The wizard starts by trimming the donkey's hooves

Chapter 208 I guess he is basically dead!

Chapter 208 I guess he is basically dead! (Two chapters in one)

However, this is fine.

After just some testing, Renne has basically grasped the opponent's strength.

The physical quality is comparable to that of a great knight, but the water film on the opponent's surface is really difficult to deal with and seems to be able to offset most of the damage.

When the two items are superimposed, the opponent's strength is even greater than that of Brigadier Parix of the Zalal Resistance Army.


The two were separated by more than ten meters due to a violent collision again.

At this time, Poseidon Cult Mialko also noticed something was wrong, because the opponent was too strong, almost as strong as a great knight.

"Are you the Great Knight? No, you have no signs of releasing the Force!" Mialko couldn't help but look at Renn repeatedly.

Only then did he notice that in addition to a two-handed war hammer in his hand, Ren also had a two-handed sword on his back.

It's not that Ren's witchcraft 'High Temperature Field' does high damage.

A large piece of soil was hit hard into the air!

Mialko's words immediately stunned Ren on the opposite side.

However, this is a coincidence.

This immediately surprised Mialko!
"What kind of witchcraft are you doing? How can you dissolve my shield?" Mialko couldn't help but exclaimed.

The two fought again at high speed.

Simply because of the continuous high temperature of over 100 degrees, the stability of his water film shield has been greatly reduced, and his defense power has also begun to show an unstable state of high and low.

What he didn't expect was that Renn could actually perform witchcraft, which was not recorded in the information sent by the Black Flame Church.

Almost at the same time, Mialko's mouth spat out a stream of light yellow fishy liquid as thick as his wrist. He turned his head left and right and spat out in all directions.

But the next second, his smile froze.

Unexpectedly, the other party arrived a few days in advance.

[Armor-breaking (passive) effect: Your control over sharp weapons has reached an extremely high level. You can concentrate your power on one point and explode it, greatly increasing the probability of breaking the enemy's armor. 】

Sparks fly!

In fact, this was a misjudgment on his part.

But of course Renn would not allow the other party to use evil spells. When he tiptoed, the ground suddenly splashed with dirt, and he rushed towards Mialko like an arrow from a string!
But the next second, Ren's pupils shrank suddenly.

How does the other party know who he is?
If you know that you are Renn, it would be okay, but if you know that you are the new governor of Fishing Port Town, the meaning is extraordinary.

This time, he learned the lesson and stopped talking nonsense. Instead, he quickly recited some kind of prayer.

Suddenly, a flash of light flashed through his mind, and he couldn't help but blurt out, "Are you the new Archon of Fishing Port Town, Ren?"

I didn't expect that the opponent could be solved here before 'Operation Raging Waves'.

With this blow, the pointed end of Ren's pig-headed hammer actually penetrated the water film, hit his hard giant lobster claws, and made a thumb-sized gap on the surface of his thick claw shell.

Mialko couldn't help but have a smile on his face.

With the combination of the two, from a probability perspective, the possibility of breaking the water film shield is very high. The hammer just now was a single hit!
Taking advantage of this opportunity, Renne continuously used the Tokkal Hammer Technique and carried out heavy hammer blows. Suddenly, Mialko was beaten back one after another.

"Huh? Fire witchcraft?" Mialko's expression turned stern.

Secondly, except for the newly appointed governor of Fishing Port Town, it is unlikely that such a master will come here again in this territory.

I saw Mialko's chest suddenly bulging, and his whole neck suddenly thickened, as if a cannonball was about to be spit out from the chest!
Ren is very familiar with this kind of physical change. You must know that his secret technique of giant bear swordsmanship - 'Roaring Blow', is exactly like this!

At the same time, the tip of the turtle, which was as long as an index finger, was directly shattered by Ren's pig-headed hammer, but the two of them were also bounced away by the huge force of the shock. Mialko relied on this injured blow to obtain a rare victory. respite.

Only two blurry figures were seen flashing quickly in the open space, and the ground would suddenly explode from time to time, and the dull sounds of fighting could be heard frequently.


However, Renn was not in the habit of answering the enemy's questions. He quickly recited a spell silently and cast the witchcraft 'High Temperature Force Field'.

Calculating the time, it should indeed come within two days.

This kind of look is very rare, and it instantly gave him a sense of familiarity.

Obviously, the opponent was performing some kind of range attack!
But at this time, he was still four or five meters away from the opponent, and it was already too late to stop him immediately.

At the same time, he slightly rotated the handles of the war hammers in his hands so that the spiked end of the pig-headed hammer pointed straight upward.

But within a few seconds, Mialko realized something was wrong. Although the opponent's strange witchcraft was not very powerful, he felt waves of heat coming at him, and his water film shield began to show signs of evaporation.

More importantly, Ren is using the pointed end of a pig-headed hammer, which has a sharp armor-piercing effect.

Mialko seemed to feel that he was too embarrassed and embarrassed in front of all the pirates. He couldn't help but roared immediately, and actually used the tip of the clasp in his right hand and Ren's pig-headed hammer to hit him head-on. Came for a while!


The thing that these Poseidon monks hate and fear the most is naturally flames.

In the midst of the lightning and flint, Ren spun around and immediately dodged to the left. At the same time, he swung the black pig-headed hammer and suddenly hit the ground from top to bottom. It was exactly the secret hammer technique "Earth-breaking Hammer"!

Although Renn did not answer his words, Mialko had already determined in his heart that his judgment was not wrong.

On the opposite side, Ren is holding a two-handed warhammer and carrying a two-handed sword. Obviously, it is very consistent with the image passed down by the Black Flame Church.

One of the pirates from Jack's pirate group was unable to dodge for a moment and was doused in the water.


Immediately, the pirate who was doused immediately screamed, and he covered his face with his hands. His whole body was like a wax statue, starting to melt from head to toe.

Ren's eyes flashed. He originally thought that the other party would be a sonic attack, but unexpectedly, the other party actually spit out some kind of highly corrosive liquid. However, this did not hinder his response at this time.

Both were ranged attacks. The large piece of soil that Ren had just hit hit the air, and the light yellow acid spit out by the opponent immediately came into contact. Immediately, most of the acid was blocked by the curtain-like soil. , stirring up large amounts of smoke.

Due to the obstruction of the earth wall, there were only a few drops of acid, which landed on Ren's water-filmed steel armor, making a corrosive sound.

A few seconds later, Mialko, who stopped spraying acid, was checking the results of the battle through the light yellow smoke, but suddenly, a dazzling bright light shot out from the gradually dissipating smoke.

This made Miarko close his eyes for the first time, and quickly used his arms to block the stimulation of the retina by the bright light!

"Blazing light!"

It turned out that Ren had just taken the opportunity to perform this flashbang-like witchcraft.

Immediately afterwards, a figure shot out from the smoke, and a dark sledgehammer hit Mialko, who was shielding his eyes!
By the time Mialko reacted, the black pig-headed hammer was already close at hand!
This made his pupils shrink suddenly. In the critical moment, he immediately blocked Ren's heavy hammer attack with the giant pincers in his hands. At the same time, with a ferocious expression on his face, he uttered two short and sharp tones!


Mialko's giant pincer carapace shattered instantly!
However, the pointed end of Ren's pig-headed hammer also penetrated the opponent's giant pincers. Suddenly, Mialko's original octopus beard was seen to grow suddenly, wrapping around Ren's pig-headed hammer. live.

At the same time, he opened his mouth wide, intending to spit out the acid liquid just now.

Renne tiptoed without hesitation, instead of retreating, he advanced with a lightning-quick uppercut that hit Mialko on the chin.

He immediately slapped the opponent's mouth shut, causing Mialko's plan to spit acid at close range to be aborted.

Immediately afterwards, Renn did not choose to wrestle with Mialko holding the handle of the hammer. Instead, he held the hilt of the big sword on his back with both hands and struck hard in an arc.

A bright light flashed!

The sound of heavy objects falling to the ground was heard.

The pig-headed hammer wrapped around the octopus-like bearded tentacles fell to the ground.

Ren's sword just cut off most of the opponent's beard.

At this moment, light green bodily fluids were shooting out from the incision of the other party's beard.


Mialko felt a chill in his chin, and then another burst of sharp pain, which made him scream in pain!
You know, although his octopus tentacles look like beards, they are not dead things like hair, but living things like muscle tissue.

Mialko's expression suddenly changed. At this moment, he had no desire to continue fighting.

Riding on a horse, this Ren's strength is much higher than the information passed by the Black Flame Church!
The damn Black Flame Church!
And they, the Poseidon Sect, also resorted to fraud!
He wanted to return to the church and report the news immediately.

Mialko quickly stepped back and hid behind a pirate.

But Renn followed closely, and with a 45-degree cleave, he split the pirate in half without hesitation, and Mialko was almost disemboweled.

This time, all the pirates around him immediately showed fear and fled one after another.

Mialko ducked behind Captain Jack again in embarrassment.

This made Captain Jack suddenly look livid.

If you can't beat me, just run away!

What do you mean by trying to block the gun with us?
Are we stupid?
The Poseidon Cult of Dog Day!

Facing Ren, who was approaching at high speed, Captain Jack immediately rolled around like a donkey and hid aside.

Although it was unworthy of a pirate leader, let alone, he really dodged Ren's angry slash.

However, Mialko did not expect that Captain Jack would suddenly get out of the way, causing him to get a new injury. Now, he no longer dared to look for pirates to resist, but quickly fled into the distance.

But Renn was hot on his heels.

With the big fish in front of us, these pirate shrimps naturally can't take care of them.

Seeing the two of them running away and disappearing into the distance, the rest of Jack's pirate group looked at each other in shock. At this time, a bearded man who looked like Captain Jack asked: "Boss, do we want to help?"

"Help?" Captain Jack rolled his eyes at his subordinate and said, 'Pop! 'A slap on the back of the head.

"are you a pig!"

"Boss, Lord Komiarko is from the Poseidon Cult."

“Is Mialko a daddy?!”

'Snapped! ' with a sound, another slap on the back of the head!

"Didn't you see that grandson couldn't beat him in the end, so he used us as a shield." "The Poseidon Cult's horse-riding people, when they didn't exist a few years ago, we lived more comfortably in this sea area, bah!"

"Hurry, let's retreat to the sea before the other party comes back."

"Boss, what should I do if Miarko comes back and says we don't follow orders?" The strong man finally realized something. This time, he didn't even add the word 'adult' to the other party.


"I guess he is basically dead!" Jack recalled the expressionless young man just now, and said with a stern look on his face, a little scared.

"Come on! Don't take anything away! Get back to the boat."

Captain Jack waved his hand and took the lead, followed immediately by more than twenty pirates, rushing towards the seaside.
Next to the task force's carriage.

A white seagull descended quickly, circled around Veronica, and stopped on her arm. It seemed that it had read something. Veronica immediately frowned and said:
"Hey, Lord Ren has deviated from the original route, and now he is speeding towards the seaside."

"Huh? What happened?"

Marika couldn't help but change her face slightly.

"White Seagull told me that Mr. Ren was chasing a man in black, and both of them were very fast." The girl's twin ponytails jumped, and she turned her head and said to Marika.

Marika thought for a moment and expressed her judgment:

"It seems that Sir Renn may have encountered some big fish."

She has seen Ren's speed. The opponent's ability to escape from Ren's hands is naturally extraordinary. If placed on the pirates' side, he must be a big fish.

However, he was afraid that the other party would have some kind of trap to lure Ren into taking the bait. In that case, it would be bad.

"Major Marika, do we want to help immediately?" the girl said eagerly.

After all, just being a sounding board doesn't bring the excitement of fighting on your own! The girl thought so.

"Wait a minute, if Mr. Ren needs help, I think he will send you a message from White Seagull, right?" Marika said calmly.

"That's right." The girl said a little frustrated for a moment.
At the same time, the chase between Rennes and Miaalko continued.

Although Mialko's giant pincers were broken and the octopus's tendrils were shaved clean, and he was seriously injured, his legs were not injured. Therefore, Ren was unable to do anything to him while running for his life.

However, Renne is not in a hurry, because the opponent's full escape speed is unlikely to be maintained forever. The opponent should soon be exhausted and the speed will decrease.

Sure enough, after a few minutes, Mialko's speed began to slow down, while Renne did not hesitate to increase his agility.

As the remaining attribute points go from 5 to 4, the agility also goes from 22 to 23 points.

Suddenly, a warm current was vigorously pumped from his heart, and in an instant, all the soreness and fatigue in Ren's muscles were wiped away!


On the carapace on Mialko's back, there was a deep wound visible to the bone!

This made Mialko startled. When he looked back, his eyes suddenly widened twice!

He found that Ren was actually chasing closer and closer!

But how is this possible?
My own physical energy has been consumed so much, but the other party is chasing me closer and closer as if there is nothing wrong with me.

Mialko's heart suddenly sank!

Suddenly, a hidden cave appeared in front of Mialko.

This cave is barely big enough for people to enter. It is probably the lair of some kind of small bear.

Mialko's eyes lit up, and he came up with a great idea!

That Ren is good at using two-handed weapons, and whether it is a two-handed war hammer or a two-handed sword, he has just learned how to use it, and his attainments are very high!
I don’t know how this kid practices horse riding!

However, in this narrow cave, as long as he dared to rush in, he would not be able to swing the weapons in his hands freely. In this way, most of his combat power would naturally be wasted!


In that case, not only would he no longer have to run away, but he might even be able to fight back!


Mialko rushed into the cave.

Renn slowed down slightly at the entrance of the cave.

He quickly glanced around the hole and judged that this was not a trap that Mialko had set in advance. It was most likely an animal's nest, and he rushed in.

At this time, he also vaguely guessed the reason why Mialko took the initiative to rush into the 'dead end'.

"Boom! Boom!"

The two of them quickly fought in the narrow cave!
Renn had put away the shimmering giant sword early, and at this moment, he was fighting the exhausted Mialko with a pair of iron fists.

Although the level 5 Kadar Boxing Technique cannot display secret skills, nor can it crush Mialko in terms of skills, don't forget that Renne is at the peak of his physical fitness after adding points!
Boxing is afraid of young people!
Every blow from the iron fist wearing plate gloves was powerful and heavy. In this narrow venue, it was almost impossible for the opponent to dodge and had to fight hard!

Every time the shattered giant forceps resisted, for Mialko, it was no less than the intense pain of childbirth!

A few minutes later.

Renn dragged the dying Mialko by one leg and walked out of the cave!

Although the other party was beaten to the point of death by him, he still refused to reveal any information related to Poseidon Religion.

The fanaticism of cultists for their beliefs is unimaginable to ordinary people!
Ren thought for a while, maybe, for this kind of cultist, the Navy might have a more targeted way to pry open the opponent's mouth.

Renne did not gain anything.

He glanced at the system prompt that had just appeared on the screen:
[Your skill Tokkal Hammer has been improved, and your experience value is +698]

[Your skill Giant Bear Swordsmanship has been improved, experience value +466]

[Your skill Kadar Boxing has been improved, experience value +423]

[Your skill High Temperature Force Field is improved, experience value +26]

[Your skill Blazing Light is improved, experience value +17]

[You have experienced a battle, the experience value of the knight (extraordinary) is +285, and the experience value of the wizard apprentice (extraordinary) is +151]

Kadar Boxing has reached lv5 (1010/2000), and the progress is directly over half!
Because just now in the cave, Renn punched the opponent hard and knocked him down.

In the battle just now, Renne's witchcraft was used a lot, so the experience value reward for the wizard apprentice (extraordinary) this time is also quite considerable, currently reaching level 5 (1670/2000).

In order to prevent the other party from performing sorcery, Renn tore off a piece of rag and stuffed it into Mialko's mouth.

At the same time, he tied Mialko's entire body like a rice dumpling. After thinking about it, Ren stepped forward again and swung the hammer at Mialko's legs, giving him two heavy blows.



Mialko's eyes were widened due to the severe pain, and his mouth was moaning as if he wanted to shout something, but at this moment, he could only bear it on his own.

Renn looked at Mialko, whose knee joint had been severely twisted and deformed, and nodded with satisfaction.

The other party was really able to run just now. This time, he was probably wasting at least half an hour of his time.

However, being able to harvest such a 'high-value' target this time is, overall, a very cost-effective deal.

Holding the rope in his hand, Ren jumped on the horse, dragged Mialko, and galloped towards the place agreed with Marika.

As for why he didn't carry Mialko behind the saddle, it was mainly because Renn considered the weird methods of the cultists and there were always certain hidden dangers in letting them get too close.

It is still necessary to maintain a certain safe distance.

Next to the task force's carriage.

An emerald green bird fell from the sky and circled Veronica's side several times. Veronica's eyes immediately brightened and she turned her head and said: "Major Marika, a group of people are approaching us quickly. It seems a battle is inevitable."

"Huh? A group of people? What do you mean by 'green jade'?" Marika couldn't help but change her expression.

Obviously, the one who can make 'Green Jade' issue a warning must not be an ordinary caravan.

"'Green Jade' said, many fast ones. And bows."

"In this case, I'll let the white seagulls go take a look." Veronica muttered a spell silently, and saw two white seagulls flying quickly in the sky in the direction of the 'Green Emerald' warning.

Half a minute later, suddenly, Veronica's expression changed and she exclaimed: "One of my white seagulls was shot dead."

"No! There are two now!"

Although the white seagull is not Veronica's contracted creature, and its death will not have any impact on her, the death of the white seagull that she got along with day and night still makes Veronica quite angry!
Marika on the side thought of something.

Um? Two white seagulls were shot?
Good at archery?

Could it be that guy?

Marika's pretty face suddenly froze, and she immediately issued an order, saying: "Everyone is on alert, the enemy is coming, it is very likely."

At this time, a group of people had appeared at the corner of the road, and the leader was a one-eyed man carrying an exaggeratedly large bow, followed by more than 20 strong men on horses.

"As expected, it's 'Bloody Shooter' Phil Kratz!"

"This is bad!"

Marika frowned.

However, Veronica on the side didn't think so. Instead, she said slightly excitedly: "Is this the 'bloody shooter'? I didn't expect that I didn't go to him, but he took the initiative to send me to my door. He also killed my Bai Seagull!"

Before Marika could say anything, Veronica recited a spell silently. Suddenly, a large white owl flew from the distant sky. Not counting its wings, its body size was close to that of an adult.

The next second, as Veronica pointed at the opponent with a short staff, a light blue halo began to appear on the giant white owl.

"Baymax! Kill him!" Veronica's twin ponytails jumped and she shouted crisply.


The giant white owl blessed by witchcraft chirped happily and immediately rushed towards the 'Bloody Shooter' Phil Kratz in the distance.

(End of this chapter)

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