Zong Tomb: Starting from Huangpizi Tomb

Chapter 235 Giant Insect and Death Float

Chapter 235 Giant Insect and Death Float

After Hu Bayi said this, Bai Jing thought for a while and then spoke.

"Do you still remember the statue in the mountain temple before?"

Hearing Bai Jing's words, Shirley Yang also reacted and said: "When we were at the mountain temple just now, I was a little surprised. The mountain god was holding a gourd in one hand and a toad in the other. We already knew about the toad. , it turns out that the gourd should be here."

However, a few people still don't quite understand what is going on in this water hole.

However, Bai Jing and others decided to speed up and move forward.

As a few people continued to move forward, everyone was suddenly surprised to find that the tree fossils here seemed to be getting bigger and bigger.

Moreover, Shirley Yang fired several flares in succession on the way.

Then everyone was horrified to discover that not only the plants here were getting bigger and bigger, but even the various bugs were getting bigger and bigger.

For example, at this moment, on the water dozens of meters away from Bai Jing and others, a black mosquito, the kind that can only be found in hot tropical rainforests, appeared here.

The most important thing is that the largest normal insects are usually only as big as a fingernail, but the insects on the opposite side are each as big as a dragonfly outside.

It is also because of the special environment here that these giant insects that were originally extinct hundreds of millions of years ago can survive.

The most important thing is that just about ten meters in front of a few people, a water spider the size of a fist crawled in front of everyone. You know, the ordinary water spiders that most people have seen are very small.

At this time, the fat man asked with some horror: "Do you think it's the fossilized trees and insects here that have become bigger, or that we have become smaller?"

That's not all. Everyone also saw the dragonfly-like insects that Bai Jing saw before. Seeing this dense and huge sea of ​​insects, everyone was even more surprised and speechless.

This is also the reason why these water spiders can walk on the water with their feet without falling into the water. And this one is so big that it can walk calmly in front of everyone.

Bai Jing could swear that if the existence of this water hole was announced, it would definitely cause a sensation in the entire scientific community.

It has even attracted countless biologists, entomologists and other researchers at home and abroad.

Not to mention the Tomb of the King, this Calabash Water Cave is enough to make people come all the way here and it is worthwhile.

Bai Jing could hear the fear in Fatty's tone, and he simply stopped joking and said directly: "Don't worry, we didn't shrink. I think it's because what Chief of Staff Yang said before, because of the falling meteorite, the formation of The special environment here.

If protection measures are taken and this place is developed into a tourist area, Bai Jing can even imagine the future prosperity of this place.

I have listened to a lecture before, which was about the Carboniferous Period. This is the fifth period of the Paleozoic Era, which started from about 5 million to 3.55 million years ago and lasted for about 2.95 million years.

The reason why it is called the Carboniferous Period is because the resources such as coal we use on the earth today are generally evolved from the ancient plants of that time.

It is said that in this era, the oxygen content on the earth at that time was particularly rich, which made the terrestrial animals at that time become larger and larger.

The Carboniferous period is also called the "Era of Giant Insects" because the oxygen content of the atmosphere was very high at that time, so the insects grew extremely large. There was even a giant dragonfly, with a body length of one meter, which is considered to be the largest dragonfly ever seen on the earth. The largest insect. Hearing Bai Jing's words, Shirley Yang immediately reacted and said: "What Lao Bai means is that these animals here are probably preserved from that era. If you say this, you can understand Why are these bugs so big? "

Fatty also understood at this moment that it was not that they were getting smaller and smaller, but that the insects and plants here were getting bigger and bigger.

The nearby things that can be used as reference objects include plants and insects, as well as a large number of ancient tree fossils. These things are all unusually large. No wonder it makes the fat man wonder whether he has shrunk.

However, just in case, everyone decided to speed up and get ashore quickly.

And just as everyone was rushing toward the shore, Bai Jing and the others also saw a commotion on the water, and then large tongues several feet long protruded from the water, and then with lightning speed, they Attacking the giant mosquitoes on the water at high speed.

When these long tongues are rolled up, they will wrap up a dozen mosquitoes, and then countless large mouths will emerge from the water, swallowing those mosquitoes wrapped in long blood-red tongues.

Bai Jing could see clearly that these were toads, also known as toads.

Moreover, Bai Jing observed that among these toads, the largest one was as big as a car wheel, and the smallest one Bai Jing saw was as big as a gourd used to make water scoops in the countryside.

Bai Jing didn't dare to provoke them.

My own insect repellent incense can repel insects, but this toad cannot be considered an insect no matter how it is considered.

So Bai Jing didn't dare to delay and quickly asked a few people to leave.

Maybe Bai Jing and the others were lucky, or maybe the toads didn't want to pay attention to them. Soon Bai Jing and the others left the water and set foot on land again.

To be honest, this down-to-earth feeling is really good.

Once we get to land, it will be safer.

Several people first deflated the air bags, then reinstalled the air bags into their backpacks, and then restored their costumes to the state before entering the water.

Needless to say, the costumes Shirley Yang bought for these people were really good. After sealing all the holes, there were no water stains on their bodies at all.

After getting out of the water, it was exactly the same as when it was on the shore.

After putting on the equipment, several people put their backpacks on their backs, then put on their weapons and prepared to continue setting off.

But at this moment, the fat man seemed to have discovered something. He shined his flashlight on the water, and then shouted to Bai Jing, Hu Bayi and others: "I'm going, this is really a ghost, Lao Bai, Lao Hu, Yang Chief of Staff, come and see if there is anything floating in the water over there."

When Hu Bayi and Shirley Yang heard what Fatty said, they immediately shined their flashlights into the water, and saw that there seemed to be something floating in the water.

Fatty immediately prepared to raise his gun and shoot, but was stopped by Hu Bayi.

"This should be a death drift. Don't waste ammunition. Besides, this shot is likely to attract more enemies."

(End of this chapter)

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