The wizard starts by trimming the donkey's hooves

Chapter 209 is so fast that no one can accept it!

Chapter 209 is so fast that no one can accept it! (Two chapters in one)

Phil Kratz, on the other hand, looked at the huge, obviously extraordinary white owl. He was startled at first and planned to turn around and leave, but then he quickly calmed down and said to himself:
"No, it seems like it's a wizard?"

The sharpshooter's eyesight is very good. As soon as he turned the corner of the road, his sight quickly passed over the convoy where Marika and her group were. He quickly ignored the group of cavalry, but the two beside the carriage Women, however, attracted his attention.

At first it was because of the young and beautiful opponent, but now seeing this giant white owl with a light blue halo on its body, this way of dealing with his marksman was not very 'wizard'.

To put it simply, an experienced wizard or wizard apprentice, when you see him carrying a big bow, will have a mature way to deal with long-range shooters, such as casting a slow curse on him at the beginning, fog-type witchcraft, etc. .

But there is a high probability that this will not be the case. At the beginning, you will give protective witchcraft to your contracted creatures, not yourself.

Immediately, Phil Kratz thought of the young faces of the two women. After the two were combined, he guessed that the two of them were most likely not formal wizards, and they were not even experienced wizard apprentices.

Then what else does he have to fear.

In this case, the strength of this modified creature may not be strong.

He immediately drew his arrow and put on his bow, aimed at the white owl and started shooting.


A steel arrow shot into the wing of the giant white owl with a screeching sound.

Phil Kratz has extremely rich combat experience. He knows that if facing a bird, if he is not sure of hitting the body, it is sometimes a wise decision to choose wings with a larger area.

Once a bird's wings are damaged, the opponent's flight speed will inevitably be greatly affected, and it may even become a living target.


I saw the giant white owl on the opposite side wave its wings vigorously, the light blue film all over its body lit up, and the steel arrow that struck at high speed was blown away.

But Phil Kratz laughed now.

Sure enough, the witchcraft creations of formal wizards or contracted creatures will never be so weak.

Because Phil Kratz keenly discovered that there was a small red dot on the opponent's snow-white wings.

Obviously, this is because the protective witchcraft cannot completely offset the damage caused by his arrows.

Although the damage was minimal, he didn't use all his strength just now!
"Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!"

His fingers were like playing a piano, rapidly drawing arrows and shooting without stopping. The speed was so fast that it was almost impossible to see the hand that was drawing arrows and shooting. He could only feel a blurry thing dancing there.

And one after another, heavy special steel arrows were shot at the giant white owl like bullets.

"Tsk, tsk, the boss's secret bow skill 'Rapid Continuous Fire!'" The black-sailed pirates who were originally frightened by the sudden attack of Dabai from the sky were now at ease. Seeing their boss showing off his power, they couldn't help but said happily. .

"Yeah, after all this time, I haven't seen anyone who can withstand it intact. Even the two twin hammer and shield knights in Fishing Port Town were also injured." Another pirate admired from the side.


What Phil Kratz used just now was the secret bow skill he mastered, 'Rapid Continuous Shooting!' '

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

His arrows were very accurate. Although Dabai tried his best to dodge, he was too big. Basically, he almost took all the arrows that came in rapid succession!

This caused the light blue water film halo on Dabai's body to flicker frequently, and his protective power could be said to have reached a certain limit.

I saw Phil Kratz's face was solemn, his whole body exuded a faint blood-colored halo, and the blood vessels on the surface of his skin were swollen, which was scary!

The bowstring in his hand was also stretched to the extreme. At this time, the steel arrow in his hand suddenly appeared with interlaced blood lines.

A "chirp" sound!
The bloody steel arrow shot at the giant white owl in mid-air at an extremely high speed!

"It's here! It's the boss's 'Blood Fury Strike!'"

"It's a rare sight!"

"I heard that this move consumes a lot of money, and the boss is generally reluctant to use it!"


When the pirates saw their deputy captain showing off his power, they couldn't help but shout and cheer.


In an instant, a bolt of bloody lightning penetrated the protection of the light blue water film, hit Dabai's wings, and brought out a stream of blood with a 'squeaking' sound.

This made Dabai scream and immediately turned around and flew back towards Veronica on the other side of the carriage.

Although it was very big, it was not that big in terms of age. It was still in its teenage years, and it had never faced such a powerful enemy before, so it was frightened by the enemy's momentum and fled in a hurry.

This made Phil Kratz couldn't help but smile proudly.

This was his trump card just now - the 'Blood Fury Blow', which consumes part of the blood in his body and unleashes a blow that is far more powerful than himself.

This kind of attack does a lot of damage to the body. Under normal circumstances, he is not willing to use it, but...
He felt that the identities of the two beautiful women opposite him were not simple. They should be two big fish.

And judging from the attack just now, it turns out that the opponent is just a wizard apprentice, and most likely a novice. He is not very experienced in fighting a marksman like himself.

In addition, from the white seagull just now to the giant white owl now, it seems that the witchcraft that the other party is good at is all related to 'controlling birds', which happens to be completely restrained by him.

"Go! Capture the two women alive and kill the men!" Phil Kratz waved his hand and said with a proud smile.

Suddenly, a group of elite pirates grinned ferociously, raised their weapons, and rushed towards the carriage where the two women were!

Veronica couldn't help but turn pale when she saw this scene, because if Baymax was just injured and paid for it, he might really die in the battle, which would be very harmful to her.

Now, when she saw the pirates rushing toward her with great force, she felt panicked for no reason.

Is this a real battle?
It was very different from the one-on-one battles I had experienced before, which were more of a teaching style battle.

Marika immediately shouted: "Everyone dismount, go around behind the carriage, and form a defensive formation to resist!"

The twelve-man squad was worthy of being the elite of the navy. The ten cavalrymen, led by two formal knights, reacted very quickly. Four people arrived in front holding swords and shields, the other four drew arrows and shot, and several others were ready to attack.

"Quick, Veronica, ask Mr. Ren for help!" Marika quickly turned to Veronica and said.

"Okay!" Veronica quickly came to her senses and used witchcraft to start the message.

Phil Kratz, on the other hand, took his time and pulled out a steel arrow, pointed it at a figure behind the carriage in the distance, and took aim.
As Renn was rushing towards the task force, suddenly, a white seagull crowed twice in the sky with a hint of sadness, then quickly circled down towards Renn and circled twice.

"Master. Danger Bow."

"Companions. Two Deaths"

After receiving the fragment of consciousness, Ren was stunned for a moment!
But he soon realized that the task force must have encountered a strong enemy.

Could it be said that the task force also encountered the Poseidon Cult?

Immediately, Ren raised the reins, quickly controlled the 'Black Pearl', and galloped away in the direction of the team.

This is the Poseidon Cult Mialko who is being dragged behind him!

Although his skin was rough and fleshy, his injuries were serious. Although the wounds had initially healed, after Ren's acceleration, the degree of turbulence increased greatly, and the originally healed wounds burst open again!
Riding on a horse, this bastard, why did he suddenly speed up!

Mialko suddenly cursed.
A light blue dome-like cover has been raised next to the task force's carriage.

It was the effect caused by a certain witchcraft scroll used by Veronica. A group of pirates, under the command of their deputy leader, were slashing around the cover crazily.

Inside the cover, there were four or five cavalrymen holding swords and shields. They were either shot through the chest and abdomen by steel arrows, or their shields were torn open and hit in the arms. The injuries were serious.

The only person who could cause such a level of injury with one arrow was Phil Kratz, nicknamed the 'Bloody Archer'.

I saw him looking at the members of the task force inside the light blue cover leisurely, and said: "Although witchcraft is very magical, even witchcraft has a duration or an upper limit of endurance. It is impossible. Lasts indefinitely.”

"How long can this cover protect you?"

Looking at Phil Kratz's proud expression, Veronica inside the hood couldn't help but angrily said: "Major Malika, why don't you let me use the 'Water Grave' scroll."

"As long as I use it, this 'bloody shooter' will definitely die!"

When Veronica saw the injured Baymax and the task force members who were also seriously injured beside them, she felt a slight feeling of self-blame in her heart.

"Veronica, your 'Water Grave' scroll is a last resort. Even if your mentor Master Aeneus makes it, it will cost a lot of money. It is too precious!"

"It's been quite a while now. According to Sir Ren's speed, we should be here soon."

"If it's really too late, it's not too late for you to use it." Marika said calmly.

Although they are at a disadvantage at the moment, it is absolutely impossible for the opponent to break through the protection of the sorcery 'water barrier' in a short time.

Once Ren arrives, the situation will be reversed!

Somehow, Marika found that Ren seemed to have a special sense of reliability in her heart.

Just when Phil Kratz thought he was sure of victory, he heard the rhythmic sound of horse hooves behind him.

The sound of the horse's hooves was duller and heavier than the ordinary sound of the horse's hooves, as if it was carrying something heavy. At the same time, along with the sound of the horse's hooves, there was a sizzling friction sound.

He immediately looked back and saw a tall black war horse, carrying a knight, appearing at the end of the road.

After the other party saw them, they ran towards them, but strangely, the knight was holding a rope in his hand and seemed to be dragging a humanoid object.

Just when Phil Kratz turned to look at Renne, the two women also saw Renne appearing in the distance, and they couldn't help but look overjoyed!
"Everyone, please hold on, Mr. Ren is here." Marika couldn't help but look happy. Although she just gave everyone a very stable feeling, she was actually quite nervous inside. Now that she saw Renn appearing, she felt relieved for no reason. It seemed that as long as Renn appeared, the enemies in front of her were not afraid!
And Ren, who was on horseback, just glanced at it and understood what was going on.

It turned out that the bloody shooter Phil Kratz, who had been searching for them before, suddenly appeared here in the task force.

Moreover, Veronica's witchcraft should have been restrained by the opponent, so the whole scene was a bit embarrassing, with a group of people hiding in this light blue water film shield.

Judging from the blood stains on the ground, many cavalrymen should have been injured.

In addition, witchcraft has an upper limit.

Therefore, Renne must break the situation as soon as possible!

At first, Phil Kratz did not regard Renn as a serious enemy, but more thought that the opponent might be a lone knight.

Suddenly I saw this scene and came to 'act bravely'.

Just when he was about to tell the other party to mind their own business, suddenly, he saw clearly that Ren was wearing a water-coated steel knight suit, and his expression changed slightly.

Because this kind of expensive knight suit is definitely not something that a lone knight can afford, which means that the other party is likely to be a noble knight or serve in the empire.

Then there is a high probability that there is some kind of relationship between the other party and the group of people in front of him.

As a result, Phil Kratz immediately looked at Renn up and down more seriously, and when he saw clearly the person on the ground that Renn was dragging, his expression suddenly changed.

I saw him rubbing his eyes and looking intently!

"Fuck! Isn't this the messenger of the Poseidon Cult - Mialko?" He couldn't help but cursed.

That's right!

it's him!
I just met him two hours ago.

Although the other party is now extremely embarrassed and his face is swollen like a pig's head, there is absolutely no mistake!

Looking at Mialko who was trapped like a rice dumpling and almost dying, Phil Kratz's eyelids twitched suddenly and his pupils shrank!
It seems that the opponent is very strong!

Mialko was beaten like this!
So when Ren jumped off his horse, drew out the two-handed sword from his back, and walked over them step by step, Phil Kratz suddenly felt terrified.

Immediately, he could no longer hold back and suddenly started shooting at Ren.

"Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!"

"Rapid burst of fire!"

Within a few seconds, the twenty special steel arrows in the quiver hanging on Phil Kratz's waist were shot out in an instant!
Seeing the dozens of steel arrows that were coming, almost forming a long line from head to tail, Ren was slightly shocked. He didn't expect that this 'bloody archer''s archery skills had reached such a level.

It's breathtaking!

It's a pity that he doesn't have a shield in his hand at the moment. Otherwise, he can resist easily, but now it will be more troublesome.


I saw Renn immediately dodging the opponent's attack at high speed, but the opponent's arrows were too fast and the rate of fire was too fast. Several arrows could not be avoided. Renn immediately started to slash.

"Clang!" After knocking away two steel arrows, Ren was able to dodge the opponent's secret technique.


I saw Renne rushing towards Phil Kratz quickly.

If you simply use the sword in your hand for defense, you will lose your defense for a long time!
Only offense is the best defense!

"Blood Fury Blow!" Phil Kratz once again used this signature blow.

In the past, when he used it, he would think about it for a long time, because every time he used this kind of attack, he would not be able to return to his peak state for ten days and a half, but since he participated in a prayer of Poseidon, he was given a ray of Poseidon. Power.

The power of Poseidon can offset his side effects at least three times!
Basically, the top leaders of each large-scale pirate group have received a lot of benefits from the Poseidon Cult, while small-scale pirate groups do not have this kind of treatment, and are more treated with big sticks. Otherwise, where can the unruly pirates go? Would you listen to the Poseidon Cult like this?

Under the carrot and stick policy, almost all the pirates in this area were united by the Poseidon Sect.

Facing the blood-colored arrows coming at high speed, the level 3 'danger perception' gave Ren a strong warning. Obviously, the power of this attack could pose a serious threat to Ren.

"Shou Shiki!"

Renn rarely used the only defensive move in the giant bear swordsmanship. The big sword was deeply inserted into the ground, and the thick sword spine as wide as a palm was used to deal with the blow of the 'Bloody Archer'.


I saw the bloody arrows, as if they were alive, hitting the big sword heavily. At the same time, suspended in the air, they struck hard at the spine of the shimmering giant sword. The force was so great that Ren's whole body was thrown towards him. Aftershock took a step back.

But no matter what, the opponent's killer arrow was firmly resisted by Renn!
It was the rice-sized dent on the spine of the shimmering giant sword that made Ren feel distressed.

When Phil Kratz saw that his strongest attack was unable to do anything to the opponent, his heart immediately thumped.

Then, he quickly glanced at the Poseidon Cult envoy who was tied up like a rice dumpling next to the tall black war horse. Phil Kratz knew that he would not be able to rescue him this time.

In fact, if he doesn't want to repeat the opponent's mistakes, he must retreat immediately!

So, with almost no hesitation, Phil Kratz immediately shot a few arrows at Renne quickly, and then retreated backwards!

The pirates who came with Phil Kratz were a little speechless and looked at each other for a while.

They didn't understand what was going on!
Because the battle just now between their deputy leader Phil Kratz and this strange knight who suddenly appeared lasted less than ten seconds.

From their point of view, the outcome is completely undecided!

As a result, their own deputy commander, Phil Kratz, nicknamed "Bloody Shooter", began to retreat.

Those who ride horses are sold by their own people?
If you run away, what will your brothers do?
The naval task force members who saw this scene immediately became energetic and almost cheered! The seven or eight uninjured people quickly sprang out from behind the light blue water film and began to cooperate with Renn in a counterattack.

They had been cowardly for a long time just now.

A group of people, overwhelmed by the 'bloody shooter' Phil Kratz alone, couldn't hold their heads up.

Now, I am relieved!

And Ren shouted to Marika from a distance, "This, the person being dragged behind the black horse is the Poseidon Cult envoy!"

While everyone was stunned, he was like an arrow leaving the string, and he quickly chased after Phil Kratz.

Marika was obviously stunned when she heard Ren's words. She turned her head slightly confused, asked Veronica next to her, and confirmed again: "Veronica, did you just hear clearly, Mr. Ren?" What did you say?"

"Did he just say that the one being dragged behind the black horse is the messenger of Poseidon?" Marika pointed in the direction of the black horse.

Veronica's expression was equally astonished, her beautiful eyes flickered a few times, she also looked at Marika, nodded and said:

"If I heard correctly, I think this is what Mr. Ren said just now!"

So, the two people, slightly excited, quickly came to the Poseidon Cult envoy and started checking.

Sure enough, after Veronica cast a witchcraft 'Evil Detection', the rich power of the evil pseudo-god on the other party immediately verified the other party's identity.

The two women realized instantly that what Ren said just now was actually true!

He really captured the messenger of Poseidon!
This made both Marika and Veronica feel quite excited.

Their mission this time was to search for the possible strongholds of the Poseidon Cult and major pirates through these pirate groups that came ashore, so that they could be facilitated by the Empire's South China Sea Fleet for targeted elimination.

Unexpectedly, the pirate leader who originally required careful planning and took a long time to be captured was captured so quickly.

Moreover, he was not an ordinary pirate leader, but a higher-level messenger of Poseidon. Not only did he achieve his goal in one step, he also exceeded the target.

This feeling of joy made both women overjoyed!
At this time, Marika also recalled that when Ren was dealing with the fourth point, he went to chase an enemy.

Thinking about it, it should be the Poseidon Sect messenger in front of me. It turns out that this is the big fish!

Veronica, on the other hand, looked at Phil Kratz, the 'Bloody Shooter', and seemed to have thought of something. She immediately used some kind of witchcraft to summon the white seagulls and kingfishers, and headed towards him. He chased after the other party.

With the positioning of the birds, this not only makes it easier for Sir Ren to search, but also allows him to harass the other party at critical moments!
'Bloody Shooter' Phil Kratz, let you shoot my Baymax!
This time, Lord Ren, he will definitely take care of you! Veronica couldn't help but feel secretly happy.

As for the 'Bloody Shooter' Phil Kratz, he felt extremely regretful at this moment. Those stupid birds in the sky were really deceiving people and exposed his traces in the forest!

If I had known earlier, I should have shot all these birds at the beginning!

Lane followed the guidance of the white seagull and the kingfisher and quickly approached Phil Kratz.

The two of them are getting closer and closer!

Suddenly, seven or eight white seagulls and kingfishers, not afraid of danger, suddenly swooped down on Phil Kratz's head, which made him panic and had to rush to parry.

Renne certainly took advantage of this opportunity.

With one quick step, he rushed behind Phil Kratz, and a long cold light flashed!

A minute later, Renn dragged the dead dog-like 'Bloody Shooter' Phil Kratz back to the carriage and placed him heavily next to the Poseidon Messenger Mialko.

At this time, the half-dead Mialko opened his eyes. The next second, his eyes suddenly widened!

Damn it! How could it be Phil Kratz?
Could it be that he was also...
Phil Kratz and Mialko, two fellow sufferers, looked deeply at each other, and both saw helplessness and despair in each other's eyes.

Who would have thought of riding a horse?
Two hours ago, the two of them were eagerly discussing follow-up plans and were full of confidence in the future. But two hours later, they both became prisoners of a young man!

The speed of this change is really too fast
It’s so fast that no one can accept it!
(End of this chapter)

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