Zong Tomb: Starting from Huangpizi Tomb

Chapter 198: Danger in the maze

Chapter 198: Danger in the maze
  Bai Jing immediately looked into the distance, but there was no figure anywhere.

Immediately, Bai Jing and Hu Bayi ran in the direction of calling for help.

But when they ran to the place, they saw the fat man pulling at the ground, and his whole body sank into the ground.

Seeing this scene, Bai Jing and Hu Bayi rushed over.

When the fat man saw them coming, he didn't know if it was because of his sudden relaxation that he fell down.

Seeing this scene, Bai Jing and Hu Bayi felt confused.

Immediately afterwards, Hu Bayi's face suddenly became fierce, and he was about to jump into one of the pits.

Bai Jing hurriedly went to catch Hu Bayi.

When Hu Bayi saw this, he couldn't help but said excitedly: "Lao Bai, Fatty and Lao Jin must have fallen into this hole. If they don't go, it will be too late."

Bai Jing heard the words and said directly: "You have to save people, but you have to pay attention to the methods. If I read correctly, this should be within the scope of this tomb. We don't need to take risks at all. We just need to find the old man." The robbery hole dug by our seniors, we just go in through the robbery hole."

After hearing what Bai Jing said, Hu Bayi also agreed, and the two of them immediately rushed towards the Fish Bone Temple.

As soon as Bai Jing entered the Fish Bone Temple, he said: "The robber cave should be in a place where no one usually goes. If you search carefully, you will definitely find it."

After hearing Bai Jing's words, Hu Bayi also quickly started searching. After a while, Bai Jing shouted: "Old Hu, come here, the entrance is here."

Upon hearing this, Hu Bayi hurried over.

It turns out that the location of this robbery cave is under the statue of the god.

Then the two of them entered the thief's cave and crawled inside.

The cave was quite long. Bai Jing crawled for a few minutes, and then he seemed to have touched a lid, and he hammered directly towards the lid.

The next moment, an empty area was revealed behind the lid.

Come to think of it, this is the inside of the tomb.

As soon as Bai Jing climbed out of the robbery hole, he heard a scream coming from the tomb.

Bai Jing quickly shouted back: "Lao Hu, Fatty and Lao Jin should be in danger. I'll go rescue them first."

As he spoke, Bai Jing rushed out first.

Hu Bayi did not dare to delay and quickly followed.

When Bai Jing rushed out, he saw a figure rushing past him. When Bai Jing saw this, he immediately grabbed this person, it was not the fat man or someone else.

The fat man was suddenly caught and startled, but after he realized it was Bai Jing, he breathed a sigh of relief and said: "Old Bai, go and save Lao Jin quickly. Lao Jin seems to have seen something and was frightened." You have to crawl around.”

Then at this time, Hu Bayi also came over.

At this moment, a figure was seen running in front of Bai Jing and the others.

Bai Jing caught him on the spot, it was just Big Jinya.

Big Jinya seemed to have been stimulated by something, and he was shouting at the moment.

When Bai Jing saw this, he quickly hit Da Jinya on the neck with a knife, knocking him out instantly.

Then Bai Jing checked the condition of the big gold tooth and said, "It must have been bitten by something."

Suddenly, Bai Jing squatted down, then looked at the things on the ground, picked up a small dumpling, looked at it, and then threw it into Big Jinya's mouth.

The fat man was a little confused when he saw this scene, and immediately asked: "Old Bai, what did you give Lao Jin to eat?"

Before Bai Jing could answer, he heard Hu Bayi say: "Ye Mingsha." Hearing this unfamiliar name, the fat man became even more confused. Hu Bayi then smiled and said: "It's just bat excrement. I think Lao Jin should If he is bitten by this bat, give him luminous sand to detoxify him."

Upon hearing this, Fatty suddenly looked like he wanted to laugh but was holding back.

Later, when several people were about to leave here, Bai Jing smelled something: "Wait a minute, follow me first."

Suddenly, there was a squeaking sound, and the fat man shouted: "Old Bai, it's a bat, think of a way quickly."

When Bai Jing saw this, he didn't panic at all. Then he took out the Eyeless Rat Talisman, made a hand seal with his hands, and said: "Everyone lean against the wall and don't make a sound!"

After saying that, Bai Jing also leaned against the wall.

The others saw this and quickly followed suit.

As for the bats, it seemed that they could no longer detect Bai Jing and the others. They all ignored Bai Jing and the others and flew forward in all directions.

Although the ability of this Eyeless Rat Talisman is not as powerful as the Eyeless Dragon and the Eyeless Fire Talisman, it can be used in conjunction with spells to reduce the presence of oneself and the person being cast.

As the saying goes, if a rat cannot see itself, it cannot even see itself, let alone others.

After about ten minutes, these rioting bats also calmed down.

At this time, Big Gold Tooth also woke up. When the fat man saw this scene, he immediately smiled and said: "Haha, this thing works really fast. Otherwise, you have to tie the bell to untie the bell, right? Hahaha." .”

Hearing Fatty's words, Bai Jing and Hu Bayi couldn't help laughing.

But Da Jinya still didn't understand the situation and asked: "You three masters, what's wrong with me?"

Fatty was also about to recall the past events to Da Jinya, but was stopped by Bai Jing.

However, the next moment Big Jinya's words made Bai Jing, Hu Bayi and Fatty stop in their tracks.

I saw the big gold tooth smashed it into my mouth, and then said with emotion: "The sticky stuff in my mouth is quite fragrant."

As soon as these words came out, Bai Jing and the other two people naturally had different expressions.

However, everyone did not hesitate and followed Bai Jing.

Bai Jing soon smelled a familiar smell.

Then he looked for it in the direction from which the smell came.

After a while, they saw a big cauldron.

The moment they saw the big cauldron, the eyes of Fatty and Da Jinya suddenly lit up.

Da Jinya immediately stepped forward, took a look at the cauldron, and then confirmed: "This cauldron must be from the early Western Zhou Dynasty."

Bai Jing stepped forward, plucked the text on his body, and read it.

Then he said: "This tripod records the legend of King Wen performing Bagua, and judging from the glyphs, it is probably a creation of the late Shang Dynasty and early Zhou Dynasty."

Upon hearing Bai Jing's words, Da Jinya looked at the cauldron again and sighed: "That must have been three thousand years ago. Did such smelting technology exist at that time?"

Bai Jing then walked around the tripod again, but he only found one side with words on it, and the remaining sides were decorated with various animal patterns and other decorations.

However, even if this tripod only records the gossip about King Wen's performance, it is still a priceless treasure.

But the purpose of Bai Jing's visit was not this cauldron.

Then, Bai Jing's eyes locked on a cave nearby.

(End of this chapter)

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