Chapter 249 Mission Impossible (Two chapters in one)

Ryan finished his observation and rode his fast-trotting wildebeest 'Little Black' down the hillside to the temporary camp of the imperial army in front. Before he arrived, he heard bursts of wailing coming from the tents.

After passing the inspection, Ryan entered.

He discovered that most of the people here were holding Imperial soldiers who were seriously injured in the battle.

At the same time, Ryan also saw the townspeople who were rescued from the ruins of the fishing town, but their number was very small.

Ryan's mood sank, and he asked the soldier beside him, "Are there only a dozen or so survivors in Fishing Port Town?"

"Yes, sir." The soldier nodded solemnly.

When they arrived, they found that these sea creatures were so abominable that they almost destroyed an entire town. Some marine creatures were still gnawing on human corpses. The scene was horrific.

As if remembering something, the soldier said, "Oh, sir, but the sheriff of the fishing port town was lucky enough to survive."

"Hmm? The sheriff of Fishing Port Town? Take me to see him." Ryan's eyes lit up.

He originally thought that there were only a dozen or so survivors, and that Lehman Brothers must have been killed by the Blood Curse Naga.

But I didn't expect that my younger brother would survive.

This is good news amidst the bad news.

However, it seemed that because the other party's injuries were serious, the bed arranged for Connett was located closer to the inside of the camp.

As Ryan walked into the inner tent, suddenly, he saw a figure lying among several beds. The familiar face was the younger brother of the Lehman brothers - Cornette Lehman.

The other person had his eyes closed, his brows furrowed, and a painful expression on his face, as if he was recalling something.

Ryan looked carefully and found that the opponent's right hand was broken at the elbow, and his chest and abdomen were tied with thick bandages. There were three dark red bloodstains on the bandages, but judging from the location, the heart was fortunately missed.

It's really a stroke of luck that I can survive like this.


Hearing this familiar voice, Cornette's eyes suddenly widened and he looked sideways with an expression of disbelief.

The next second, her eyes turned red and she cried out in a sobbing voice, "Lord Ryan!"

"Lord Ryan! My brother is dead! Fishing Port Town is finished!"

Seeing someone familiar to talk to, Cornette burst into tears and snot.
Ryan walked over, firmly grasped Cornett's remaining left hand, and comforted him: "Cornett! Take good care of your injuries."

For a moment, Cornette burst into tears and told Ryan about the sudden attack last night in a disjointed manner.

Only then did Ryan realize that when the fishing port town was attacked last night, it was almost defenseless. Because the fighting power of the Blood Curse Naga was too strong, the patrolling night watchmen had no time to raise the alarm and were killed on the spot.

Even when Cornette and his brother joined forces, they could only hold out for less than a minute.

His brother Colbert died on the spot, and he fell into a coma due to his serious injuries.

Fortunately, he fainted and was mistakenly thought to be dead by the Blood Curse Naga, so he managed to survive.

The death and injury of one person at Lehman Brothers was something Ryan had not expected.

Before coming, Ryan thought that even if Lehman brothers were defeated, he should be able to lead some elite Night Watchmen to fight and retreat.

But now it seems that the huge gap in strength makes this idea a luxury.

After calming down a little, Cornette looked at Ryan and asked, "Master Ryan, why are you here this time?"

"I'm going to carry out a mission this time and go in that direction."

"Beach?" Cornette's eyes widened.

Ren nodded.

"Sir, you must be careful. If you go to the seaside, you will definitely encounter the Blood Curse Naga. The strength of this race is really terrifying."

"Cornet, can you tell me how you felt when you fought?"

Cornette nodded, as if he was recalling something, with a hint of fear in his eyes. He was silent for a while and said, "Power! Their power is too strong!"

"The opponent used the trident to pierce my brother's steel shield with just one strike!"

"The second attack sent me flying, and then the opponent stabbed me twice in succession, killing my brother and leaving me seriously injured and unconscious!"

"During the entire process, the power displayed by the other party was too terrifying!"

Ryan nodded to show that he understood.

The ancient races were so powerful.

No matter what skills or combat techniques are involved, they are of little significance when the power gap between the two is too great.

As the saying goes in my previous life, 'force can defeat skill'!
"They are over 2.5 meters tall and have strong bodies. I think even the great knights would not be their opponents in terms of strength."

"If you encounter them, please be careful and use mobile fighting as much as possible. Also, you must never fight two Blood Curse Nagas at the same time." Cornette thought for a moment and reminded.

"Thank you, I'll be careful."

If Lehman Brothers join forces, even the Great Knight can normally fight for several rounds.

But now, with just three or four moves, one of the two brothers died and the other was seriously injured.

This shows that the description of the ancient race Blood-Cursed Naga in ancient books is not exaggerated, but rather a bit conservative.

Its power is almost a crushing blow to humans.

As for the method of fighting the enemy, if a normal human knight wants to defeat the opponent, as Cornette said, he basically has to use free fighting or siege.

But my own words
Ryan's eyes lit up slightly, and an urge to try it out burned in his heart.

Because I happen to be good at strength.
"By the way, does the other party know water magic?" Before leaving, Ryan suddenly thought of a question and turned around to ask again.

"No, that's not the case."

"Of course, maybe it's because we are too weak and the other side simply doesn't bother to use it. Lord Ryan, you still have to be careful." Cornette looked depressed.

He and his brother, one died and the other was seriously injured, but he was unable to even find out the enemy's combat effectiveness. It was really too wasteful.

"Get some rest, Cornette."

After leaving the camp, Ryan soon arrived at the front line.

As he looked around on the front battlefield, he saw all kinds of strange-looking fishmen, lobstermen and marine creatures, almost densely covering the beach.

Although the enemy had a large number of troops, their combat organization efficiency was far inferior to that of the Imperial Army, so they could not cause too many casualties to the Imperial Army.

Although the imperial army is small in number, it is relatively elite.

Therefore, the overall battle situation is in a relatively tense state.

From time to time, fierce battles broke out on the long defense line, and after lasting for a while, they died down again.

Ryan saw from afar a Blood Curse Naga whose size was obviously much taller than the surrounding fishmen. As soon as it appeared, the imperial army would suffer heavy casualties.

At this time, there must be matching combat power to support it. Otherwise, it will often require a large number of casualties before it is possible to repel the enemy.

The captain of the giant shield crossbowmen on the front line of the battlefield is a senior knight.

He looked at Ryan deeply. Although he didn't know what mission this young imperial baron had, he must go to the small island ahead.

But he thought about it and felt that it was still necessary to remind him.

"Baron Ryan, maybe you don't know. Although the strength of the murlocs is average, look at their dense numbers." The captain of the giant shield crossbowmen pointed forward.

“When these evil-finned fishmen, black-gilled fishmen, and deep-sea blue-gilled fishmen, dozens, or even hundreds of them surround us, even a human knight will eventually run out of strength.”

"The island you want to go to has to break through the enemy's dense defense line."

"And did you see that? Behind the group of fishmen, there were several huge creatures. They were the male Blood Curse Naga and the ferocious sea beasts under their command."

"The strength of the sea beasts alone is no less than that of the great knights. As for the ancient race of blood-cursed nagas, Baron Ryan, you may not have fought against them yet, so you don't know how powerful they are."

Ryan did not refute.

He just listened quietly.

Because he knew that what the captain of the giant shield crossbowmen, whom he met for the first time, said was actually true.

At least for ordinary knights, it is almost impossible to break through the sea clan's defense line, reach the island and enter the cave.

Even with the cooperation of this giant shield crossbowman.

"Now on the front battlefield, once we encounter the Blood Curse Naga, we will fire flares and let the Empire's great knights and wizards deal with them."

"As for the attacks by densely packed fishmen or marine creatures, we mainly rely on the bronze cannons in the rear, as well as the special poison gas provided by the Royal Pharmacist Association that targets the sea creatures."

"But these methods are only more lethal to fishmen and lobstermen."

"For the Blood Curse Nagas, their poison resistance is very high, so it has almost no effect. And it is even less likely that the shells will hit them directly."

While listening to the introduction, Ryan observed attentively.

Although Ryan is not afraid, knowing yourself and your enemy will ensure victory in every battle.

Along the long coastline, there is a Blood Curse Naga in charge every hundred meters or so.

These blood-cursed nagas are all males, and they are accompanied by at least one giant sea snake, mutated hermit crab, or large octopus of the ferocious beast level, giving him the feeling of a tamer.

Coupled with the opponent's strong melee ability, the combination of one beast and one man is, overall, very difficult and tricky to deal with.

At this time, a loud cry of a griffin was heard in the sky.

A griffin knight wearing light gold armor quickly descended from the air, and he also saw Ryan in the field.

After all, Ryan's strong one-horned black horse and a dog that was also a ferocious beast were very eye-catching.

"Hey, we met last time. Are you the new swordsman Ryan?" The man who came was Viscount Felke, the deputy captain of the Munster Griffin Squadron, whom Ryan had met once.

Ryan didn't expect that he would meet the other person here.

"Hello, Lord Felke." Ryan bowed slightly.

"Are you going on a special mission?"

"Yes, I'm going that way." Ryan nodded and pointed to the southeast.

Felke's handsome face changed slightly, and he said in surprise: "Huh? Maybe you don't know yet, Baron Ryan, I just did some aerial reconnaissance."

"That is already the place where the sea tribe has the most intensive defenses. On the island not far away, there is a huge cave that appeared out of nowhere. The sea tribe is guarding it very closely."

Ryan nodded to show that he understood.

He had previously used the 'Eye of the Beast' to investigate from the air from Blood Feather's perspective.

"Baron Ryan, I know you are quite capable."

"But look at the dense number of sea creatures in front of us, and the blood-cursed nagas mixed in with them. This kind of ancient race is very troublesome even for me when I encounter it."

"Even if you manage to reach the vicinity of the cave, how much energy do you have left to continue to rush into the cave to investigate?"

"Besides, the situation inside the cave is unclear. The other party has deployed many fishmen who are specialized in casting nets at the entrance of the cave. I tried just now, but I had no chance to check it clearly."

"So, I don't recommend you to go now. Going there now is no different from committing suicide." Viscount Felke said.

Ren didn't speak.

Felker is right.

But the problem is that his mission is a rescue mission. If it takes too long and the target Alyosha dies, then his mission will be meaningless.

In addition, he is different from ordinary knights.

His confidence comes from the 13 remaining attribute points.

Don't forget that every time an attribute point is added, he can restore his peak physical strength.

In other words, he can recover his physical strength thirteen times. No matter how many enemies there are, they will all become his experience points.

As for injuries?

Let's not talk about whether the opponent can hurt him who has the 'Intermediate Steel Body'. Even if he is injured, he can recover from the injury with the core skill 'Beast Vitality' as he has the new legendary profession - Beast Priest.

In general, for tasks that are impossible for others, Ryan feels that he can give it a try.


At this time, a clear and familiar female voice sounded.


When Ryan heard this, he was startled and immediately turned to look.

Veronica was seen wearing a light blue robe, waving her hands excitedly not far behind him.

"Veronica, why are you here?"

"Just like you, not long after you left Munster in Rennes, I received an urgent assignment from the Sword Bearer Branch. The front line needed a third-level wizard apprentice who specialized in bird reconnaissance."

"So, here I am!" Veronica's golden twin ponytails bounced and her face looked delighted.

Obviously, she was very happy to meet Ryan here.

Ryan also smiled.

After a brief greeting, Veronica also learned the destination of Ryan's mission this time.

"Ryan, maybe I can give it a try."

Veronica was seen chanting a spell and seemed to be controlling the white seagull with all her strength.

A flock of dozens of white seagulls began to gather above Veronica's head, and soon, under her command, they flew towards the small island not far away.

Just as the white seagull was about to circle down near the cave, suddenly, a dozen blue-gilled fishmen jumped out and threw out the fishing nets in their hands.

Immediately, most of the white seagulls were captured, leaving only four or five, which rushed into the cave.

This couldn't help but make Veronica feel distressed.

Fortunately, there were still four or five of them that rushed down.

But within half a minute, Veronica covered her head with her hands, and her pretty face showed pain.

She said in a slightly tired voice, "Ryan, all my white seagulls are dead. There is a deep cave inside. My white seagull flew about a hundred meters inside, but I couldn't see the end."

"Although the number of sea creatures inside has decreased a lot, the proportion of blood-cursed nagas is obviously greater than that outside. Moreover, the murlocs inside are not the same as those outside. They are much stronger."

"Ryan, I know you are very strong, but maybe you shouldn't take the risk." Veronica looked at Ryan with a worried expression.

Ryan walked up and ruffled Veronica's hair.

"Don't worry, if it really doesn't work, I won't force it."

Veronica stared at Ryan with her watery eyes for a long time before lowering her head and taking out a witchcraft scroll from her waist bag. She said:
"This is an invisibility scroll. It can make you invisible for about a minute. My mentor left it to me."

"I'm safer here, Ryan, please be sure to take it with you."

Ryan was startled when he heard this, and immediately started thinking about it.

If you use it when you rush to the cave entrance, you can avoid being besieged by multiple blood-cursed nagas on the sea clan's defense line.

After all, he came here to rescue, so it would be best if he could enter the cave as quietly as possible.

So, Ryan did not refuse, took the scroll and said, "Thank you, Veronica."

At this time, seeing that Ryan was determined to go, even his girlfriend's persuasion was ineffective, Viscount Felke could not help but shook his head and said:
"Baron Ryan, since you insist, then it can only be that the goddess of luck is really on your side."

"If you can get out successfully, then fire this flare, and I will hold back some of the enemies for you in mid-air."

"Of course, if you unfortunately die, please forgive me. I'm sorry that I can't send anyone to look for your body. So, Baron Ryan, I hope you can think carefully before taking action."

"Thank you." Ryan took the arrow-shaped flare that Felke handed to him.

Obviously, Felke was not optimistic about Ryan's action this time.

After sending the signal flare, Felke controlled the Griffin to quickly take off and leave to do other things.

Ryan left Cookie and Xiao Hei here.

And in the sky, there is the blood feather to help guide him, and that is enough.

Amid the worried or surprised gazes of the crowd, Ryan stepped over the protective spiked wooden stakes and headed towards the seaside.

In front, dozens of deep-sea blue-gilled mermen, who were much taller than the gray-fin mermen, were wandering in the shallow sea. The water was only up to their knees. They either held steel harpoons or transparent bottles filled with pungent blue-green smoke.

At the same time, there were also a small number of bluegill fishermen carrying javelins and holding tough fishing nets.

Seeing a human knight in light silver armor slowly walking out from the dense human formation, they couldn't help but focus their attention on Ryan.

And Ryan slowly pulled out the glowing giant sword behind him.

He just pointed his toes, and a circle of air suddenly exploded on the beach beneath his feet, splashing sand and gravel everywhere!

A whistling sound was heard that broke through the air!
Ryan's figure flashed and he rushed towards the bluegill fishman in front of him.

The bluegill fish people who saw this scene immediately became furious, shouting and throwing the fishing nets or smoke bomb bottles in their hands at Ryan.

But Ryan's speed was too fast, like an arrow shot from a bow.

These fishing nets were left behind before they even had a chance to get close to him, and the same was true for the bottles.

As a result, many bluegill fishmen were in a panic and threw the smoke bomb bottles directly at their companions' feet.

Suddenly, the beach between Ryan and the target island and the shallow sea area of ​​dozens of meters were filled with thick smoke.

Ryan was like a sharp arrow that could turn, dodging left and right, and passing through the thick smoke and among a group of blue-gilled fishmen.

After a few seconds, the smoke faded, and Ryan stood on the edge of the island with the sword in both hands, the tip of the sword facing down, and shook off the blue blood stained on the glowing giant sword in his hand.

There was a series of dense "thump thump" sounds of heavy objects falling to the ground behind him.

A group of the Empire's elite giant shield crossbowmen armed with bows and crossbows looked at the scene in shock.

Just now, they were planning to provide Ryan with crossbow support, but Ryan's speed was too fast and they were afraid of accidentally hurting friendly forces, so at this moment they were still holding the crossbows and aiming.

But what they didn't expect was that in just a few blinks of an eye, dozens of blue-gilled fishmen had all fallen to the ground, with different causes of death. Some had their heads cut off, some were beheaded, and some were split in half vertically.

It seemed that he sensed the sudden disappearance of the life field of a considerable number of his fish-man followers, which immediately attracted the attention of the male Blood-Curse Naga who was dozing off at the entrance of the cave.

The other party stood up quickly.

This was a male Blood Curse Naga that was over two meters six in height. When he saw the Bluegill Murloc followers lying behind Ryan, he immediately became furious!
He shouted loudly, twisted his snake body as thick as a bucket, and rushed towards Ryan with a huge and ferocious hermit crab beside him.

The hermit crab carrying a several-meter-high conch on its back was moving incredibly fast. Its pair of long-stalked eyes suddenly stood up and stared at Ryan fiercely.

At the same time, while hurrying, it waved its huge pincers and clamped twice with "click, click", looking extremely ferocious!
This made everyone, including Veronica, feel anxious again.

Many people couldn't help but shout: "Lord Ryan, be careful!"

Under the captain's command, the giant shield crossbowmen aimed at the ferocious hermit crabs and fired a volley of shots.

Although the hermit crab's route and speed had been predicted in advance, for the ferocious hermit crab, even if it stood still and let the crossbowmen shoot at it, it would not be able to break its shell that was nearly seven or eight centimeters thick.

This level of rain of arrows was just like a tickle to it.

The ferocious hermit crab used one of its giant claws to slightly cover its lower eye, and continued to rush towards Ryan at full speed.

The male Blood Curse Naga had a cunning look on his face. He moved five or six meters behind the hermit crab and rushed towards Ryan.

At this moment, his upper body was holding a huge metal trident, as if he was ready to charge.

In the male Blood Curse Naga's expectation, facing the double-claw combo of the ferocious hermit crab under his command, the human knight in front of him, who seemed to be quite powerful, would have to defend himself and resist with all his might.

At that time, he only needs to leap forward and launch a series of crushing stabs with the trident.

It will definitely be possible to catch the opponent off guard with a series of attacks!

Perhaps, if everything goes well, this daring human knight can be killed on the spot!

Thereby intimidating the human army in front of them.

Who knows, he might be able to take this opportunity to successfully tear through the defense line of the human army in front of him.

In this way, he will definitely be praised by the high priest of the tribe.

Thinking of this, a smug smile appeared on his ugly dragon face in a very human way!
However, suddenly, something surprising happened to him!

The hermit crab in front of him suddenly grew bigger.

After being stunned for a moment, he realized that it was his hermit crab that flew back upside down.

How is this going?

Half a second ago, Ryan replaced his broadsword with the pig-head hammer on his back, and engaged the ferocious hermit crab's pair of huge claws head-on.

When performing the intermediate secret technique 'Shock Wave'.

With just one blow, Ryan's pig-head hammer smashed the huge claws of the hermit crab in front of him into pieces!
At the same time, it rolled the opponent's huge body weighing nearly one ton back like a cannonball.

And Ryan, under the cover of the hermit crab's body, pointed his toes, left a trail of afterimage on the spot, and attacked the Blood Curse Naga.

The tall male Blood Curse Naga, facing the attacking hermit crab, naturally could not stab it to death, so he could only change his posture of accumulating power to stab, and instead use the trident to push the attacking hermit crab aside.

All of a sudden, he felt a sharp pain in his lower abdomen!
Looking down, he discovered a dark hammer with a pointed tip. The entire tip of the hammer had pierced into his waist and abdomen, creating a bloody hole.

The shell armor he was so proud of.

A body as strong as iron.

It seemed like thin paper under this black iron hammer!

This level of lethality made the male Blood Curse Naga panic for no reason!
He endured the severe pain and swung the trident in his hand hard towards Ryan.

However, due to the severe waist injury, his strength was not as strong as he imagined. Ryan blocked his attack with a heavy hammer.

This was something that the Blood Curse Naga did not expect again.

The other party is so strong.

In his opinion, even if he was seriously injured, it was impossible for him to be so easily deflected by this stabbing attack from the "short" human in front of him.

The next second, Ryan once again used the intermediate ultimate skill 'Shock Wave'.

This time, it directly hit the forehead of the male Blood Curse Naga who had no time to dodge!
"Bang!" A crisp sound!
It seemed that because the shock force was too strong, the entire head of the Blood Curse Naga exploded, and white, red and some sticky tissues splashed all around, forming a radial fan-shaped area.

The Blood-Cursed Naga, who was two meters six in height, shook his muscular body twice and fell to the ground with a bang!

At this time, the entire battle had only lasted less than ten seconds since it began!

A blood-cursed naga, whose strength was even stronger than that of a senior human knight, died in Ryan's hands.

The giant shield crossbowmen on the coast couldn't help but look at each other!
Veronica also covered her mouth excitedly. She always thought Ryan was very powerful, but she didn't expect him to be so powerful!
It seems that during this time in Munster, Rennes' strength has improved again.

But soon, her heart was in suspense again!

The battle on the island has attracted the attention of the surrounding sea creatures.

At this moment, a large group of fishmen, lobstermen and four or five male blood-cursed nagas rushed towards Ryan from all directions!

The cave was right in front of Ryan.

Looking at the sea creatures rushing in from all directions, Ryan took out the invisibility scroll given by Veronica from his arms, tore it directly, and disappeared out of thin air.

(End of this chapter)

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