Zong Tomb: Starting from Huangpizi Tomb

Chapter 218 Heading to Zhelong Mountain

Chapter 218 Heading to Zhelong Mountain

Hu Bayi pointed to the text on the back of the human skin map and said: "Look, it says: Wang Yan was buried in the halo of a water dragon. His body was decomposed and he ascended to immortality. The dragon halo was invisible. Unless the sky collapsed, it would be difficult for outsiders to break it.

I know something about this water dragon halo. It belongs to the fairy cave mentioned in ancient Feng Shui. Most of the Feng Shui masters in later generations believe that such fairy cave does not exist in the world.

The water dragon mentioned in Feng Shui refers to a waterfall with a particularly large flow, and the acupuncture point at the longan of the water dragon is named water dragon halo.

This kind of halo is the neon produced by the rising water vapor. It is actually tangible and intangible, so it was regarded as the Immortal Bridge by the ancients.

The faint and moist ring formed by the misty water vapor in front of the cave is called the dragon halo because it is hazy like the halo of the sun and the moon, and is also called the dragon eye.

It is faint and subtle, like a Buddha. It is visible at first glance but invisible at closer inspection. It is the place where the vitality condenses and the spiritual light appears. Because it is the head of good deeds and is buried in it, the vitality does not leak out and the water ants cannot invade. "

Hearing this, Bai Jing glanced at Hu Bayi. He actually knew that the Feng Shui pattern of Water Dragon Halo had been broken.

It’s funny to say, but I don’t know if it was because of Hu Bayi’s bad luck. Decades ago, a transport plane crashed because the magnetic field here destroyed the electronic equipment and crashed into the Worm Valley, turning this place upside down. The feng shui pattern was broken.

After decades, the Feng Shui pattern of King Xian's tomb has completely changed.

Bai Jing also met his uncle here. After learning about this, he directly gave Bai Jing and the others four pistols and four rifles for self-defense.

Bai Jing is right. Isn't the sky going to collapse? Then give it to him to see Mr. Wang.

All the things Shirley Yang bought before have arrived, and the final items that Da Jinya helped buy are all ready.

Bai Jing immediately said: "It's okay, even if the feng shui tactic of King Xian's Tomb is water dragon halo, I can still break it."

Seeing the Eyeless Dragon Talisman, Hu Bayi couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

As he spoke, Bai Jing took out the Eyeless Dragon Talisman.

When everything was ready, Bai Jing and the four of them set off.

To be honest, in the original work, Hu Bayi and others entered the tomb of King Xian at just the right time, and the transport plane acted as a 'collapse of heaven' and destroyed the Feng Shui of King Xian's Insect Valley.

But in fact, it will take decades to completely change the Feng Shui bureau. The Feng Shui bureau in Insect Valley cannot be destroyed as soon as the transport plane falls.

First, he took a train to Chuncheng, the capital of Yunnan Province. After arriving in Chuncheng, Bai Jing contacted the local cultural relics bureau. After issuing the certification documents, the local cultural relics bureau also attached great importance to it and helped Bai Jing and others contact the local garrison.

Others don't know this, but Bai Jing does.

The time when Hu Bayi and others arrived was very accurate. It happened that the Feng Shui bureau was completely destroyed, so Hu Bayi and others entered.

Then Bai Jing and the others took a military vehicle directly to the county where Zhelong Mountain was located. However, after arriving in the county, they encountered a problem after contacting the local government.

In the next few days, Fatty went to buy a train ticket to Dian Province. Because it was a long distance and he had a work certificate presented by Bai Jing, he got a sleeper ticket this time.

It turns out that the mountain people in Zhelong Mountain are very xenophobic, especially the Zhelong Village closest to Zhelong Mountain, and almost no outsiders are allowed to stay there.

This matter suddenly became difficult to handle.

Bai Jing and others were still thinking of finding a local to be their guide, but let alone a guide now, they wouldn't be allowed to enter the Worm Valley, so what should they do? In the end, it was Shirley Yang who suggested that since the name of this time was a preliminary inspection, they could just put on makeup and enter the Bug Valley directly as the Insect Research Institute from the capital.

After thinking about it for a while, I had no other choice but to do this.

Afterwards, a few people found a vehicle heading to Zhelong Mountain and embarked on the journey.

However, as soon as the vehicle left the county, it started to rain heavily.

In addition, the mountain road was difficult to navigate, and the vehicles were swaying along the way, which made the fat man vomit again.

When Hu Bayi saw the fat man like this, he couldn't help but said: "I said you can do it. Why did you vomit wherever you went? You vomited all the way from Longling to here. You made me want to vomit."

When the fat man heard this, he immediately became unwilling and said immediately: "Can you blame me? This driver drives like an acrobat. I'm not telling you. Why are all long-distance drivers like this?" "

Hu Bayi actually didn't feel too good. Hearing the fat man's words, he couldn't help but said: "Don't complain blindly. Think about how the Red Army climbed the snow-capped mountains and crossed the grassland, and how they persevered. We are facing this difficulty. What does it matter?
Besides, if you open your eyes and see if anyone in the car has been knocked to pieces, are you the only one suffering from this? "

When the fat man heard this, he glanced at the people around him and found that except for himself, everyone seemed to be fine.

Seeing this scene, the fat man couldn't help but said: "But why do I feel that we are about to be separated? Looking at Chief of Staff Yang and Lao Bai, why don't they open their eyes?"

Hearing what the fat man said, Bai Jing shook his head, then took out a medicine bottle from his arms and said, "Motion sickness medicine, take it before getting in the car. I gave it to you before, but you said you didn't need it."

Hearing Bai Jing's words, Fatty and Hu Bayi were also a little embarrassed.

I couldn't help but think of the heroic words I made before getting in the car.

At that time, I was shouting that I was afraid of motion sickness, so women ate this food.

It's fine now, Akira vomited, and regretted it again.

The mountain road was difficult and it was raining heavily, so the car didn't go very fast.

But even though the speed of the car was not very fast, it was shaking quite a bit.

At this time, there was an uncle in the car who noticed that the costumes of Bai Jing and the four people were different from the locals, so he asked: "You don't look like locals. Where are you from? Where are you going?" ?”

The fat man heard this and replied: "We are from the capital."

Shirley Yang was afraid that the fat man would spill the beans, so she followed up and said, "We are an insect research team from the capital. This time we came to Yunnan Province for a special scientific investigation."

When the people in the car heard this, they immediately became interested. For the mountain people here, a trip to the county town was considered a long trip, let alone a frequent trip.

So many people started asking questions, and Shirley Yang also answered them one by one.

At this time, Hu Bayi asked: "Brother, how far is it from Zhelong Mountain?"

When the fellow heard that people were going to Zhelong Mountain, he said: "You are going to Zhelong Mountain. It's not far. After passing the bay in front of you, get off the car and walk for a while, and you will arrive at Zhelong Village. This village It’s right next to Zhelong Mountain.”

(End of this chapter)

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