Zong Tomb: Starting from Huangpizi Tomb

Chapter 191 Erythema Mark Appears

Chapter 191 Erythema Mark Appears

Walking in the corridor, after Fatty and Da Jinya agreed to go back to the room to talk about things, Da Jinya remembered something, looked at Bai Jing and Hu Bayi and asked: "Master Hu, Mr. Bai, I have something that has been going on for a long time." I would like to ask you two questions.

There have been hundreds of emperors in the past dynasties, from Qin Shihuang to the last emperor Puyi, and Feng Shui has always talked about dragon veins, but with so many emperors, how many dragon veins must be enough to bury them. "

Hearing the question from Big Jinya, Hu Bayi first replied: "I tell you that there are many dragon veins, but each has its own explanation. From a Feng Shui perspective, the two most important points in this dragon vein are shape and Situation, shape refers to the terrain and mountain shape where the tomb is located. Situation refers to the state presented by the terrain and mountain shape.

There is a saying in the Secret of Seeking the Dragon: The dragon on the great road travels freely and truly, and the body of the dragon appears and disappears erratically. This is the so-called nine sons born from a dragon. They are all different, with different temperaments, talents and appearances. This is especially true for dragon veins, so this is much more complicated than the nine sons born from a dragon. "

Fatty had seen Bai Jing and Hu Bayi directly locate the entrance to the tomb by looking at the terrain of the mountains and rivers, and the changes in the stars, so he knew that they were definitely not talking nonsense.

The fat man immediately said: "This still has a theoretical basis."

But it is obvious that Da Jinya does not know much about this industry and remains skeptical about the authenticity of dragon veins.

In fact, the suspicion of Big Gold Tooth makes sense. If dragon veins really work, then why would there still be that short-lived dynasty and the emperor who died violently?

When Bai Jing heard this, he immediately explained: "The dragon veins of the world originate from Kunlun. Kunlun is the ancestral vein of all mountains. Three of the dragon veins of Kunlun Mountain have entered the territory of our country. They are called Nanlong and Zhonglong by insiders. , Beilong.

These three dragon veins are also called Qianlong, which is the main dragon vein. However, these three dragon veins are different from each other. The northern dragon is the most powerful and domineering. Almost all the imperial tombs of the unified dynasties in our country's history are located in the north. dragon.

The Zhonglong is the most stable, so the large and small branches above the Zhonglong are also buried with many emperors' tombs, as well as many aristocratic families that have been passed down for thousands of years.

Only the southern dragon is the most peculiar. This southern dragon is very mysterious and unpredictable.

The Sutra of Shaking the Dragon says: The four limbs are divided into four worlds, and the north, south, west and east are divided into four factions. There are tens of thousands of miles of Kongtong in the northwest, and Sangui in the east is Yaoming.

Only when the Southern Dragon entered China, the birth of the ancestors was strange. The nine bends of the Yellow River are the large intestine, and the bends of the Sichuan River are the bladder.

The branches are split and the veins are removed vertically and horizontally, and the qi and blood are connected and stay in the water. Most of them are cities and imperial states, while the smaller ones are counties and counties where princes live.

This southern dragon cannot carry emperors, nor can it carry thousand-year-old families, but it can carry princes and princes for a short period of time. Therefore, the most buried by this southern dragon are the kings of this small country or some princes.

Although almost all emperors were buried in the Northern Dragon, in fact, sometimes the Dragon Qi of the Southern Dragon was also very strong, but it didn't last long and changed too quickly.

This is entirely because the shape and potential are not static. An earthquake or a flood may change the shape and potential of the dragon veins. Originally, this is the dragon vein. However, if the shape and potential of an earthquake change, it may not be the best. of dragon veins.

Therefore, our dragon veins have been changing for thousands of years in China. The most important thing is because the territory is too vast. Maybe the best dragon veins today are in Shaanxi Province. As a result, there was an earthquake, and the best dragon veins came to Yu omitted.

Therefore, it is difficult to explain this kind of thing clearly. "

After listening to Bai Jing's words, several people expressed that they generally understood, that is to say, the dragon vein thing was changing too fast, and the key was to depend on God.

Then Da Jinya said: "Anyway, I will listen to whatever you say. I am a layman anyway, but do you know? Li Chunfeng's tomb is in Gulan County. Compared with his old man, you guys are Isn’t it just a little bit shabby?”

When the fat man heard this, he immediately became interested and quickly ran to Da Jinya and asked, "Where is Li Chunfeng's tomb?" Da Jinya nodded when he heard this. Upon seeing this, the fat man turned his head and looked at Hu Bayi and Bai Jing asked doubtfully: "Who is this Li Chunfeng?"

Hearing the fat man's words, Bai Jing couldn't help but laugh. Hu Bayi even showed a speechless expression. I don't know why you are so excited.

Then several people ignored the fat man and began to wash up.

Da Jinya was a little amused when he saw the fat man's confused look, but he also explained: "This Li Chunfeng was a Feng Shui master in the early Tang Dynasty, and he was from Gulan County. It is said that after death, the fallen leaves will be buried in Gulan County. .This is all recorded in unofficial history.”

When the fat man heard that Big Jinya said that this was a tomb from the Tang Dynasty, he immediately became interested. Seeing this, Hu Bayi speechlessly stopped the fat man who wanted to ask: "Okay, don't do this useless thing all day long, wait. I’ll finish washing up and go to bed soon.”

The fat man smiled bitterly. In fact, he was not short of money anymore, but just had some stress reaction. Then he smiled awkwardly and said, "That's what I said."

Then, he turned around and prepared to go back to his place to continue washing.

While he was washing up, the fat man asked Big Gold Tooth to help him rub it. Immediately afterwards, Big Gold Tooth seemed to have discovered something. He quickly stopped the fat man and shouted: "Ah? Fatty, why do you have such a thing on your shoulder and head?" Red seal?"

The fat man was a little confused when he heard this. Even though he wanted Hu Bayi and Bai Jing to take a look, he found that Hu Bayi also had such a red mark on his shoulder.

Immediately, Hu Bayi and Fatty quickly looked at Bai Jing's shoulders.

And Bai Jing also cooperated and let them see.

Bai Jing knew that this should be the beginning of the snake god's curse.

But the strange thing is that they did not see red marks on Bai Jing's shoulders.

However, when Bai Jing started to rub his back, Da Jinya asked in surprise: "Hey, Mr. Bai, you are so fashionable. There are big flowers all over your back. Let me go, these flowers are so beautiful." .”

Hearing this, Bai Jing was stunned for a moment, and then showed Hu Bayi and Fatty.

Following the descriptions of Hu Bayi, Fatty and Big Jinya, Bai Jing probably knew what the flowers on his back looked like.

  That's right, the gorgeous flower that appears on Bai Jing's back is the Baoxiang flower.

Moreover, Bai Jing guessed that it was because of the Baoxianghua on his back that the red spot curse mark of the snake god did not appear on his body.

Bai Jing thought for a moment, looked at Hu Bayi and Fatty and said, "It's okay. Don't worry, I know what's going on. Let's talk about it later."

Immediately, several people began to wash up, but at this time, a sound suddenly came from the toilet.

"The candle illuminates the tortoise's divination, and the slightest dissatisfaction occurs. Chen Tuan is reincarnated, and King Wen is reborn."

(End of this chapter)

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