Zong Tomb: Starting from Huangpizi Tomb

Chapter 199 Smell the fragrant jade and touch the golden talisman

Chapter 199 Smell the fragrant jade and touch the golden talisman

At this time, the fat man suddenly asked: "Huh? Have you smelled a fragrance?"

Then the fat man saw Bai Jing standing in front of a hole.

When the fat man saw Bai Jing like this, he immediately knew that Bai Jing must have smelled this smell too.

The fat man immediately asked: "Old Bai, did you smell it too?"

Bai Jing nodded and said, "It smells like jade."

Da Jinya was also surprised when he heard Bai Jing's words, and immediately asked: "Are you sure it's Wen Xiangyu?"

Bai Jing nodded, and then said: "I have been to Hanzhong before and received a piece of smelling jade from a local. I can't smell it wrong. It smells like smelling jade."

After hearing this, several people gathered around.

The so-called smelling jade is also known as golden fragrant jade. This kind of stone is rare. The scientific explanation for the fragrance is that substances containing spices are produced after being immersed in rocks for a long time.

Most fragrant jade is said to be jade, but in fact it is just a stone. Apart from its fragrance, it looks ordinary.

But the best among Wen Xiang Yu is completely different.

This top-quality fragrant jade not only has the structural characteristics of jade, but also emits fragrance. It is a rare treasure.

At present, in the world, it is only produced in the deep mountains and old forests of Micang Mountain in Hanzhong, Shaanxi Province. Apart from this, it has not been found in any other place.

The fat man looked at the hole and then took a flashlight to take a picture. He found that it was not very deep and immediately said, "Then let's go down and have a look?"

Bai Jing nodded, and everyone went down to the cave.

Soon, a few people discovered a skeleton in the cave. The skull's head seemed to have been pierced by something sharp, and the entire Tianling root was shattered.

At this time, Hu Bayi leaned over the skeleton and smelled it carefully, feeling that he had smelled this smell somewhere before.

Although Bai Jing had already said that this was the smell of Wen Xiangyu, when Hu Bayi smelled this smell again, it always felt a bit familiar.

Suddenly Hu Bayi and Bai Jing looked at each other, and then Hu Bayi's eyes widened suddenly, and he said: "Blind Chen."

That's right, at this moment Hu Bayi remembered that he had smelled this smell at Blind Chen's Gua stall.

Then Hu Bayi seemed to think of something and took out a charm from his pocket.

Bai Jing took a look and saw that it was a talisman.

The upper shocks and lower ridges, the shock is movement, the ridge is danger, and the danger is movement.

Hu Bayi suddenly became happy when he saw this.

"This old man is worrying too much. He is teaching us to run away."

When the fat man heard this, he asked doubtfully: "Then where are you running to?"

Hu Bayi said: "The hexagram means southwest direction."

Seeing this, Bai Jing pointed to the two lines of words above and said: "There are still words here. I hope I will go through the sea of ​​suffering and worship the gods. This old man is quite interesting."

The meaning of this sentence is to hope that people can survive difficulties or dangers safely, and to express gratitude and respect to the gods who have provided help or protection after success.

The meaning is already obvious, that is to let them come to this fish bone temple. It can only be said that Blind Chen does not trick ordinary people, only those who understand Feng Shui.

At this moment, the fat man didn't care what Bai Jing and the others were doing, he just started rummaging through the corpse.

Soon, the fat man discovered that there seemed to be some kind of necklace around the neck of the corpse, so he picked it up and looked at it.

This seemed to be a pendant of some kind. The fat man immediately picked up the pendant with some confusion and asked, "No, look, what is this?"

Upon hearing this, Hu Bayi took the pendant and blew the dust on it, and then he could see the words on the pendant clearly. However, when Hu Bayi saw the words on the pendant clearly, he suddenly looked at the corpse in surprise and said : "Touch gold!"

Bai Jing heard this, found the pendant, looked at it carefully and said, "This is a serious gold-touching talisman!"

When the fat man heard this, he immediately took the gold-touching talisman and started looking at it.

Then he suddenly broke the rope holding the golden talisman and said in surprise: "Is this the golden talisman? I'll go!!!"

Da Jinya also came over at this moment.

Then the fat man looked at the corpse with some surprise, and asked: "If this is a golden talisman, then who is this person?"

Bai Jing looked at the corpse, pondered for a moment and said: "According to legend, at the end of the Qing Dynasty, there was a thief who hung three gold-touching talismans on three chains, and rewrote the Dragon-Seeking Jue, which led to the re-emergence of the gold-touching school captain line.

When Mr. Zhang was middle-aged, he accepted four apprentices and passed on his legacy.

After Zhang Sanye washed his hands in the golden basin, the four disciples officially inherited the gold-touching path.

Among them, three gold-touching talismans were passed on to the first disciple Feitian Suanni Liaochen, the second disciple Jin Abacus, and the fourth disciple Tie Motou. These three people are also the only perfect gold-touching trio known now. .

Then, he rewrote the "Xunlong Jue", that is, half a volume of "Sixteen-Character Yin-Yang Feng Shui Secret Technique" and passed it on to his third disciple, Yin-Yang Eye Sun Guofu. However, this man did not want to fight upside down, and since then he has become a Feng Shui master. . "

Having said this, Hu Bayi also looked at Bai Jing in surprise, and then said: "Old Bai, the yin-yang-eyed Sun Guofu you are talking about who inherited half of Zhang Sanye's "Sixteen-Character Yin-Yang Feng Shui Secret Technique" is my grandfather. Master, but how do you know these things, Lao Bai?"

Bai Jing glanced at Hu Bayi and said: "My father's sworn brother, named Zhao Baoyi, studied under the civet cat Yang Fang, and Yang Fang's master was Jin Abacus.

As far as I know, the Captain Mojin who was active on both sides of the Yellow River and lost his trace on both sides of the Yellow River should be Jin Abacus. "

As soon as he said this, the fat man immediately started to dig through the bag on the corpse. Sure enough, he soon found a small gold abacus in the bag next to the corpse.

It was now confirmed that this person was Jin Abacus.

In fact, after all, this golden abacus is also the ancestor of Bai Jing's father's sworn brother, so Bai Jing naturally does not dare to neglect him.

He just asked Hu Bayi and Fatty to bury Jin Abacus's body together.

When Jin Abacus's body was picked up, Bai Jing noticed that there was a small jade pendant under Jin Abacus' body.

The fat man had quick eyes and quick hands. He picked up the jade pendant, smelled it, handed it to Bai Jing and asked, "Old Bai, smell it, is it this?"

Bai Jing didn't need to smell it at all. He could tell at a glance that this piece was Wenxiang Jade, and it was the top-grade Wenxiang Jade.

This thing may not look big, but it is absolutely precious.

I dare not say that it is too easy to change to a house with three entrances and four entrances in the capital.

Immediately, Bai Jing and Hu Bayi carried the bones, and the fat man took other things, and the group walked out of the cave.

(End of this chapter)

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