Chapter 234 Water Cave
There are many huge natural stone pillars in the cave here, just like corals on the seabed, which look like thousands of branches.

It's just that it's too dark in the cave, so some people can't see clearly how these strange stone pillars were formed.

As the four of them swam farther and farther, the terrain here began to gradually become lower.

In this cave filled with underground water, the distance between the water surface and the cave roof gradually increased as they went deeper into the river. Thanks to this, several people also felt that their breathing was much smoother than at the beginning.

Several people also discovered that there seemed to be some fish in the water in the cave. From time to time, they would touch the bodies of several people underwater, and then they seemed to be frightened and quickly escaped.

But the good news is that these fish are not piranhas.

Bai Jing swam at the front, holding an insect repellent incense in his hand. He didn't encounter any mosquito bites along the way.

In addition, Bai Jing had a strong sense of direction, so the few people following Bai Jing could not be said to have lost their way.

The fat man felt it and couldn't help but sigh: "Oh, I said, the clothes Chief of Staff Yang gave us this time are really good. We are all in the water, and we don't feel anything at all. It's really exquisite. "

When Bai Jing and the other three heard the fat man's lively nonsense, they ignored him and continued swimming forward.

But compared with animal fossils, plant fossils are much rarer because plants decay much faster than animal bones.

As the flare drew a shining arc and flew into the air, it finally hit the roof of the cave and began to fall.

And the ancient times mentioned here are definitely not something that modern people can trace back.

Obviously, it must be at least tens of millions of years ago, or even hundreds of millions of years ago.

Although the flare did not stay in the air for long, in just this moment, the white light illuminated the surrounding caves extremely brightly, and then a rare and scary natural landscape appeared in Bai Jing. In front of several people.

After swimming for a while, in order to confirm the position of several people in the water, Shirley Yang fired a flare.

The corpse is repeatedly washed by the slowly flowing groundwater in the silt gaps, which will precipitate the excess minerals and eventually form crystals. Over time, if the crystals of these minerals can completely replace the organic matter before the bones completely decay, the corpse will True fossils will form.

At this time, Bai Jing and the others realized that the coral-like stone pillars they had seen before were actually fossils of forest trees from ancient times.

Fossils are ancient relics buried in the ground, formed by millions of years of sediment burial.

Usually, the most common fossils are those of animals. This is because the bones and teeth of animals contain less organic matter and more inorganic matter. After the corpse is buried in sand, the degree of decay will naturally slow down. .

When the fat man saw this, he closed his mouth knowingly and swam forward silently with Bai Jing and the others.

At this time, Shirley Yang combined with Bai Jing's previous words and said excitedly: "Zhelong Mountain may have been a huge active volcano hundreds of millions of years ago.

Because of the sudden arrival of the meteorite we mentioned before, this huge active volcano erupted for the last and most violent time. At the same time, during the eruption of the volcano, a mudslide occurred nearby.

The meteorite smashed out of the Insect Valley, and the magma swallowed up the forest at the foot of the mountain. These trees, which were instantly carbonized by the high temperature, were immediately swallowed up by the ensuing mudslide before they could be destroyed. Then the temperature also increased. Instantly cooled down. After a long period of tens of millions of years, along with changes in nature, and repeated erosion by the underground water system, these woods that had been sealed in the sand for countless years were revealed again underground. "

Bai Jing agreed with Shirley Yang's inference, after all, that's what the original book said.

When Bai Jing and the others saw that Shirley Yang was so happy, they all quickly responded.

After all, Shirley Yang had been looking sad since she saw her father's remains in the mountain temple, and now she was finally laughing. This was a good thing no matter how you looked at it.

Suddenly, Bai Jing noticed that there seemed to be a faint white figure where the flare was about to hit the water.

Bai Jing's heart skipped a beat when he saw this. He knew that this was a ruthless person.

Although the insect repellent incense was still burning in his hand, and strictly speaking, this naughty man could be considered a kind of insect, but Bai Jing was not sure whether the insect repellent incense would work on him.

Although Bai Jing read the introduction in "Lingpu" and said that this thing can drive away any insects, but what if the seniors Mojin and Faqiu have never seen the Hao Man and Huo's Undead Insects? What to do.

But Bai Jing's worry seemed unnecessary, because Bai Jing saw through his night vision eyes that the white human-like figure originally wanted to get close to Bai Jing and others, but suddenly moved away.

By this time, Bai Jing understood that the insect repellent incense worked.

Moreover, Bai Jing not only saw the white man who had not broken out of his cocoon, but also noticed that there were some other insects here.

For example, there were countless huge black flying insects. Some of them looked like small dragonflies, but Bai Jing didn't see their eyes. They must have evolved to adapt to the environment in the cave.

Moreover, Bai Jing noticed that each of these dragonfly-like black flying insects was twenty to thirty centimeters long and as thick as a thumb.

Thousands of them gathered together, just like a black cloud passing through.

Although Hu Bayi and the others couldn't see it, they could still hear the buzzing sound of wings.

It's just that Hu Bayi and the others were destined not to see these huge dragonflies, and only regarded them as mosquitoes or something like that.

This is also a good thing for them.

Then, as they moved forward, everyone discovered that there was an opening in the middle of the water cave. There were stone walls on both sides of the opening, which looked like it was naturally formed.

When Hu Bayi saw this, he couldn't help but said: "Look at the shape of this hole, does it look like a big gourd turned upside down?"

Hearing this, Shirley Yang couldn't help but look at Hu Bayi with confusion and asked: "Big gourd?"

When Hu Ba saw Shirley Yang's confusion, he explained: "Look, the narrow mountain path we walked just now is the mouth of the gourd, and the lake we just swam across is the belly of the gourd. As for where we are now The larger lake at the location is naturally the gourd’s belly, and the last one is the water hole we just passed by. Doesn’t it look like the gourd’s waist?”

(End of this chapter)

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