Zong Tomb: Starting from Huangpizi Tomb

Chapter 219 Zhelong Village

Chapter 219 Zhelong Village

The car was still slowly swaying forward. Suddenly, something happened in front of the truck and it suddenly started to swerve.

Then, although the driver stepped on the brakes in time, the vehicle inevitably skidded and eventually drove off the road.

Everyone in the car was shocked by the driver's emphasis and immediately cursed. However, when they got out of the car, they couldn't help but sigh. Fortunately, the driver responded in time, otherwise all the people in the car would be in danger.

It turned out that there was a mudslide on the mountain, and a lot of things were washed onto the road by the rain.

Seeing that the car would not be repaired for a while, everyone got out of the car.

Bai Jing and others inquired about it and found out that it was not far from Zhelong Mountain, so they simply got out of the car.

Hu Bayi got out of the car and seemed to have discovered something. He came to the roadside and stared at something on the ground.

Bai Jing saw this and walked over.

There is something similar to a stone figurine on the ground. This stone figurine does not look strong. There is only a stone shell on the outside, and the middle is completely empty. I don’t know if it was because it was washed down by mud and water. It had already been smashed into various pieces.

Everyone will benefit from helping this little girl when the time comes.

Immediately, a group of four people followed the little girl from Zhelong Village on their way to Zhelong Village.

Immediately, Bai Jing picked up a black fragment. After feeling it for a while, his expression couldn't help but change.

Bai Jing pulled Hu Bayi back and then explained: "It seems that I was wrong. This is a Gu insect raised in a human body, and this is not a human figurine, but a real thing." A warm nest for poisonous insects made from human corpses.”

This little girl's name is Peacock. She was born and raised in Zhelong Village since she was a child. She also has an older brother at home. According to Peacock, her brother is the best hunter in the entire village.

Then the two of them saw that in the mud, from the mouth of a black human figurine, densely packed black insects with circles of golden threads were crawling out.

As he spoke, Bai Jing went back to get the equipment, then caught a few bugs on the ground and packed them up.

At this time, Shirley Yang came over and called Bai Jing and Hu Bayi, saying that there was a little girl from Zhelong Village, and they happened to be on the way, so they asked her to help her get something.

However, Bai Jing and Hu Bayi knew that they wanted to get closer. Everyone knew before they came here that Zhelong Village was quite exclusive.

Bai Jing looked at the human figurines on the ground, then looked around and said, "This should be something from King Xian's tomb. Because of the continuous rain, the water level rose rapidly, and then it was spit out from Zhelong Mountain."

Seeing Bai Jing's actions, the mountain people seemed to believe in the identity of Bai Jing and his party.

On the way, several people also became more and more aware of the situation in Zhelong Village.

Bai Jing looked at the little bug on the ground, slowly frowned and said: "Old Hu, the shape of this figurine looks a bit like the shape of the Han Dynasty. I think this area should be the sphere of influence of King Xian back then. "

Hu Bayi picked up one of the fragments and broke it off. He found that this thing was very fragile and would break as soon as it was broken.

Hearing Bai Jing's words, Hu Bayi's expression also changed.

Of course, this evaluation is most likely based on Peacock's family aura.

Hu Bayi noticed the change in Bai Jing's face and asked quickly: "Old Bai, what's wrong?"

According to Peacock, their village is not actually exclusive, but the clan leader does not like outsiders. In fact, people in their village often communicate with outsiders.

Like a peacock, he would often travel to the county seat.

Sure enough, as someone said before, the place where they got off the bus was indeed not far from Zhelong Village. The group of people marched for almost half an hour before they saw a village in the distance.

The village was relatively large. Bai Jing took a quick look and saw that there were about a hundred households in it.

In plain areas, a village with hundreds of households may not seem to be many, but here in the mountains, the population is definitely relatively large.

After all, the mountains are not like plain areas where they can rely on farming to make a living. The main means of livelihood for the mountain people here are hunting and collecting mountain products.

Therefore, under normal circumstances, a mountain village with dozens of households is considered to be relatively large.

But this Zhelong Village, Bai Jing took a look and found that there was not much farmland suitable for farming around it. Such a village could actually feed hundreds of people. Bai Jing was a little curious for a while. Why were the people here?

At this moment, Hu Bayi was looking in the direction of Insect Valley, which was obscured by clouds and mist.

He found that the pattern here did not seem to be a water dragon halo.

While Hu Bayi was stunned, Bai Jing also looked in the direction of Insect Valley, and then said: "The water dragon's halo seems to have been broken by some external force."

After hearing Bai Jing's words, Hu Bayi looked in the direction of Insect Valley again.

Yes, the Feng Shui pattern of the water dragon halo should be such that it condenses but never disperses, gathers but never spreads out, but looking inside the insect valley, it looks like it is leaking out.

Isn't this a sign of breaking the Feng Shui situation?

Thinking of this, Hu Bayi couldn't help but feel happy.

This is a good thing.

The fat man also urged at this time: "Lao Hu, Lao Bai, don't look at it. The rain is getting heavier now. Let's find a place to rest quickly."

When the peacock heard what the fat man said, he hesitated and said, "How about you go to my house to take shelter from the rain first."

After hearing Peacock's invitation, Bai Jing and the others thought for a moment and realized that this was the best way. They immediately followed Peacock to Peacock's house to take shelter from the rain.

On the way, Bai Jing and the four of them saw red cloth hanging everywhere. Shirley Yang couldn't help but asked: "Peacock, I see red cloth hanging everywhere in your village. Is there something there?" Happy event?"

Hearing this, Peacock replied: "The old clan leader is resigning, and the village is now electing a new clan leader."

Hearing this, everyone understood, and the fat man couldn't help but smile and said: "It's a good thing to have a happy event. Pigs and cows must be killed, so maybe we can still eat something delicious."

After hearing the fat man's words, everyone couldn't help laughing.

The four of them followed Peacock for a short distance before arriving at Peacock's home.

The group of people set up a fire and took out the wet clothes to roast them, so as not to delay the rest of the journey.

Then Bai Jing and others asked about the situation in the Bug Valley, and learned from Peacock that besides climbing over Zhelong Mountain, there was actually a waterway to reach the Bug Valley.

Just when everyone was about to ask about the situation of the waterway, the door was pushed open and a young man came in.

When Peacock saw this man, he quickly stood up and said, "My brother is back."

(End of this chapter)

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