Zong Tomb: Starting from Huangpizi Tomb

Chapter 260 Heading to Tibet

Chapter 260 Heading to Tibet
After listening to Lei Xianming's words, Bai Jing and the others understood what he meant.

However, these words are really familiar.

For a while, everyone always felt that there was some excuse.

But the fat man didn't have so many worries and asked directly: "Then you mean to dig out your father from over there, right?"

Hearing the fat man's words, Lei Xianming was not angry, but nodded and said, "You have to bring it back."

Then, Lei Xianming also knew that it was time to explain the cost issue.

He gave direct instructions to A Dong, who had brought Bai Jing and others over before.

After a while, I saw A Dong coming back with some things.

First, A Dong opened the first item. It was obvious that it was a calligraphy and painting.

The moment he saw the content of this calligraphy and painting, Big Gold Tooth stood up.

But Hu Bayi roughly knew the value of these things.

Bai Jing, however, doesn't care much about other things.

It's just a pity that Fatty doesn't know these two things at all, and he doesn't know the value of these two things.

However, the text and seal are not properly maintained, so the price will be greatly discounted.

And this Lei Xianming was worth hundreds of thousands of dollars at a time. It can be seen that Lei Xianming was really bleeding heavily this time.

To be honest, such a bid is already very sincere. The two items combined are worth almost four to five million, which is still no problem.

Then came the second item, which was a brocade box. When the brocade box was opened, the ancient jade inside was revealed.

With this kind of money, it is enough to buy a five-entry palace and carry things across the courtyard.

After reading the reactions of Bai Jing and others, Lei Xianming said that he could offer these two things with both hands after the matter was completed.

If the author of this painting can be verified, it is possible that it would cost hundreds of millions, not to mention tens of millions.

In the 21st century, selling tens of millions is not a big problem.

It is said that this piece of jade was held by Concubine Yang in her mouth during her lifetime to relieve the heat and moisturize her lungs. Although it is impossible to tell whether this piece of jade is genuine or fake now, it is only based on the moistness of this piece of jade and the water it grows. Look, this thing is definitely a small six-figure thing.

But even so, this painting is worth hundreds of thousands.

In this way, you should be able to understand the value of these things.

However, it can be seen that although this painting is an ancient painting from the Song Dynasty, its technique is still relatively immature. It should be the work of a certain painter in his youth.

Bai Jing also looked at it a few times.

Lei Xianming didn't wait for the fat man to finish what he said, and directly said that after the matter was completed, he could choose whatever he wanted in the house.

The fat man then said, "Isn't it a little bit that you, the treasure in this house, give us these two things?"

Then I saw Da Jinya walking to the side of the calligraphy and painting, looking at it for a while, and then said: "It's the authentic work of "The Picture of Cows in the Falling Clouds", Mr. Bai Er, Mr. Hu, tsk tsk, it's still so well preserved."

After buying it, there is still some left.

To be honest, the value of the dozens of small boutiques left in this room is actually about the same as the two items just now.

Speaking of which, Shirley Yang asked Bai Jing and others to help search for the ancient city of Jingjue. They also made a diversion to the Kunlun Glacier on the way, and the price given was similar to this time.

Needless to say, this price is absolutely sky-high.

But Hu Bayi understands one truth, that is, pie will not fall out of thin air, and the danger involved may not be simple.

Bai Jing and the others looked at each other and prepared to say goodbye to Lei Xianming and leave. Seeing the determination of Bai Jing and others, Lei Xianming also knew that he was hiding and tucking in, Bai Jing and others were about to leave.

Immediately, I heard Lei Xianming say loudly: "Brother Bai, Brother Hu, I wonder if you have ever heard of the 'Gu Luo Silver Eyes'?"

Hearing this, Bai Jing and Hu Bayi looked at each other, then slowly turned their heads to look at Lei Xianming.

Immediately afterwards, he saw a pamphlet in Lei Xianming's hand.

Then I heard Lei Xianming say: "This is a treasure map that records the location of the tomb of the first generation ghost mother in the Demon Kingdom."

In the end, Bai Jing and his party agreed to this cooperation after discussion.

It's already August now, and by mid-September, the road up the Kunlun Glacier will be completely blocked.

Therefore, now I only have about a month to go to Kunlun Mountain.

The existence of this booklet is crucial for several people to find the ancient ruins of the Demon Kingdom.

Everyone doesn't have so much time to waste.

Ju Shirley Yang said that his mother's condition is getting worse and worse, and Professor Chen and Professor Hao are both very young, and if this continues, their lives may be in danger.

In the end, several people could only compromise.

Then everyone began to prepare supplies.

All the supplies that the group will need on their journey must be sent in advance.

Moreover, just in case, Hu Bayi had already set off to the Kunlun Glacier to find an old friend.

The remaining people prepared supplies and packed things.

Finally, on the third day, the team finally set off.

Bai Jing and his party first took a train and then transferred to a bus in Jincheng.

This time Lei Xianming found three off-road vehicles. Finally, on the fifth day after Hu Bayi set off first, the group finally arrived at the agreed place - Shiquanhe Town.

The movement of three off-road vehicles entering the town was still very loud.

From a distance, Hu Bayi was waiting at the door.

Bai Jing and the other three packed up the things they would use tonight, took them down, and then entered the yard.

Hu Bayi's friend borrowed this yard from local people.

As soon as Bai Jing and the others entered the courtyard, they saw a tall man dressed as a local next to Hu Bayi.

Bai Jing knew that this was his friend Hu Bayi mentioned, the god-given singer Ake.

However, when Bai Jing looked at Ake in front of him, he felt for no reason that this man would have a very promising career if he stopped singing poetry and switched to singing instead.

Because Bai Jing looked at Ake in front of him and always felt that this person might sing at any time: When the petals leave the flower
Not to mention these digressions, before coming, Bai Jing specially applied for assistance just in case, so that he could get help from the local garrison.

I dare not say that there are too many, but it is still very easy to get a few guns.

When Hu Bayi saw Bai Jing and others coming, he quickly introduced each of them to Bai Jing and others.

"Acker, let me introduce you. These three are the ones I told you before, Bai Jing, Wang Kaixuan and Shirley Yang. You can call them Lao Bai, Fatty, Shirley or Miss Yang."

After hearing this, Bai Jing and Ake looked at each other, and they seemed to see something in each other that ordinary people could not see.

(End of this chapter)

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