But the name "The Place Where Evil Dies" is indeed one of the more widely spread.

Although she had briefly researched this thing before, she was unable to learn anything valuable from it. It's not like Wu Yun, who can just find someone on his phone and tell them the secret of this thing at a glance.

"It is indeed the world where the Immortal Lord lives. As expected, they are all powerful..." With this thought, and the longing for the world where Wu Yun lives in his heart. She turned to look at her boss and asked:
  "Boss, what should we do next?"

Because his elder brother was watching the live broadcast and verbally threatened him, Wu Yun seemed to be a little jealous at this moment, commonly known as EMO.

Faced with his subordinate's inquiry, he just glanced at the other person and said nothing. Then he took out his cell phone, held it up and turned it around like before, and asked, "What's next, Teacher You?"

"Wow!" Teacher You said in surprise when he saw the surrounding environment: "What an interesting place! Wait a minute, lower your phone a little and let me look at the ground."

"The ground?" Wu Yun glanced at the water under his feet, "My mobile phone's waterproof performance is not very good."

"No, just maintain your current height and let me take a look. The geometric patterns on the ground seem to be interesting." Teacher You said.

"Okay." Wu Yun nodded and turned the phone over with the screen facing down.

In order to allow Teacher You to see more clearly, he even levitated and rose a little higher.

This really allowed Teacher You to see more clearly. Under the guidance of the other party, he held up the phone and pointed the screen in one direction after another. After repeating this cycle several times, he landed again and waited for Teacher You's reply.

"Well, let me take a look..." Teacher You pondered for a while, then turned around and operated on the holographic screen on the side. After another period of pondering, he turned back and said to Wu Yun:

"I just checked the information. The lines on the ground should be some kind of energy pipeline. As for its function..." He pointed behind Wu Yun, "It should be to provide energy for the building behind you. And this ground The accumulated water may cover the surface of the entire planet, and it should be used as a cooling liquid. You should be able to feel it, because the temperature of this accumulated water is very low."

"Indeed." Wu Yun nodded. "It's almost a hundred degrees below zero." As he said that, he kicked the water on the ground again. Its shape was different from common water, it was a bit sticky. "It takes an entire planet to provide energy for that building, and the energy pipes on the ground are no longer bright." Teacher You continued to analyze, "Of course, I don't know if it is not bright in the first place. This is just My little personal speculation:"

"The energy of this planet has probably been completely exhausted. And that building is a huge life-support capsule used to sustain life. It is out of maintenance at the moment, so it looks like it is in disrepair. Inside I don’t know if the alien lying down is dead or not, you can go in and take a look first.”

"It can also be said that this is a cemetery, right? A dead civilization's efforts to preserve the last fire ultimately failed. Of course, this is also my personal speculation. Maybe it's just that I've read too many science fiction novels. "

"Really?" After listening to Teacher You's speculation, Wu Yun's expression didn't change. It wasn't because of his current state, but because he really didn't pay attention to such things.

What kind of living and dead people, what kind of life-support devices, what kind of graves are not graves...

and many more.

grave? base? The final spark?

A light bulb suddenly lit up on Wu Yun's head, accompanied by 'Ding! ' a sound.

Then, he immediately looked at the phone screen and said, "Is that so? Thank you, Teacher You. The connection ends here."

"Hey, okay, you're welcome!" Teacher You waved his hand cheerfully, but before he finished the first wave, Wu Yun had already cut off the connection and exited the Douluo live broadcast platform.

"Hahaha! Hahahahaha!!" As soon as the live broadcast platform was shut down and out of his brother's control, Wu Yun's jade state disappeared without a trace in an instant. He laughed arrogantly and looked into the distance. The pyramid in the clouds:

"Since it's a cemetery, since it's the last fire, damn..."

"Hahaha! I'm going to do it!!!!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Wu Yun soared into the sky, a ball of flame rising from his feet in protective clothing, and he was about to rush towards the pyramid in the distance. But in an instant, there was an explosion in the sky, and his actions were abruptly stopped. He lowered his head and suddenly turned his gaze to Li Chuixing and the fox demon Yujing below.

The two of them hadn't reacted yet, but they suddenly discovered that Wu Yun had flown into the sky again at some unknown time. And look at yourself from the sky below.

An arm stretched out from the water on the ground and tightly grasped the legs of Yu Jing and Li Chuixing. But neither one nor the demon noticed it at all. Seeing Wu Yun looking at them, Li Chuixing asked curiously:
  "What's wrong? Boss?"

Wu Yun did not speak, but raised his fingers towards Li Chuixing and Yu Jing below. Even with thick gloves, you can clearly see the brilliant light on his fingertips.

When Li Chuixing reacted, the light had already pierced her face and completely covered her sight.


(End of this chapter)

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