Zong Tomb: Starting from Huangpizi Tomb

Chapter 190 Arrival at Gulan County

Chapter 190 Arrival at Gulan County

As Bai Jing's river-turning hand pushed with all his strength, for a while, the water vapor within a radius of dozens of meters was easily mobilized by Bai Jing alone.

With the push of Bai Jing, it is like a submerged river breaking waves, and the turbid waves are rolling, and the majestic power is clearly demonstrated underwater.

The iron-headed dragon king obviously had a very strong sense of danger. When it realized that it could not resist Bai Jing's move, it fled away into the distance with all its strength.

However, although Bai Jing has only been practicing this move, Fanjiang Shou, for two and a half years, because Bai Jing has mainly been involved in this move during these times, the speed and power are naturally extremely ferocious.

The Iron-headed Dragon King wanted to escape, but Bai Jing's attack was faster. With one palm strike, the Iron-headed Dragon King was about to escape out of Bai Jing's attack range, but the remaining palm power was definitely not the Iron-headed Dragon King. One that can be easily endured.

The palm of the iron-headed dragon king Bai Baijing hit the body firmly, and then it fell towards the bottom of the Yellow River like a kite with its string broken.

When Bai Jing saw this, he originally wanted to dive down and lift the Iron-headed Dragon King up.

But looking at the turbid sediment at the bottom of the Yellow River, Bai Jing finally gave up the idea.

At this moment, on the boat, Hu Bayi and others looked anxiously at the battle in the water.

Although Bai Jing has not emerged since he entered the water, Hu Bayi and the others knew just from the rolling waves and huge movements in the water that the battle was fierce.

The boss of the boat was even more excited and knelt on the boat, kowtowing to the Yellow River, and while kowtowing, he chanted: "River God forgives me, River God forgives me!"

Then, in everyone's worried and awed eyes, they saw a figure suddenly emerging from the water in the direction of the bow.

Like a dolphin leaping out of the sea, Bai Jing landed firmly on the bow of the ship, kneeling on one knee. Then, Bai Jing slowly stood up.

As Bai Jing stood up, the sky slowly cleared up.

The sunshine after the rain shines through the clouds and shines behind Bai Jing, making Bai Jing look like a god descending to earth.

The boss of the ship looked at Bai Jing's figure. At this moment, Bai Jing had five colors of rays of light behind him, and he looked extremely sacred.

After the boat boss reacted, he kowtowed to Bai Jing repeatedly and shouted: "River God, River God!"

Bai Jing was a little unable to react, what was going on.

What Bai Jing didn't know was that the local fishermen began to worship sculptures like Bai Jing one after another, saying that this was the river god of the Yellow River.

It was not until many years later that Bai Jing found out about this, and he was a little bit dumbfounded.

Soon, the group of people came ashore.

The boss of the boat refused to ask for any money from Bai Jing and the others, and said that all boat rides would be free from now on.

Bai Jing and others had no choice but to be dragged across the Yellow River and sent away with great gratitude.

If it weren't for Bai Jing and the others not wanting gifts, the boss of the boat would even want to give Bai Jing and the others some more fish.

Afterwards, several people walked on the road to Gulan County.

After crossing the mountain, they had seen the county seat of Gulan County from a distance.

I asked Li Chunlai and found that there was probably less than two kilometers to go, but everyone was really tired after walking this way. Finally, I found a passing tractor and gave them two yuan. I was taken to the guest house in the county seat. When several people arrived at the guest house, it was completely dark.

After asking a few people, they found that at most there were rooms for three people, and then there were Datong bunks for ten people.

In the end, I had no choice but to open two double rooms. Bai Jing and Hu Bayi shared a room, and Fatty and Da Jinya shared a room.

After registering, each took the room key and entered the guest house.

This guest house has registration in the front, a courtyard in the middle, and the guest rooms in the back.

To get to the guest room from the front, you have to pass through the courtyard in the middle.

At this moment, a big opera is being performed in the courtyard, and the courtyard is full of people, all watching the opera.

Bai Jing and the others took a brief look at it, then went back to the house without looking any further.

When the Iron-Headed Dragon King appeared before, it started to rain. Although Hu Bayi and the others did not get into the water, several of them were soaked in the rain.

Therefore, at this time, I was going to go back to the room to wash up, and then talk about other things.

Bai Jing and Hu Bayi's room was next to Fatty and Da Jinya's room. After a while, Bai Jing and Hu Bayi prepared a change of clothes, and then took the thermos bottles and water in the room. Basins, towels and the like are out.

It happened that Fatty and Da Jinya also walked out of the door, and the four of them walked towards the bathroom together.

There is no special bathroom in this guest house, so everyone has to carry the thermos bottle in the room to the bathroom to wash.

On the way, Da Jinya was also full of praise for Bai Jing's amazing performance today.

"Hey, Mr. Bai, your underwater skills are really amazing. I roughly calculated that from the time you entered the water to the time you came up, at least four or five minutes have passed. This does not include the time when you fought with the Iron-headed Dragon King. consumption, how did you do this?"

Regarding this issue, both Hu Bayi and Fatty actually knew about it.

Seeing the two of them looking at each other and smiling, Bai Jing also smiled, and there was nothing to hide. He immediately said: "When it comes to diving, in fact, under normal circumstances, I can only do it for two or three minutes at most. This is still Because I am a martial arts practitioner and have a long breath."

Upon hearing what Bai Jing said, Da Jinya became interested and asked, "Hey, what are you doing today?"

Hu Bayi immediately smiled and said: "If you want to talk about this, you have to talk about an old case. I won't go into more details. Anyway, you just need to know that when Lao Bai and we jumped in the queue in the Northeast, we got something The baby is named Fenshui Pearl. This water droplet is held in the mouth and can breathe underwater."

Hearing what Hu Bayi said, Da Jinya's interest became even higher, and he immediately said in surprise: "Come on, is there such a treasure in this world?"

The fat man immediately smiled and said: "There are still many things you don't know. The things that Lao Bai really treasures are all those that he carries with him. Don't look at the things in his yard that seem to be quite valuable, but Lao Bai is actually I don’t care at all, because the things I really care about are all on my body.”

As he said that, the fat man suddenly thought of something, showed a strange smile and said, "I'm telling you Master Jin, Lao Bai has a treasure called 'Ruyi Hook', and he has that thing in his mouth."

As a result, before the fat man finished speaking, Bai Jing interrupted and said, "Okay, fat man, stop fooling around here, I can't take a shower yet."

The fat man quickly shut up, then quietly smiled at Da Jinya and said, "I'll tell you when we get back to the room, hehehehe."

(End of this chapter)

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