Chapter 234: Departure (Two chapters in one)

I saw a huge white seagull landing on the edge of the window sill.

Ren immediately realized that this was the white seagull of the twin-tailed girl Veronica. It was obviously much larger than an ordinary seagull.

Looking at the white seagull, Ren was a little surprised. This was the first time Veronica had contacted him since she returned.

Ren opened the window and let the white seagull land on his forearm.

Since Ren himself is a third-level wizard apprentice, his mental strength is already sufficient. In addition, in the previous actions with Veronica, he also learned the specialized skills taught by Veronica. He looked at each other with the white seagull, and instantly Just received some spiritual fragments.

A few seconds later, Renn looked obviously surprised.

He didn't expect to receive such a message.

Veronica told him that she should be able to arrive in Meister County in two days, and she would go with Ren to participate in the imperial sword-wielding examination. The words were full of girlish excitement.

"Isn't Veronica from the Navy's Tidewalker team?"

"No, that's not right."

Ren suddenly wanted to wake up.

"Veronica's Identity"

"Her mentor, Master Aeneus, is the advisor of the South Sea Fleet. This is clear, but the twin-tailed girl herself is not affiliated with the Navy's Tidewalkers."

"However, since Veronica has a mentor relationship, wouldn't it be more convenient to serve in the Imperial Navy? If you want to join the special department, you should also join the Tidewalkers?" Renn couldn't help but murmured.

Immediately, Ryan thought of another question.

If Veronica can participate in the Imperial Sword Bearer Assessment, does this mean that the Imperial Conferment Assessment is not the only way to obtain an invitation letter for Sword Bearer Selection.

"I received an excellent evaluation during the imperial canonization assessment, and then I received the invitation letter for the sword wielder assessment."

"From this point of view, it is very likely that the Imperial Navy's South Sea Fleet or a certain wizard school that has a good relationship with the Empire should also be qualified to recommend personnel."

"Hey! Doesn't that mean that the competition will be very fierce?" Renn couldn't help but guess.

Originally, he thought it was just the last two batches of people who had received excellent evaluations in the imperial canonization assessment. In that case, the number of people would be limited and the competition would naturally not be too intense.

Now it seems that what he thought before was still too simple.

No wonder, Trevor said that he failed to participate in the Sword Bearer Selection Competition at that time. Later, he received an invitation from the Imperial Navy and then joined the Tidewalkers.

Competition is fierce?
Maybe to others.

"You should prepare carefully for the re-examination."

But when Renn thought of the lively girl with twin tails, he couldn't help but smile.

After calming down for a while, Renn went to the training room on the first floor and continued to study his strategy for adding points.

Turn the system panel to the homepage - properties page.

Name: Ryan Callan


Constitution: 28
Power: 27
Agility: 29
Spirit: 36
Attribute points remaining: 13
Skill points remaining: 0
The physique originally reached 30 points, but after switching to Breaking Bad, it lost 2 points. After a lot of back and forth, it returned to 28 points.

Fortunately, at this moment, Renn has 13 attribute points remaining, otherwise he would be heartbroken.

The mental attribute has reached a new high. Since the pharmacist's job change previously added 1 point, and later the Breaking Bad character changed job, it added 2 points. Therefore, it has reached 36 points at this moment, leaving other attributes far behind. later.

"All right!"

"A great knight who is good at wielding a two-handed warhammer and a big sword. His highest attribute is spirit. I'm afraid no one will believe it if I tell him!" Renn couldn't help but shook his head in self-mockery.

Turn the system page to the Weapon Master (Legendary) page.

Previously, I used that few talent points to upgrade the talent 'Elementary Steel Body' to 'Intermediate Steel Body', and the defense power was greatly strengthened and raised to a higher level.

Now that the Hammer Skill's secret "Shock Wave" has been upgraded to an intermediate secret, the melee attack power has also been greatly improved.

The comprehensive combat effectiveness can be said to have obviously reached a new level.

The official Grand Knight has mastered the intermediate mysteries, plus the blessing of two intermediate talents. He should be completely better than the ordinary members of the Fish and Dragon Team, right?
Even facing the peak knight, the captain of the Ichthyosaur Squadron, Baron, Renn showed no fear.

You have to compete to know who is more powerful!
The strongest combat power has been further improved, and the next step is to make up for the shortcomings.

After thinking about it for a while, Renn still felt that he should continue to strengthen his long-range attack power, that is, the Blood Fury Bow Technique.

Because just now, he carefully recalled several battles against wizard apprentices or wizards.

For example, when facing a veteran third-level wizard apprentice like Adams, if he could perform long-range bow strikes at that time, the opponent would be very passive, and it would even be extremely difficult to recite a spell and cast a spell.

In addition, when facing the Eagle Federation Spell Master, if Captain Baron hadn't diverted most of the opponent's attention, once the opponent focused on him and let go, he, who only had the ability to fight at close range, It's just a living target.

With the investment of 2 skill points, Ren's level 9 Blood Fury Archery skill was immediately upgraded to level 11.

In an instant, a torrent of training memories about the Blood Fury Bow technique flooded into Ren's mind, and was quickly integrated into the memory of his body's muscles and fascia.

The system prompt also sounded:

[Congratulations, your skill Blood Fury Bow has been upgraded to lv10]

[Congratulations, you have unlocked the exclusive secret skill of Blood Fury Archery: Rapid Fire lv3! 】

[Congratulations, you have unlocked the exclusive secret skill of Blood Fury Archery: Blood Fury Strike lv3! 】

[Congratulations, your skill Blood Fury Bow has been upgraded to lv11]

The two secret skills of Blood Fury Archery, 'Blood Fury Strike' and 'Rapid Continuous Shot', have now been upgraded to level 3.

At this point, all the skill points earned by Breaking Bad from leveling up five levels in a row have been exhausted.

Since Ren's Bear King Breathing Technique has been upgraded to lv14, when the Blood Fury Bow Technique reached lv11, he faintly felt that his control of the bow technique showed signs of further transformation.

In addition, because Renn had previous experience in breaking through the secret skill of Tokkal's Hammer, 'Shock Wave', after a moment's thought, he knew that there was a high probability that as long as he invested one or at most two skill points in the Blood Fury Archery, he would be able to Master the secrets related to the blood rage archery.

This made him look forward to it.

"If you also master the secrets of long-range attacks, then from the perspective of a great knight, even if you use the standards of a hexagonal warrior, that is, strength, speed, skill, offense, defense and combat experience, you will not be able to do that." At least the five sides are completed!”

"What I'm lacking is experience at most."

"Now my offensive attack, both close combat and ranged attack, have been improved, and my defense has also been improved..."

"No, I seem to have forgotten something." A flash of lightning flashed through Ryan's mind, and immediately, he thought of a question.

To improve your own defense, in addition to relying on the talent 'Intermediate Steel Body', you also have knight plate armor and a shield!


It's a shield.

Ryan immediately returned to the study and found the parchment scroll that Matteo had searched from the rebel brigadier general Paricks - "Locken's One-Handed Axe Combat Technique Outline".

Although the name is "Outline of One-Handed Axe Combat Techniques", it is actually an extraordinary combat skill that combines an axe and shield. A large part of it describes the use of a one-handed axe, and a small part also describes many shield defense techniques.

"If I were to be attacked passively, if I could learn this axe and shield combat skill, my defense would be improved in disguise."

"In addition, there is the 'Secret of Locken's Axe Skill - Flash Cut!' Overall, this set of axe and shield skills is very good in both attack and defense."

"You might as well learn it slowly. Maybe it will be of great use someday."

So, Ryan returned to the indoor training ground again, and practiced every move according to the human figure pattern drawn on the parchment scroll of "Locken Axe and Shield Combat Skills".

After a while, the system prompt sounded:
[You have trained in Lockon's Axe and Shield combat skills, and your understanding of the relevant skills has improved! ]

[You have learned a new skill - Locken Axe and Shield Combat Skill]

[Your skill Lockon Axe and Shield Combat Skill is improved, experience value +1]

Lockon's Axe and Shield Combat Skill Level 1 (1/100) appears on the Weapon Master (Legend) profession panel. The icon is a tall and strong man holding a shield in his left hand and a one-handed axe in his right hand. He stands with his shield in front and the axe behind, in a cautious defensive posture, as solid as a rock.

Just when Ryan was planning to practice hard and upgrade it to level 2, there was a knock on the door outside the training room.

"Boom boom boom!"

"My Lord Baron, a knight named Haas Cline from Rosby County is visiting. He says he is your friend."

Say Cao Cao, Cao Cao is here!

Ryan's face lit up and he said, "Please invite him to the living room. I'll be right there!"

"Also, bring over two cups of Golden Thorn tea and a snack."

"As you wish, Baron!" The servant retreated respectfully.

A few minutes later.

In the reception room.

Haas was obviously very excited to see Ryan. He went up to Ryan and gave him a big hug: "Ryan! Long time no see!"

Ryan also patted Haas on the shoulder and said with a smile: "Has, welcome to Meister."

"Huh? Ryan, have you grown taller?" Haas was surprised at this time. He stretched out his hand to measure Ryan's height and his own height, and marveled.

"You must have grown taller."

Ryan's heart moved slightly. He hadn't paid attention to his height and weight for some time.

Indeed, when he and Hass had originally participated in the nobility enthronement examination in Rossby City, he was only about 1.9 meters tall, while Hass was half a head taller than him.

But now, the height difference between the two is almost the same, and he is even slightly taller than Haas.

This means that I am about two meters tall. No wonder Jennifer said she couldn't handle it.
Ren suddenly understood!

If the beautiful woman Jennifer heard Ryan's thoughts, she would definitely criticize him.

As long as she is not a female knight, normally, an ordinary woman would not be able to handle a man like Ryan who is two meters tall, has extraordinary physical strength, and occasionally likes to take unconventional paths!
"By the way, Ryan, you said you needed my help this time. Would it take me a month or two?"

"It's okay. I've already asked for leave from my boss for two whole months." Haas patted his chest and laughed heartily.

Ryan smiled.

He liked Haas's cheerful personality. Although he sometimes spoke bluntly, as a friend, at least he didn't have to worry too much about being stabbed in the back by the other party.

"In addition to inviting you to appreciate the scenery of Mayster County this time, I will go to Munster to participate in the sword-bearing examination in a few days, so I would like to ask you to take care of the security of my mansion."

"Of course, in addition to you, there are two Templar Knights from the Goddess Church who will also be stationed here. Normally, the pressure won't be too great."

Ryan did not choose to hide anything from the carefree Haas, but chose to explain the matter directly to Haas.

After all, many nobles in the county already knew that he was going to take part in the sword-wielding assessment.

Although Haas knew that he was no match for Ryan, it was natural for the two old friends to compete with each other besides exchanging pleasantries.

Asking for advice from masters is also a way to quickly improve one's own strength. Especially since Ryan was unwilling to compete with him during the noble assessment, Haas still had some resentment.

In response to Haas's request for a competition, Ryan nodded with a smile and naturally accepted everyone who came.

Hass is good at using sword and shield. Ryan changed his mind and did not choose to use his best two-handed hammer or greatsword this time, nor did he use a bow. Instead, he chose to use an axe and shield.

The reason is also very simple.

According to Ryan's current strength at the level of a great knight, plus his mastery of the three extraordinary combat skills of Tokkar's hammer, giant bear swordsmanship and blood rage bow, the experience value reward that the system can give him in the battle against Haas is likely to be very small.

But if he used the lv1 Locken Axe and Shield, the experience points he could get as a reward would be relatively higher. In addition, it would save some face for Hass, so that the opponent would not be defeated too quickly.

Training room on the first floor.

"Ryan, when did you change to a shield?" Hass asked in surprise with his eyes widened when he saw that Ryan did not use the greatsword and two-handed hammer as he remembered, but instead picked up a shield.

After all, at their age, it is extremely difficult to practice an extraordinary fighting skill to the level of successfully performing the secret technique.

Yes, that’s right, it’s a secret technique!

Rather than the secret, because the secret involves the use of the Force, which is the domain of the Grand Knight, not the Knight.

"I happened to acquire an extraordinary axe-shield combat skill, so I started practicing it." Ryan shrugged and explained 'kindly'.

Haas was stunned and said, "Ryan, you don't think you can beat me in a competition with your newly learned axe and shield fighting skills, do you?"

"Bang, bang!" Haas clapped his sword and shield heavily and continued, "I have been practicing the sword and shield fighting skills passed down from my family for almost ten years."

"Don't let yourself be defeated by me by accident."

Ryan couldn't help but smile and said, "Okay, I'll try my best."

It's not Haas's fault that he couldn't figure out the situation. After all, Haas would never have thought that Ryan had already become a great knight.

He even mastered the secret.
If Ryan switched to a two-handed warhammer, he could only use 20% of his strength. One point more could kill Haas directly.
It was just as Ryan expected.

After three rounds of competition, Haas's face was red and sweat was pouring down. He looked at Ryan with a look of deep confusion.
Judging from Ryan's slightly unskilled movements, Ryan should not have lied to him. He had indeed just acquired this axe and shield combat skill not long ago, but why did he always lose?
However, on the other hand, Ryan looked at the panel with great delight, regarding the "Locken Axe and Shield Combat Skill"

Haas's contribution was to upgrade Ryan's 'Locken Axe and Shield Combat Skill' to level 2 (116/300).

To be honest, even though he had the weapon master's exclusive talent 'Primary Supernatural Enlightenment', which could increase his experience point acquisition speed by 30%, this efficiency still surprised Ryan.

After a little thought, Ryan found an interesting point.

It seemed that his Tokkar hammer technique and giant bear sword technique had reached a very high level, so after he had just competed with the axe and shield, his insights were almost endless.

Even now that the competition is over, there are still many insights that come from it.

Ryan was still unclear about the exact reason.

But from his own current understanding, it seems that after his control over a certain melee weapon such as a two-handed hammer and a greatsword has reached a certain high level, he will have a sense of learning by analogy when learning other extraordinary melee-related combat skills.

It seems that it can be understood that melee skills should be common in some aspects. After mastering several melee skills to a high level, it will drive the learning speed of subsequent melee skills.

This couldn't help but surprise Ryan!

He originally thought that after changing his job to Weapon Master (Legend), although he would be able to master many extraordinary combat skills much faster than ordinary people, the gap in skill points would be very large.

Now looking at it this way, it’s not necessarily the case.

As he masters more and more extraordinary combat skills, his speed in learning extraordinary combat skills will become faster and faster in the later stages.

In other words, even if he didn't spend skill points, it wouldn't take him too much time to upgrade from lv6 to lv7, or from lv7 to lv8.

From this perspective, the exclusive talent 'Elementary Extraordinary Comprehension' and Weapon Master are actually a perfect match!

Ryan took a look at it and couldn't help but feel a little jealous of 'Primary Extraordinary Comprehension'. It's not that he regretted adding the talent 'Intermediate Steel Body'.

'Intermediate Steel Body' is related to life and death in battle, so it naturally takes priority over this.

However, Ryan now wishes he could transform this talent, 'Primary Extraordinary Comprehension', from primary to advanced level!
In this way, perhaps he wouldn't need to rely too much on adding points, and within half a year, he would be able to master the secrets of four or five extraordinary combat skills.

It was not what he had expected at first, which would take at least two or three years and consume a lot of skill points.

If Ryan wants to upgrade his primary talent to an intermediate talent, or even a higher-level talent, using talent points to add points is the only way he knows at the moment.

Talent points!

It is quite difficult to obtain
When Ryan thought about the great role that trace of divinity played in helping the Black Flame High Priest, he couldn't help but shake his head slightly.

If it weren't for the Imperial Sword Bearer, the sturdy man with a shield on his back, who used the Imperial Scepter to severely injure the Black Flame High Priest during his promotion, it would be a question whether he could defeat the opponent.

Under the circumstances at that time, it was already very good that he was able to save his life.

Even now, Ryan's strength has been improved in all aspects, but he does not think he can defeat the promoted High Priest of Black Flame. After all, the other party's aura at that time had surpassed the peak knight and reached a higher level.

In other words, if Ryan wants to gain talent points again, he must first have the opportunity to obtain that trace of divinity, such as this time's eradication of the cult.

Although you won't encounter a trace of divinity every time you destroy a cult, there is always a chance.

Secondly, he also needs a special item like an emperor's scepter to offset the uncertainty brought about by that trace of divinity.

After all, up to now, Ryan is still unclear about the specific power of divinity. For example, it is hard to say whether he can obtain that trace of divinity by solving the problem of the promoted Black Flame High Priest.

But it is not easy to meet these two conditions!
After a brief thought, Ryan understood that it seemed that only after he joined the Sword Bearers would both conditions be met at the same time.

Moreover, it would be best if he was at the captain level, because obviously the sturdy man with a shield on his back last time had the right to use items like the imperial scepter, and the young man with a short staff did not seem to have this right.

This couldn't help but make Ryan's heart warm, and he looked forward to the upcoming trip to Munster even more!

Another day passed.

With the arrival of Veronica, Ryan's mansion became more lively.

Mother Emma frequently looked at Veronica at the welcome banquet, muttering in her heart. While no one was paying attention, she pulled Ryan aside and said:
"Anna is gone, and so is the barbarian girl. Now this one is also very beautiful! Ryan, you must seize the opportunity this time and don't let her leave again."

Mother Emma's words made Ryan not know how to respond for a moment.

"Mother, don't worry, Anna and the others will come back!"

"They will all come back? You'd better seize this opportunity with Miss Veronica. This trip to the provincial capital is a good opportunity on the way." Mother Emma looked at Ryan with an expression of "what are you dreaming about?", obviously disbelieving.


The beautiful woman Jennifer kept smiling and remained calm, but her beautiful eyes would occasionally look back and forth between Ryan and the girl with twin ponytails.

That night, the beautiful woman let Ryan experience what it meant to be passionate.

Fortunately, Ryan is now a great knight. If he were still a formal knight, he would probably be unable to escape due to sore waist and knees.
Due to time constraints, everyone had to set off the day after Veronica arrived.

The weather this morning is quite good. Although it is still a bit cold, the early spring sunshine feels warm on my body.

This time, in addition to Ryan and Veronica who were going to Munster to take the sword bearer assessment, Jenny and her best friend Agatha Wiggins, the lady of the Wiggins family, were also accompanying them.

This time, the Wiggins Family Chamber of Commerce also invested in the Hammer and Rose Chamber of Commerce which was reorganized by the beautiful woman Jennifer. Upon hearing that Jenny would go to the provincial capital of Munster to open up the market, they immediately hit it off and sent Agatha to accompany her.

As the saying goes, 'three women make a drama', although in Ryan's heart, Veronica should be different from these two.

But soon, his perception was overturned.

Before they even set off, the three girls quickly became familiar with each other at the entrance of the mansion. After a while, they were chattering together, and they would glance at Ryan from time to time, laughing and shaking their bodies.

This made Ryan's trip to Munster more charming. It didn't seem like he was going to take an exam, but more like an aristocratic outing.

The arrangement of the beautiful woman Jennifer was to take advantage of the opportunity of the strongest combat force of the Chamber of Commerce, Ryan, to arrange a caravan to travel with them. Therefore, at this moment, the entrance of Ryan's mansion was quite lively.

Not only were there carriages from the Crawley family, the Wiggins family, and other noble families that they intended to make friends with, but there was also a caravan of ten caravans waiting.

When Ryan brought out the greyhound war dog 'Cookie', everyone was shocked by 'Cookie', who was as tall as a pony and wearing animal armor.

"Wow, what a big dog!" Haas stared at Cookie.

The twin-tailed girl Veronica knew about the Ryan Bloodfeather Hippogryph, but had never seen a Greyhound Warhound. Suddenly, the girl's beautiful eyes widened and she said:
"Oh my God! Lord Ryan, could this be a mutated greyhound?"

Ryan was not surprised that Veronica, as a wizard apprentice specializing in bird transformation, could recognize the original form of the greyhound war dog at a glance.

"Ms. Veronica, you have a keen eye." Ryan smiled.

This time when he goes to Munster, Ryan plans to bring all three pets with him, and one of Matteo's responsibilities is to help him take care of these three pets.

Speaking of this, Ryan has focused on comforting his sister Mint these days. After all, she has deep feelings for the greyhound 'Cookie'.

At this time, Matteo trotted over and said, "Baron, Priest Rudolf of the Goddess Church is here to see you off."

(End of this chapter)

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