Zong Tomb: Starting from Huangpizi Tomb

Chapter 220 Peacock and Ada

Chapter 220 Peacock and Ada

When everyone heard what Peacock said, they looked outside the room, and immediately saw a young man holding a shotgun and carrying a wild boar.

When the young man entered the room, he saw Bai Jing and the others. However, the young man didn't say anything. He just put the wild boar down and went straight into the room. After a while, the young man changed into clean clothes. walked out.

While the young man entered the room, Shirley Yang looked at the wild boar on the ground and said with emotion: "This man's marksmanship is amazingly accurate."

When the fat man heard this, he couldn't help but asked curiously: "How did you see this?"

Bai Jing took a look and then said: "The wild boar's skin is very thick. The only suitable places to start are the heart and lung area of ​​the wild boar and the triangle area of ​​the head. And this one was only shot between the eyebrows, which shows that the person who fired the shot was very courageous and skilled in shooting." very good."

When Hu Bayi heard this, he nodded, and then seemed to have thought of something and said, "There is another possibility."

Bai Jing also asked curiously: "What is possible?"

Just listen to Hu Bayi say seriously: "The pig didn't notice him."

As soon as these words came out, Bai Jing wanted to slap himself twice, saying that he shouldn't have spoken.

Bai Jing heard Peacock tell the young man what happened when he came back from the county fair.

Obviously, Peacock forgot what these people were doing.

That's right, just a few days before they came to Worm Valley, Baipi had just woken up, and the result was the same as when Huangpizi on Tuanshanzi had just entrusted Baipi to him in Ganggang Yingzi. The form of a toddler.

However, through this incident, Bai Jing also learned that Bai Pi would rejuvenate and become a child almost every ten years.

Bai Jing's hearing was very good, especially after receiving the method given by Blind Chen to practice listening and speaking, it became even better.

Several people did not discuss this matter in detail.

Then he introduced Bai Jing to Ada and said, "These are all guests from the capital, yes."

At least for the next half year, Baipi will not be able to play any role.

Upon seeing this, the fat man quickly asked: "Peacock, is this your brother?"

Hearing this, Peacock nodded proudly and said, "Yes, this is my brother Ada. He is the most powerful hunter in the village."

After hearing Hu Bayi's words, Bai Jing also shook his head and said: "I'm awake, but I'm still in the form of a child again."

After the young man came out of the room, he pulled Peacock aside and seemed to be asking Bai Jing about the origins of the four of them.

After a while, after understanding the situation, the young man came over with the peacock.

This can be regarded as the price of eternal life.

However, when the fat man heard this, he said with some disapproval: "What does this mean? When we went to the Northeast before, Baipi made the wild boar bigger than this hit the tree with just a look. So Lao Bai and Baipi Isn’t it more powerful?”

Bai Jing simply took out his work permit and handed it to Ada and said: "We are the research institute of the Beijing Insect Museum. This time we came to Yunnan Province to find some rare insects for research. This is also what I heard about the various rare insects in the Insect Valley. There are so many insects that we just came here.”

Hearing Fatty's words, Hu Bayi seemed to remember it, and asked: "Old Bai, what's Baipi's situation now?"

Ada took Bai Jing's work permit and looked at it, then glanced at a few more people. Without saying anything, he returned Bai Jing's work permit and walked away.

The fat man was about to continue talking when he heard a buzzing sound.

As a result, the fat man was surprised to find that the mosquitoes here were so big. Seeing the surprised look on the fat man's face, Shirley Yang shook her head and said, "Eighteen Yunnan monsters, three mosquitoes per dish. The mosquitoes here are not ordinary."

With that said, Shirley Yang went to get the toilet water and handed it to the fat man.

Speaking of which, Bai Jing saw Shirley Yang taking out the mosquito repellent toilet water, so he didn't take out the insect repellent incense.

After all, the raw materials for my insect repellent incense are quite precious.

Later, Hu Bayi, Fatty and Shirley Yang wanted to find out how the waterway to Worm Valley was taken.

After all, if you don't take the water route, you have to climb Zhelong Mountain at an altitude of 3300 meters. Even if a few people have rich experience, it is no joke to risk climbing over the snow-capped mountains without a guide.

However, their insinuations seemed to be seen through by Ada. Peacock tried to tell them several times, but was stopped by Ada.

When Bai Jing saw this, he understood that the existence of this waterway was most likely a secret in the village and was not allowed to be told outside.

Bai Jing didn't have any good solution for this. If it didn't work, he could only risk climbing over Zhelong Mountain.

With its own existence, at least everyone will not lose their way.

Moreover, Bai Jing knew that after getting the Muchen Bead in the future, he would have to go to the Kunlun Glacier, which was many times more dangerous than the snow-capped mountains here.

If not, just think of it as a rehearsal.

But it was obvious that Hu Bayi and the others would not give up so easily.

Just like that, in the afternoon, the sky gradually cleared up and everyone left the house.

After seeing the scene of the village after the rain, to be honest, even Bai Jing, who has seen scenes from all over the motherland, had to admit that the scenery here is really good.

The fat man said that he wanted to move the scenery here to the capital and make a fortune by collecting tickets.

In response to this, Bai Jing just smiled and said nothing, but in fact, Bai Jing also felt that the environment here was really suitable for vacation. If the Tomb of King Xian could be developed and some kind of Zhelong Mountain Tourist Scenic Area would be built in general, then Still very exciting.

But Bai Jing also knew that there were too many poisonous insects here, and it would be impossible to develop them in a short time.

And the investment involved is definitely not a small figure.

Not to mention anything else, just the way you came here can dissuade many people.

But to be honest, if this place can really be developed, it will not only make money but also help local people get rid of poverty, then it will indeed be a good thing.

After that, there was naturally no words for the whole night.

Early the next morning, Bai Jing and the others packed their things, each dressed like a scholar, and prepared to go into the mountain.

And Shirley Yang also took advantage of Ada's absence to seduce the peacock with mosquito repellent toilet water, and finally found out the location of the waterway.

Then the group said goodbye to the peacock and headed towards the Worm Valley.

Following the route given by Peacock, everyone was traveling very fast. After walking for about half an hour, everyone saw a winding river.

(End of this chapter)

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