The wizard starts by trimming the donkey's hooves

Chapter 248: Stone Stairs on the Island

Chapter 248: Stone Stairs on the Island (Two chapters in one)

Seeing Ryan's sudden arrival, Jenny and Agatha were very surprised at first, but soon they understood.

Because this morning, they heard the orderly march of troops, which seemed to be moving from the city to the outside of the city.

"Sir Ryan, are you going to carry out a mission?" Jenny asked directly.

"Yes, I have to go out on a mission." Ryan nodded, and after thinking about it, he felt that it would be better to let the two women know the situation.

After all, no matter how tightly the news is blocked, it will inevitably spread everywhere soon.

Since he would not be in Munster at that time, the two girls knew that it would be bad to panic.

"Meist was attacked last night, but the county town is still stable." Ryan said in a deep voice.

The two girls' faces suddenly changed when they heard the news, and they exclaimed, "Ah? Is the situation serious?"

“Will there be any follow-up?”

Ryan shook his head and said, "It's hard to say now."

"However, in just two days, someone will pick up Jenny and your mother, Baroness Crawley, to Minster. You can arrange a room in advance."

Hearing that Ryan had already made arrangements, Jenny's worrying expression disappeared and she looked happy.

However, Ryan's face froze, and he turned to Agatha and said:

"Agatha, according to the imperial law, although your father, as a noble, cannot leave the fiefdom without permission, you can write a letter to your father and ask him to arrange for some of the other members of the Wiggins family to evacuate first."

“Maybe the county town isn’t necessarily safe either.”

"Ah? Everything is fine, Lord Ryan." The hint of love that Agatha had felt in her heart when she saw Ryan had disappeared after she heard that Maest was attacked.

"You two stay in Munster and try to reduce going out." Ryan reminded them again before leaving.

"Okay, Sir Ren."

After leaving the villa, Ryan rode on a black horse and took Cookie with him out of the city.

Just as he was about to leave the city gate, Ryan looked up at the sky and saw a white seagull flapping its wings and landing on his shoulder.

After a brief glance at each other, Ryan had a mental transmission image from the white seagull in his mind.

A white little hand used a feather pen to write a line of words on the white paper: "Ryan, please be careful"

This is the concern from the girl with twin ponytails.

When Ryan arrived at the city gate, he saw teams of fully armed imperial troops leaving the city and heading towards the counties of Meister and Rossby.

Standing on a high place and looking down, you can see two long snakes moving in different directions on the vast plain.

As Ryan's horse passed the imperial army again and again, he found that the composition of the army was also changing, from the giant shield crossbowmen and heavy cavalry he encountered at the beginning to the fastest light cavalry now.

He kept overtaking, and the soldiers were quite curious, frequently glancing sideways at this young man who was obviously a noble, galloping along, followed by a mighty dog ​​the size of a pony.

It took Ryan a full week to get from Meister to Münster, but that was because he was traveling with a caravan.

Now, he put the glimmering giant sword, war bow and other weapons on the greyhound war dog, which had already turned into a ferocious beast.

He was lightly equipped, and relying on the dark horse's strong endurance that was almost like that of a ferocious beast, he galloped all the way at lightning speed, and his speed naturally increased several times!
"Fuck! How come this guy's horse is so fast!"

Hamis couldn't help cursing.

Just now, near the city gate, he watched Ryan, wearing light silver knight plate armor, riding a strong black horse, with a dog, quickly disappear not far in front of him.

He turned to a bearded man behind him and said, "Follow him, Damn, he's running too fast!"

"No problem!" the bearded man replied, while swiftly picking up a small bird cage from the side of the horse's belly.

The bearded man quickly released the gray bird from the cage and pointed in the direction of Ryan. Immediately, the gray bird flew into the sky!
This small gray bird, also called the seeker bird, with the scientific name Brown-backed Sparrow, looks like a sparrow, is small in size, and has gray feathers all over its body. It can be said to be inconspicuous, but it has a flying speed similar to that of a swift.

However, what Hamis and his companions did not notice was that above the clouds, a swan-sized bird of prey with blue and purple feathers was circling above Ryan.

When Ryan passed through Wales and entered the territory of Meister, the strictness of the checkpoints on the roads suddenly increased.

Even he was stopped by the soldiers guarding the checkpoint and questioned in detail.

"Sir, Mayest County has been placed under full martial law. According to the order from our superiors, it is not recommended that anyone go there on their own."

Ryan's face became serious, he nodded and said, "I will carry out the mission."

Having said that, he showed his documents to the other party.

When the captain of the soldiers saw it, he was in awe of Ryan!
He is so young and yet he is carrying out a special mission.

"Lord Ryan, we salute you!" A team of soldiers guarding the checkpoint immediately saluted.

"Good luck to you too." Ryan smiled.

After walking forward for a while, it was almost evening.

At this moment, the Blood Feather in the sky cried out, swooped down and caught a bird, then circled down and landed on Ryan's forearm.

Ryan looked at Xueyu and frowned slightly.

"Blood Feather, are you saying that this bird has been following me all the way back and forth?"

"Chirp~" Xueyu looked at Ryan with lively eyes, raised his head, and chirped, confirming Ryan's words.

Ryan took a closer look at the half-dead bird under Bloodfeather's claws.

“It looks like a sparrow.”

"Hey, could this be a brown-backed sparrow?" A flash of inspiration suddenly occurred to Ryan's mind.

Thanks to Veronica, Ryan is now considered a half-bird expert.

Recently, Ryan learned from Veronica about many common birds that are domesticated by humans.

If it was a brown-backed sparrow, then Ryan could be basically certain that someone was following him.

"Who could that be?"

"Emissary Javier?"

“It doesn’t seem likely.”

"We are about to enter the area controlled by the Murlocs and the Blood Curse Naga. Is it possible to let the Blood Curse Naga, who are at the rear, fight against each other?"

After thinking for a while, Ryan shook his head.

"If the other party attracts the attention of a large number of murlocs and blood-cursed nagas, I will also be at risk of being exposed later."

"Besides, being attacked from both sides is obviously not a good idea."

"In that case, just do it yourself and get rid of the little tail."

This area is full of forests and hills. Ryan wants to see who is behind him.
Although the Beast Tamer (Extraordinary) profession panel was covered, the core skill 'Eye of the Beast' was inherited on the Beast Priest (Legendary) profession panel.

However, another core skill of the beast tamer, "Beast Affinity", has disappeared.
Although it’s a bit of a pity, perhaps this is because it conflicts with the legendary profession of Beast Priest.

Absorbing the other's energy
There's no way a wild beast can get along with you, is there?

With the help of Blood Feather's vision which was five times greater than that of humans, Ryan soon saw that on the winding road behind him, several kilometers away, a team of four people was hanging behind him.

“No, there’s also a dog.”

There was only this small team within a five-kilometer radius around him. Obviously, it was the brown-backed sparrows sent by this team that were following him.

After slightly adjusting his viewing angle, Ryan saw a familiar figure in the team, wearing leather armor and a dagger.

"It's him?"

"That Hamis from the Axon Auction House?"

"It is very likely that the other party must have used some mysterious means to determine that the ancient troll fang is in his possession."

Ryan's mind turned, and he immediately connected the cause and effect, and his face couldn't help but frown.

"The other party is obviously not doing well by following me like this. Is he planning to do something bad to me?"

After looking at the forest nearby, Ryan let the black horse move forward for a distance, while he himself hid in the forest nearby.

At the same time, he began to take out the bottle of poison from his waist bag.
not far away.

A group of four people continued to move towards Ryan's location, led by Hamish.

In Munster, Hamis was wary of Ryan, mainly because of Ryan's identity as the Sword Bearer of the Empire, rather than Ryan's personal strength.

In his mind, it was already very good for a new swordsman to have the strength of a great knight at such a young age.

But it was just very good, and he didn't really take it to heart.

As for the fact that Ryan killed the native in the trade zone, of course he knew about it, so, did it prove that Ryan was very powerful?

Stop being funny!

Don’t forget, who wiped out the tribe of these indigenous people?

Who escorted these dozens of remaining natives to Münster?

It’s our group of people, okay!

Now Ryan left Munster and came to Meister where war suddenly broke out.

That would be great.

Hamis had already made up his mind. He would capture Ryan alive and torture him severely. When he had enough fun, he would trick him into revealing the whereabouts of the ancient troll fangs, and then kill him directly.

There is a forest nearby, so corpses can be dumped in the wilderness without having to be dealt with or covered up.

Even if we are really asked about it afterwards, we can just blame it on the cult.

As for how to capture Ryan alive?

Their slave-hunting team is very experienced!

Let Danielson cast stealth on the other two first, and secretly surround Ryan. He will attract the opponent's attention in front. After Danielson casts the earth magic "Grip of Rock and Earth" to restrict the opponent's movement, he will use the net and poison gas together, and will soon capture the opponent alive.

In that case, Grand Knight?

It can just last a little longer than the peak knight.

They have become very skilled at this kind of cooperation.

This is also why their slave-hunting team is most valued by the Axon Auction House in Münster.

The Dutka dog in Hamis's team, similar to the Doberman Pinscher that Ryan had seen in his previous life, suddenly barked.

"No, the horse hoof mark is obviously much lighter." Hamis narrowed his narrow eyes and raised his hand to signal everyone to stop moving forward.

The next second, a sharp sound of breaking through the air was heard.

Danielson, a third-level wizard apprentice in the team, had just turned his head to check the source of the sound when he saw a black shadow rushing towards him like lightning!

There was no time to react, and screams suddenly rang out!
Danielson felt a sharp pain in his waist!
Then, the world spun around, and he saw himself falling off the horse, but his familiar legs were still in the stirrups.
The bearded man behind Danielson saw the whole scene clearly!
Damn it, his companion Danielson didn't even have time to dodge before his waist was broken by a powerful black steel arrow!

It's an interruption!
Not a hit!

"Enemy attack!" Hamis's face suddenly changed. He quickly jumped off the horse and hid behind the horse's belly.

At this time, several people smelled a pleasant fragrance.

It floated down from the upwind direction and had a scent similar to lavender.

But in the tense battle, the three of them didn't think too much about why there was this fragrance.

If they could calm down and think about it, they would understand it immediately, even if there was lavender growing nearby.

But in this month of vitality, the lavender hasn't bloomed yet.
This is actually a gas-type poison - lavender hallucinogen - that Ryan had made according to a recipe in 'Maxwell's Secret Scroll of Rare Poisons'.

The effect is to produce hallucinogenic effects on people and animals within a certain range.

Of course, this effect is very effective for ordinary people and knights. But for the great knight level, the effect is much weaker, and it will only cause the opponent to have hallucinations or double vision from time to time.

But this is enough for Ryan.

It’s not that the opponent is too powerful, so Ryan had to use poison.

But he mainly wanted to test the effect of the poison gas, otherwise, he would not be willing to use it on these people.

at the same time.


The Dutka let out a mournful cry, only to be bitten on the throat by the greyhound war dog Cookie. At this moment, the dog's eyes were blurred and its limbs were kicking weakly.
At this moment, the three of them had no intention of caring about the dog.

Because at this moment, Ryan was holding a two-handed warhammer, smiling, and walking out of the forest leisurely.

Hamis thought, why didn't this guy continue shooting arrows and attacking inside, but instead came out to fight the three of them in hand-to-hand combat?

Is there something wrong with your brain?

But the next second, they saw a flash before their eyes and Ryan disappeared.

Then, Hamis heard the sound of a watermelon being smashed by a stick to his left.


That's Bueno's direction!

Hamis immediately turned around and saw Bueno's headless body slowly falling to the ground.

Suddenly, Hamis's face changed drastically!

Is Ryan so powerful?

Just as Hamis was about to take action, he saw a double image of Ryan in front of him?
how can that be!

No, this is poison gas!
"As a sword-wielder, actually use poison?" Hamis' eyes suddenly widened, pointing at Ryan with an expression of disbelief.

These were the methods that he should have used, but they were actually used first by the sword-wielding man in front of him, Ryan!

Damn it!

The next second, there was another explosion!


Hamis's face changed several times, and he immediately turned around and flew away!

Although due to the influence of the poison gas, his body would sway slightly from time to time while he was rushing, his speed was still not slow at all.

Ryan looked at this scene, but was not in a hurry. Instead, he slowly took the bow from Cookie, drew the bow and arrow, and aimed at the opponent's vest.


Followed by a sharp sound of breaking through the air!
A bolt of black lightning instantly pierced Hamish's back.

He staggered a few steps and his speed dropped sharply.

Immediately afterwards, Hamis staggered a few times as if he was drunk, and then fell to the ground with a thud!
The four-man team was wiped out!
Ryan walked forward and first glanced at the third-level wizard apprentice.

I saw that the opponent was shot into two pieces by my arrow.

This is the bad thing about wizard apprentices. Even if they are level 3 apprentices, as long as they are not formal wizards, they do not have a defensive force field.
Very weak against sneak attacks.
This is why many wizard apprentices will study the path of knight at the beginning, because studying both can make the wizard apprentice's survivability much stronger.

At this time, Cookie came over with the Dutka in his mouth to take credit.

Ryan patted Cookie's furry head and praised, "Well done!"

In fact, if Cookie was still the original greyhound and had not evolved, the battle situation would most likely be reversed.

The heavier, sturdier Dutka can easily kill an ordinary greyhound.

After sweeping up the spoils, Ryan continued to move forward.

As for the bodies of these four people and one dog?

The wild beasts in the forest will naturally take it away quickly.

Suddenly thinking of something, Ryan pulled the reins, stopped again, jumped off the horse, and walked quickly into the forest.

Soon, Ryan, under Cookie's pursuit, quickly caught the timberwolf.

He placed his hands on the struggling timber wolf and used the second core skill of the Beast Priest - 'Beast Vitality'!
Suddenly, the Timberwolves stopped resisting.

A surge of heat flowed from the timberwolf's body, through his hands, and into Ryan's body.

The feeling of this heat flowing through the body is similar to the recovery effect after adding points, but there is something else added.

Ryan dispelled the special effects of the steel body and scratched his fingers with the blade.

In less than two seconds, the wound healed rapidly.
As expected, in addition to restoring physical strength, the core skill 'Beast Vitality' can also restore injuries.

At this time, the Timber Wolf looked listless and exhausted, lying on the ground, too lazy to move.
But at this moment, Ryan seemed to be able to hear the distant and faint howling of wolves from time to time. This sound was very special, as if it could subtly disturb his mind.

But at this time, because the sound is very subtle, the interference is also very slight and can be ignored.

"Is this the beast soul described in the skill description?" Ryan thought to himself.

After thinking about it, Ryan went into the forest again.

This time, he came out with a huge grizzly bear.

He tried the core skill of 'Beast Vitality' again, and Ryan found that the magical heat flow he could absorb this time was stronger than the previous Timberwolves.

This shows that the effect of the beast's vitality is closely related to the strength of the object it absorbs.

In addition, he felt the side effects more obviously.

It seemed that after absorbing the heat flow from the wolves and bears twice, the wolf howls and bear roars, which had not been so obvious just now, suddenly became much louder, and the interference to the mind became significantly stronger.

At the same time, the roar of a bear is slightly stronger than the howl of a wolf.

In addition, this improvement is not a gradual linear improvement.

It's a leap-forward improvement.

Although this interference is not too strong for Ryan's spirit level of 39 points, he can still resist it easily.

But Ryan couldn't help but think about it.

"In other words, if you use the core skill 'Beast Vitality' continuously in a short period of time, the side effect 'Beast Soul' will interfere with your mind more and more?"

At this moment, Ryan suddenly turned his head and looked at the dark horse beside him.

The black horse started to cry out!

The horse's hooves kept digging at the ground, seeming extremely annoyed.


"Is this going to evolve?" Ryan raised his eyebrows, a look of delight on his face.

"What a good time to suddenly evolve at this time."

"Perhaps it is because of today's long journey that the effects of the long-term use of the Mutation Growth Potion that have accumulated in the body have been fully released?"

At this time, the system prompt also sounded:

[Host pet Jenny Horse, affected by long-term use of mutation growth potion, begins to mutate and evolve! ]

【Mutation and Evolution】

The black horse was seen snorting angrily, its muscles trembling, and the blood vessels on its shiny fur bulging like earthworms!

Several minutes passed.
The black horse's forehead suddenly bulged up, and soon a bulge similar to a rhinoceros horn rose up.

The body shape has not changed much, it has just become a little bigger and stronger.

At this time, the system prompts to start refreshing the screen:
[The host's pet Jenny Horse has evolved successfully and has now evolved into a ferocious beast, the 'Quick-trotting Wildebeest'! ]

[Your skill of animal taming is improved, experience value +567]

[Your Beast Priest (Legendary) career experience +119]

[Congratulations, your Beast Priest (Legendary) class level has been upgraded! ]

[Ding! The number of pets that the host can contract has increased, currently (3/4)]

(Note: The trotting wildebeest has awakened the innate ability 'trotting')
[Yes/No to rename the trotting wildebeest? ]

Without thinking too much, Ryan chose 'No'.

The system named it the Trotting Wildebeest, which is very appropriate.

Watch the dark horse evolve successfully, and see the Beast Priest (Legendary) level on the panel change from lv1→lv2 (31/300).

The remaining attribute points were increased from 12 to 13 points again, and more importantly, Ryan's remaining skill points were finally no longer 0.

Double happiness came, making Ryan smile!

In fact, it is a triple blessing, because the number of contractable pets has increased by one, reaching four.

After walking around the black horse and examining it carefully, Ryan discovered that although the black horse's appearance had not changed much, it only had a single horn about ten centimeters long.

However, after the mutation, many of the originally flat teeth of the herbivores actually grew sharp fangs.

Ryan tried to feed some dried meat to the wildebeest, and the wildebeest immediately ate it with gusto!

It seemed as if his eyes lit up.


They had been eating grass before, but now it was the first time they ate meat, and the trotting wildebeest felt like they had discovered a new world!
After the wildebeest finished eating, Ryan tried riding it and found that only its endurance seemed to have improved significantly compared to before.

However, when using the innate ability 'Quick Step', the speed will be significantly faster and the duration is not short.

From this perspective, it is more suitable for long-distance travel.

A quarter of an hour later, Ryan looked at the arrow-shaped road sign ahead and stopped.

Three arrows, pointing in three directions.

The right turn arrow leads to Shanjin Town, going straight is Meister County City, and turning left is naturally the fishing port town.

After a little thought, Ryan did not choose to go to Shanjin Town or the County Town, but turned left and headed quickly towards the Fishing Port Town.

It's important to save people!

Not long after, another checkpoint appeared ahead. This checkpoint was more stringent, with many spiked wooden barriers blocking the road and dozens of fully armed giant shield crossbowmen on guard duty.

When the other party saw Ryan appear, they immediately became highly alert and shouted, "There is a battle zone with the sea tribe ahead. Please leave immediately if you are not interested!"

Ryan slowed down and showed the document again before being allowed to pass.

Not long after, Ryan stood on a hillside not far from the fishing port town, looking out at the familiar fishing port town.

At this moment, black smoke was billowing everywhere in the fishing port town, and the situation inside the town was not very clear, but it was obvious that many ruins were still burning, and the shouts of fighting were coming from all directions.

In such a chaotic battlefield, it would be extremely difficult to find Alyosha, the youngest daughter of Special Envoy Javier, without any guidance.

Fortunately, Ryan had a sensing stone given to him by Javier, which could sense Alyosha's location within a range of several kilometers.

Ryan took out an almost transparent sensing stone from his arms and walked more than ten meters in several directions.

Relying on his sensitive perception, Ryan discovered that if he moved towards the southeast, the brightness of the sensing stone would change slightly and become a little brighter.

Obviously, Alyosha should be in this direction.

Therefore, Ryan used the skill "Eye of the Beast" again, and with the help of Blood Feather's keen eyesight, he discovered that there was a large number of murlocs gathered on an unnamed island a few dozen meters away from the southeast coastline.
Mixed in with the figures were several male Blood Curse Nagas that were obviously much larger in size!
What surprised Ryan even more was when he saw the terrain of the island clearly.

He suddenly discovered that there was a large hole in the ground in the center of the island with a diameter of seven or eight meters.
The faintly visible stone stairs leading to the depths of the ground seem to hint that this island is hiding unknown secrets!
(End of this chapter)

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