Chapter 235: What I Saw (Two chapters in one)

Ren looked up and saw a group of Templar Knights, surrounded by Priest Rudolf, who were about to arrive at the door of the mansion.

Immediately, Ren stepped forward and said with a smile: "Director Rudolf, why do I bother you to make a special trip here?"

Rudolf looked at the young man in front of him with a smile, and couldn't help but think to himself. Unexpectedly, in just a few months, Renne's progress had improved by leaps and bounds. Now, even he can't see through the other person's depth.

"Baron Wren, I am entrusted by Bishop Theon to see you off. I hope you can successfully join the Empire's swordsmen this time and win glory for Mayist."

"By the way, Baron Wren, here is also an autographed letter from Bishop Theon, which was written to His Excellency Branduer, the disciplinary knight of Münster Cathedral."

"Your Excellency Branduer has been a friend of Bishop Sheehan for many years. If you encounter anything in Munster, you can take this letter and seek help from Your Excellency Branduer."

"In addition, Your Excellency Branduer is also a well-known war hammer master in the church. He should have a lot in common with you, the 'Hammer Baron' of Meister County."

Rudolph said with a smile, while taking out a letter printed with red wax from his arms and handing it to Ren.

"Retribution Knight?"

Noticing Ren's slightly puzzled look, Rudolf smiled and explained: "The Punishment Knight is the exclusive title for the Grand Knight in the church who specializes in combat?"

"I see."

"Thank you, Dean Rudolf, and please tell Bishop Sheehan for me to thank you for your concern." Renn bowed slightly and said.

Warhammer Master?
Renn somewhat understood what Bishop Sheehan meant. Although the meaning was relatively obscure, the subtext was that he hoped he could consider joining the church. Lord Branduer might be his mentor.

The girl with twin ponytails looked at this scene with bright eyes and thought to herself, it seems that Lord Ren has a close relationship with the Goddess Church.

Soon it was time to set off, and Renne said goodbye to his mother Emma, ​​whose eyes were red, his father Renen Sr., and his sister Mint.

and Haas also patted each other hard and waved goodbye to Jennifer.

The group of people immediately set off on the road.

This time, Renn did not ride a dark horse, but an exclusive luxury carriage that the beautiful woman Jennifer had arranged.

At this moment, there are three luxury carriages in the entire fleet. One is for best friends Jane and Agatha, one is the one Renne is currently riding in, and the other is brought by Veronica from Rosby County. of.

But at this time, three girls of similar age were chatting happily, so Veronica ran to Jenny's carriage.

Renn didn't mind being alone at all, he just happened to be thinking about some things.

But in the afternoon, Veronica came to Ren's carriage, ostensibly to discuss assessment matters.

However, women are very sensitive in certain aspects.

Through the car window, she saw Veronica entering the carriage of Rennes. Agatha couldn't help but push Jenny next to her and said:
"My eldest lady! Your competitors have all entered Lord Ren's carriage, why didn't you react at all?"

Jenny glanced at her friend with her beautiful eyes and thought to herself, how can I react?
Baron Wren is already my mother's boyfriend, how should I react?
But she definitely couldn't reveal this secret, even to her best friends.

She could only keep this secret deep in her heart.

Therefore, Jenny said angrily: "Agatha, how do you think I should react?"

"Shouldn't you also find a reason to get into Baron Ryan's carriage?" Agatha said as a matter of course.

"Thank you, no need!"

Listening to Jenny's refusal, Agatha looked at her best friend, carefully looked at her, and said, "Jenny, I think there's something wrong with you!"

"There was a time before, weren't you quite infatuated with Mr. Ren? Why do you seem to be so cold recently?"

"Hey~ As my best friend, I have to warn you! If you are really not interested in Mr. Ren, then I will fall in love with him." Agatha said with a slightly red face.

"What do you mean?" Jenny's beautiful eyes widened and she stared blankly at her best friend beside her.

After working on it for a long time, is it possible that my best friend is also interested in Mr. Ren?

Hearing Jenny's words, Agatha immediately rolled her eyes.

"Jenny, don't you know how popular your Baron Wren is in the county recently?"

"I can guarantee that if Lord Renn does not go to Munster this time, many noble ladies will line up to visit him every day!"

After listening to Agatha's explanation, Jenny nodded numbly.

Although my best friend said it was a bit exaggerated, she was not wrong.

"Besides, Baron Wren is really tall and handsome. Sometimes I can't help but look at him." When Agatha said this, her pretty face turned red, and her round and white legs under her skirt couldn't help but tighten a little.

Seeing her best friend's lustful look, Jenny held her smooth forehead with her slender hands, and said helplessly and with a hint of irritation: "Go if you want to, don't get pregnant here!"

"That's what you agreed to! Then I'll go now." When Agatha heard Jenny wave her little hand, she immediately lifted up her skirt happily and stepped out of the carriage without looking back.

After all, as a good best friend, she can't steal the love of her best friend Jenny openly.

But now that her best friend has decided to let go, it's different. Agatha's guilt is greatly reduced at this moment, so she will naturally take action.

As for Miss Veronica, well, she is her strong opponent, but the problem is that before the relationship is confirmed, she always has a chance, right?

At this time, since there were just two people in the carriage, Renne and Veronica, so Renne raised his question in a timely manner.

"Veronica, how did you get the invitation letter for the imperial sword wielder examination?"

Veronica couldn't help but giggle when she heard Ren's question.

"Your Excellency Renn, don't you know? As a medium-sized wizarding school that has good relations with the empire, our Uubrek School has a certain quota every year and can obtain invitations for examinations from various special departments of the empire."

"Although the invitation letter from the sword holder is a little more difficult, Teacher Aeneus still helped me get it done."

"Of course, it is just to obtain the qualification for the assessment. Whether you can enter in the end depends on your performance during the assessment, but I am still very confident about this." Veronica waved her white fist. Said quite confidently.

"That's it." Renn smiled and nodded.

This was pretty much what he had expected.

"I thought your mentor, Master Ainius, was the advisor of the South Sea Fleet, so you would choose to join the Imperial Navy."

Veronica was slightly startled when she heard this, looked at Ren with a pair of watery eyes, and said:

"Originally, my mentor also wanted me to join the Imperial Navy's 'Tidewalkers' after a while. But last time I heard that Sir Ren was going to take the Imperial Sword Bearer examination, so..."

"Boom boom boom!"

There was a knock on the door, followed by a familiar and clear female voice:

"Mr. Ryan, I would like to ask you something about business. Is that convenient?"

Veronica raised her eyebrows. This was the voice of Jenny's best friend Agatha.

Hearing that Agatha was suddenly coming to Ryan's carriage, although Veronica had always been obsessed with witchcraft research, her female instinct made her quickly understand what was going on.

Ask about business?

What a poor excuse
"Please come in." After thinking for a while, Ryan said.

Although Agatha came at a very inappropriate time, he couldn't just turn her away.

After all, Agatha had once helped him collect spiritual books, and the Wiggins family was now a shareholder of the Hammer and Rose Chamber of Commerce.

Although Veronica's words just now were a little unfinished, Ryan had already heard clearly what she wanted to express.

After Agatha got on the carriage, Ryan smiled and said, "Miss Agatha, if you don't mind, I'll ask Jenny to come over as well. She's quite bored being alone."

Hearing what Ryan said, Agatha glanced at Veronica and felt a little depressed, but she had no choice but to nod and said, "Of course, Baron Ryan."

A minute later, Jenny was a little confused and was invited to get on the carriage by the short man Matteo. The three women then sat in the same carriage with Ryan.

With the company of three noble ladies, Ryan's originally somewhat boring journey became more lively and interesting.

To travel from Mestre to the provincial capital of Münster, it normally takes ten days according to the speed of the convoy.

From today until the last day of the Month of Vitality, there are twelve days left, and Ryan has reserved two days.

Judging from the location on the map, there is a Welsh County between Meester County and the provincial capital Munster. In other words, as long as Ryan and his group pass through the Welsh County, they can reach the provincial capital Munster.

Since there are main roads between counties that the government has invested a lot of effort in repairing, the road conditions are relatively good.

There were some blind bandit groups that attacked the caravan along the way, but Ryan did not take any action at all. He just let the Greyhound War Hound and the Bloodfeather Hippogryph use a little "ground-to-air coordination" to kill the enemy.

Of course, the bandits were not completely useless. At least they contributed some experience points to Ryan's career as a beast tamer.

Seeing the dog and the eagle fighting so majestically, the little Matteo's eyes widened and he began to take better care of them.

"Tsk tsk, Lord Ryan is getting stronger and stronger. Even the dog and eagle beside him are stronger than me!"


Matteo couldn't help but recall Ryan's thin figure when he first joined the Night's Watch in Goldshire more than half a year ago. Now when he looked at Ryan again, he seemed like a completely different person.

Six days later, Ryan discovered that the environment on both sides of the road had gradually changed.

If most of Mayest County is located in hilly areas, then when they come to the central area of ​​Wales County, the surrounding environment begins to change to plains.

Originally, through the carriage window, one could occasionally see some traces of snow on the tops of the hills on both sides of the road, but now, the road is basically surrounded by newly grown green grass.

The dense forests gradually became scarce, replaced by scattered farmlands.

Farmers in Wales are already making preparations for spring plowing.

After entering the plain area, Ryan and his group had not encountered any bandits for three consecutive days, and they did not even encounter a single ferocious wild beast that occasionally jumped out of the forest.

In terms of public security, it seems that the closer you are to Münster, the better the conditions are.

In addition, while on the road, Ryan did not forget to practice.

There is a proverb in the past, 'Never leave your fists, never leave your songs.'

Therefore, unless there are special circumstances, Ryan practices meditation and breathing techniques every day.

The effect of the practice was very significant. After finishing the breathing method today, two system prompts sounded:
【Congratulations! Your physical attributes are improved! 】

【Congratulations! Your strength attributes are improved! 】

When Ryan saw the Constitution +1, he couldn't help but nodded in his heart.

Not bad, it adds back 2 point from the previous -1 in physical fitness, and the physical fitness has reached 29 points again.

In addition, when setting up camp, Ryan would take time to practice with the axe and shield. After seven days, Locken's axe and shield combat skills had been upgraded to level 4.

Three days later, Ryan and his party were about to leave the edge of Wales and arrive in Munster.

Looking far into the distance, I saw that there were more and more small paths converging on this main road in the distance.

After the convoy passed a huge boundary marker, the width of the road gradually expanded from about six or seven meters to more than ten meters.

At the same time, as the branch roads merged into the main road, there were more and more people on the main road, including people riding alone and caravans like Ryan and his group.

There were small caravans consisting of three to five caravans, and there were also those that could not even be considered caravans, but were simply teams of one or two horse-drawn and ox-drawn carts carrying fresh vegetables and fruits from nearby farmers.

Of course, there were also larger caravans than Ryan's, with more than 20 carriages, guarded by dozens of elite teams wearing light armor of swordsmen or leather armor of archers.

Ryan even sensed several times that one or two wizard apprentices on fast horses hurriedly passed by his carriage, and the other party's faint mental fluctuations could not be hidden from his perception.

After all, his current mental strength is as high as 36 points.

In addition, there are the noble knights who appear occasionally.

Ryan saw several fully armed knights several times, some with one or two servants behind them, and some alone, quickly overtaking his carriage and galloping forward.

After the entire convoy crossed a steep slope, Ryan heard exclamations coming from the front of the convoy!

This immediately attracted the attention of the four people in the car.

From the sound of it, it sounded more like surprise than attack.

This made Ryan and the other three women curious and they lifted the curtain and looked out of the car window.

What came into their sight was an enormous green plain. A winding river ran through the center of the plain. On the plain, farmers were working hard at the farm.

In the distance is a continuous stretch of towering, grayish-white mountains.

What is amazing is that at the foot of the main peak of the majestic mountains, there is a huge city built on the mountain with obvious white boulders as raw materials.

Obviously, this is the provincial capital, Münster!
Although Ryan had heard various stories and descriptions about Munster before coming here, he was still shocked when he actually saw this scene.

The establishment of the magnificent city before us must have involved the intervention of extraordinary forces.

However, after expressing their feelings for a while, the three girls were quickly attracted by the huge blue lake not far ahead.

The lake was right next to the road, not far from the convoy.

Due to the clear weather, the lake surface is reflecting at a specific angle. The blue sky and white clouds are reflected on the mirror-like lake surface, giving a feeling of a mirror of the sky.

"Baron Ryan, let's go to the lake and rest for a while." Jenny spoke first.

"of course can."

Facing the joy and longing expressions of the three girls, Ryan immediately nodded in agreement.

Soon, the convoy set up camp by the lake.

At this time, they also learned from the conversation of the passengers nearby that the name of this lake is Lake Zhishui, which is one of the famous lakes in the provincial capital of Münster.

When Ryan led the three women down from the luxurious carriage, their beautiful looks and clear laughter immediately attracted the attention of several groups of people not far away.

Among them, there were two groups whose attire seemed similar to Ryan and his companions, either wearing robes or knight's plate armor. They should be nobles or descendants of nobles. The other group, after fetching water, was now planning to get ready to hit the road again.

Since it was a break, Ryan naturally asked Matteo to let the greyhound war dog Cookie out for a ride.

When a greyhound war dog as big as a pony got off another carriage, a group of people dressed in aristocratic clothes seemed to be ready to make a move and kept looking over.

After a while, a middle-aged man dressed as a guard came over, holding a dark bottle in his hand, which seemed to be filled with fine wine.

"My dear lords, this is a gift from my master to you. It is aged Bordeaux from Wales."

Among the group of people, a handsome young man wearing a slim-fitting aristocratic hunting suit raised the wine glass in his hand and gestured to Ryan and his companions.

Ryan nodded slightly, allowing the short man Matteo to accept the wine.

At this time, there was a middle-aged man next to the young man, who lowered his head and whispered something in the ear of the noble young man.

The young man in aristocratic hunting suit looked at Ryan and his companions with a rather surprised look.

A few minutes later, the noble young man came over gracefully and said with a smile:

"Excuse me, sir, but this dog should be a ferocious beast that has mutated from an ordinary greyhound. It is really too rare. I wonder if you can give it up. I am willing to pay one thousand imperial gold coins for it."

Upon hearing this offer, many people nearby couldn't help but exclaim.

This is a thousand imperial gold coins, which ordinary people can't even imagine.

Ryan smiled, shook his head and said, "I'm sorry, 'Cookie' is my partner."

"That's such a pity." The noble young man was not angry at Ryan's refusal, but continued chatting for a while, and then returned to his side.

After setting up the camp, Jenny seemed to have thought of something, and turned to ask Ryan, "Sir Ryan, will our stay here affect your participation in the Sword Bearer Assessment?"

"I mean, do you need to arrive early?"

"It doesn't affect it. In terms of time, the assessment day is the day after tomorrow." Ryan smiled and shook his head.

He had no worries about the initial test.

Near the campfire, another group of young people looked over in surprise when they heard that Ryan was also here to take part in the Imperial Swordsman Assessment.

Several people looked at Ryan, then paused at the three women. One of the women in leather armor muttered, "How can this person be here to take the test? He should be the offspring of some noble family, right?"

"It's possible, but looking at the other party's emblem, hammer and sword? He doesn't look like a noble." A young man looked puzzled.

The other person also nodded and said, "Yes! As far as I can remember, the Marquis of Munster does not have a noble emblem of this style. As for the Duke, it is even more impossible. The Duke of Munster's emblem is the shield of the entangled python."

Soon, the topic turned to the assessment again.

"I heard from the grapevine that in this noble enthronement examination, there is a young man who is very strong. It is said that he has a big lead over the second place."

"Noble enthronement assessment? No, no, Steve, you may not know. Generally speaking, in the sword-wielding assessment, the strongest group of people are actually from the army."

"Hmm? What's the explanation here?"

"For young people who normally take the sword wielder test, the Empire's age limit is 28. But you may not know that for soldiers serving the Empire, this age limit can be appropriately relaxed to 35."

"So, our biggest competitors in the assessment are not the young people who were invited through the noble enthronement assessment, but the elites from the army. They have been tempered by actual combat and have honed their various extraordinary combat skills or witchcraft to extreme proficiency."

"Of course, some of those third-level wizard apprentices from various wizard schools are also very powerful."

"Alas! It seems that there is little hope. I hope the goddess of luck will bless me and let me pass the test smoothly!"

Ryan used his super perception to hear almost all of the other party's chat.

Military elite?

A third-level wizard apprentice in the wizard school?
After a short rest, the convoy continued to move forward.

As the saying goes, 'A horse will die if it runs too far up the mountain'.

This time it was well portrayed.

They saw the huge and majestic city early on, but it still took Ryan and his party almost a day to walk from the lakeside to the city gate.

As the team gradually approached the huge city built on the mountain, Ryan could see the huge bird of prey hovering in the sky.

"Is that a griffin?" Veronica, who was standing by, also saw the bird of prey in the sky. As an expert on birds, she could tell it was a griffin almost at first sight.

"That's right." Ryan nodded. This was the second time he saw a griffin.

At this time, Blood Feather, which was flying in the sky, also saw the griffin and couldn't help but cry out loudly. It seemed that he was not afraid of the griffin at all, but instead seemed eager to try.

Half an hour later, the convoy arrived at the city gate.

At the tall city gate stood a huge obsidian statue that was 30 meters high. It was a fully armed human knight holding a sword and shield.

A troubadour in bright clothes was introducing the young people to the young man: "This is the first Grand Duke of the Bavarian family more than 2,000 years ago, and also a close friend of the then Emperor of the Empire."

"He made outstanding contributions to the stability of the province of Münster."

Ryan focused his eyes on the huge city gates. There were three gates in total, one big and two small.

The small doors on both sides should be used to handle pedestrians or single-person and single-horse teams, while the caravan needs to enter through the main gate, which is arched, about fifteen meters high and seven or eight meters wide.

Of course, the nobles naturally have the privilege of cutting in line.

So, soon, the convoy entered the city.

"Mr. Ryan, thank you for your escort along the way. Agatha and I will go to the Tianya Hotel first."

"If you need anything, you can come to the Tianya Hotel to find us." Jenny bowed slightly.

"Okay, Miss Jenny, Miss Agatha, see you later." Ryan nodded with a smile.

After Jenny arranges her business matters, she will rent or buy a house. As for the short Matteo, he will also temporarily stay at the Tianya Hotel.

The greyhound war dog and the blood-feathered horned hippogryph were also handed over to Matteo for temporary care.

After saying goodbye to Jenny and Agatha, Ryan and Veronica went straight to the address indicated on the invitation.

Münster, Boulevard 1!
(End of this chapter)

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