Give them a little funny shock

Chapter 74 074 Damn it, I almost missed it

Chapter 74 074 Damn it, I almost missed it ()

When they came back to their senses, Wu Yun had already fallen in front of them, while Li Chuixing and Yu Jing were both unscathed.

But under their feet, fire rose up and burned blazingly above the water.

The water on the ground was still cold and did not boil due to the burning of the fire, as if the flame did not exist.

"Boss?" After all, the frightened Li Chuixing recovered faster than a certain vixen.

The guy was still sitting there with his eyes closed begging for mercy, but Li Chuixing had already asked Wu Yun about the situation.

"Damn it." Wu Yun showed an expression that he had expected. He did not answer Li Chuixing's doubts, but just looked down at her feet.

Li Chuixing also followed his gaze and looked below her. Then, she also noticed that at some point, there was a flame burning under her feet.

"This, this is..." Li Chuixing looked at the flames below in surprise. After a long while, he raised his head and asked.

"Damn it..." Wu Yun stared at Li Chuixing's back, intently, "I almost lost my sight of that anchor's call just now..."

After the words fell, Li Chuixing turned around subconsciously, but he couldn't see anything there.

But she saw that the mist that had been covering the sky and the earth seemed to have vitality at this moment, and it began to flow continuously, like a liquid.

Not just it, the whole world seemed to start flowing at this moment.

Whether it's the pyramid in the distance or the fog nearby. And in this fog...

The clouds and mist surged, and Li Chuixing turned back, preparing to ask something more, but then, she was horrified to find that Wu Yun had disappeared in front of her at some point.

But in front of her, there was still a person standing
  He was wearing a Chinese robe and had a tall and thin body. His neck was very long, very long, and it probably extended upwards for more than ten meters. And further up is a head.

Her wet hair hangs down, and her eyes are perfectly round. The big mouth is very open, all the way to the earlobes. In the open mouth, there is a row of neat teeth.

He grinned and smiled straight at Li Chuixing.

Li Chuixing's expression was stiff and his mouth was wide open, as if he wanted to say something, but no sound came out.

Time seemed to stand still at this moment, and her thinking speed became extremely slow, so slow that even just one thought took an extremely long time to run in her mind.


A word came out of Li Chuixing's mouth, and then she suddenly discovered that the flow of time, or her thinking speed, seemed to have returned to normal at this moment.

But in front of her, that weird 'person' became normal.

He has a handsome appearance, a moral character, and a temperament that is even better than that of Li Chuixing. It seems that he is the real...

  At this moment, Li Chuixing was suddenly confused for some reason.

Everything that happened here at this time was completely beyond her knowledge.

Until, until the man spoke, he spoke with a smile and said:

"You and I are so popular that we have no talent."

The tone of his voice was ups and downs, and his voice was ethereal and dusty. It was completely in line with the 'speech of the immortal' that Li Chuixing had imagined in the past. But when she heard it, she discovered that it was not a sentence at all.

It doesn't even have any meaning, it's just a combination of unrelated words, and then it comes out of the other person's mouth.

"When wisdom leads to stupidity, do you act strangely?"

The man tilted his head, with a breathtaking smile on his face, and said another sentence.

After finishing speaking, he extended his hand to Li Chuixing. However, in a daze, Li Chuixing seemed to see that the person in front of him had returned to his previous extremely grotesque appearance.

But... facing the other party's outstretched hand, Li Chuixing was thinking in his mind. But she still raised her hand involuntarily and reached out to the other person's hand. She herself didn't realize that her actions at this moment were also extremely strange.

The immortal soul has dispersed, leaving only an immortal shell in the world. The mental memory is still there, but it is no longer the original body. Every gesture, every frown, every word, is all extremely strange and terrifying.

Like a puppet on strings, every move is trying to get closer to the 'person'. But you can still tell at a glance that this thing is just a poor imitation of 'human beings'.

And that’s the case with fairies and ghosts.

"God! Fire! - Burning the sky!!!"

Just when their fingertips were about to touch, just when their souls were about to collapse and disappear. A roar of anger echoed throughout the world, exploding in Li Chuixing's ears.

It is like a sharp blade, tearing apart the curtain covering the world at this time, allowing the 'reality' to return, so that the eyes are no longer illusions, and the mind is no longer confused.

Let her see clearly what this world really looks like.

There is no white mist that envelopes the world, nor is there any ground with strange geometric patterns that are actually 'energy delivery pipes'. Likewise, there is no 'coolant'.

But there was indeed water on the ground, and it was also bitingly cold, close to minus 100 degrees. But that's not water, let alone coolant.

That is blood.

Bright red blood.

And lying quietly in this sea of ​​blood, countless bones.

This sea of ​​blood and these bones have probably existed in this world for who knows how many years. And at the end of this endless sea of ​​blood and bones, the distant horizon
  That 'immortal' is indeed that immortal. However, his appearance was extremely distorted, with one eye falling out of its socket and hanging down to his mouth.

But his mouth is not there, his mouth is actually between the eyes. His nostril is in the other eye socket, and the other eye is in the place of the other nostril.

His hair was extremely wet and he was wearing a rotten hair crown. The mouth between his eyebrows split open, spitting out one completely meaningless note after another. He stretched his hands forward and staggered toward Li Chuixing step by step.

Li Chuixing's teeth were chattering, his body was shaking, and his pupils were dilated. She subconsciously stepped back, but stepped on something unknown, and her body suddenly staggered and was about to fall backwards.

At this moment, she was like an ordinary person, just like the weakest person in the team, Si Xianghui, on the first night Wu Yun came to this world.

"Old, old, old..."

" me!!!!"

But at least unlike Si Xianghui, she could still formulate a complete sentence, scream and send a distress signal to Wu Yun.


The sea of ​​blood turned into a sea of ​​fire, liquid flames spread everywhere, and the flames shot straight into the dark sky, illuminating the entire world.

And in the night sky where there were not even a few stars visible, Wu Yun was floating there quietly.

He was stepping on blazing fire. At this moment, with an attitude of overwhelming the world, he was looking quietly into the distance. At the end of the horizon, there was a dark but shining pyramid-shaped building.

It seemed that it was not much different from the pyramid they had seen in the ethereal false world before.

Although Teacher You's speculation is basically completely irrelevant to the real situation, he is not completely useless. After all, he is indeed a professional.

Even from another perspective, there was nothing wrong with his previous speculation.

In the sky, Wu Yun turned around, locked Li Chuixing who was still in shock on the ground with a very dangerous look, and said:

"Damn it, I spent so much money on this. This key better be able to unlock something valuable. Otherwise, you'll be doomed if I don't do it then!"

This time the shock could no longer be resolved.

(End of this chapter)

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