Zong Tomb: Starting from Huangpizi Tomb

Chapter 261 Lei Xianming 1 line

Chapter 261 Lei Xianming and his party

Bai Jing could tell that Ake's body smelled like dust.

And Ake also saw something similar from Bai Jing.

Therefore, even though the two met for the first time, they had a good impression of each other.

Immediately, I heard Ake speak first: "There are no hotels in the town anymore, so I borrowed a few empty houses from people in the town. Let's make it together tonight."

After hearing this, Bai Jing and Shirley Yang followed Ake and walked towards the room.

The fat man grabbed Hu Bayi and complained to him about Lei Xianming and the people he brought.

This time, Lei Xianming and his party, a total of five people came over.

The first of these is naturally Lei Xianming himself.

In addition to Lei Xianming, there is Lei Xianming's Ma Zi Adong whom Bai Jing and the others met before. Everyone has already met this person, so there is no need to elaborate too much.

This person's name is Han Shuna, and she is said to be very knowledgeable about ancient corpses.

The fourth person is a woman. To be honest, Bai Jing knows this person.

When Axiang saw Bai Jing for the first time, she said that she saw a beautiful flower on Bai Jing's body and felt that Bai Jing was very warm.

However, Bai Jing can also see that this Peter Huang is not a villain. Although he has murderous aura, he does not have evil aura. In other words, although this man has killed people, in his opinion, the people he killed definitely deserve to die. people.

Therefore, Bai Jing didn't pay much attention to it.

And judging from his figure, he should be a practicing practitioner. Not surprisingly, this person is Uncle Ming's bodyguard.

In addition to A Dong, Lei Xianming also brought another boy named Peter Huang. He was a serious man. Bai Jing knew from the first moment he saw Peter Huang that this man had seen death. of.

In addition, Bai Jing has never heard of this Han Shuna in the academic world. It is very likely that this Han Shuna is just someone who has done some research on ancient corpses, but has not reached the level of the circle that Bai Jing and the others are in.

His own eyes can see at night, but Axiang's eyes can see things that ordinary people can't see.

Under such circumstances, he shouldn't be killing innocent people indiscriminately.

Bai Jing could tell at the first glance that Axiang's eyes were on the same level as his own, but had different functions.

The last one is a girl who looks to be under twenty years old. This person's name is Axiang, and she is Uncle Ming's goddaughter.

And it can be seen that this Han Shuna has an unusual relationship with Uncle Ming, and she should be Uncle Ming's lover.

He had seen it in Da Jinya's shop before. Bai Jing inquired about it and found out that this man was the one who bought the golden mask that Bai Jing and the others had brought out from the tomb of the General of the Kingdom of Jin.

From this point of view, this Peter Huang at least has a clear conscience.

To be honest, Bai Jing was shaken by these words.

When Axiang saw Fatty and Shirley Yang, she subconsciously took two steps back.

Judging from this situation, in Axiang's eyes, the tattoo or blessing on Bai Jing's body is good, while the red spot curse on Hu Bayi and the others is bad. After introducing these people, everyone entered the courtyard separately.

As soon as Hu Bayi saw Uncle Ming walking at the end, he immediately stepped forward and complained: "I didn't tell you, Uncle Ming, you are here for a vacation, and you are here with such a big family."

After hearing Hu Bayi's words, Lei Xianming looked around mysteriously, and then whispered: "Brother Hu, I wonder if you have ever heard of Yin Yang Eyes?"

Hearing this, Hu Badi was a little confused for a moment.

Naturally, Bai Jing heard these words and walked out of the room.

Immediately afterwards, Lei Xianming said: "It's true, Axiang is my goddaughter, and she has a pair of yin and yang eyes. Once there is danger, she will be the first to find it."

After hearing this, Bai Jing couldn't help but feel thoughtful.

My unexplained heart palpitations are very accurate every time. In a sense, it should be regarded as a kind of super power.

Just like the celestial eye can see danger, when your sixth sense senses danger, it will use heart palpitations as a hint to remind you.

However, Bai Jing didn't think much about it for the time being, but looked at Lei Xianming and said: "I know Axiang's eyes. If I insist on saying they are yin and yang eyes, they should be considered, but they are only the lowest level of yin and yang eyes.

This eye is also called the main eye. The meaning is very simple. It is the eye of instinct. It can detect something wrong with some potential spirits or dangers. If it encounters something particularly dangerous and the eyes cannot bear it, it will shed tears of blood. , this situation is very harmful to the eyes. "

After saying that, he looked at Hu Bayi, then pointed at his eyes and said, "Strictly speaking, my eyes should be of the same level."

After listening to Bai Jing's words, Lei Xianming also said quickly: "Yes, yes, once I was going to buy an old house. At that time, Axiang's eyes suddenly started to bleed. At that time, Axiang said nothing and refused to enter the house. , and guess what, not long after I left the house, the house suddenly collapsed without any warning. "

Hu Bayi obviously didn't believe it when he heard this.

He roughly counted the heads.

Now, there are five people on my side, including Ake, and there are also five people on Lei Xianming's side.

But the difference is that the five people on my side are all strong and experienced people.

As for Lei Xianming, he is over fifty years old.

In addition to Lei Xianming, there were two women who could not be carried by the shoulders and hands. There was also A Dong, who looked like a silver pewter gun head at first glance. It looked useless. The only one that was still useful was probably Peter Huang. .

In this situation, how could Hu Bayi feel relieved? Dang even said: "Otherwise, Uncle Ming, take your people back first, and I will be responsible for finding your father's body for you." Can you bring it back?"

When Lei Xianming heard this, he would definitely not agree.

Immediately, I heard Lei Xianming say: "That's definitely not possible. How can you let others do the filial piety thing? It must be done by yourself. Don't look at me that I am almost sixty years old, but my health is good."

Upon seeing this, Hu Bayi tried to persuade him again, but Bai Jing knew that Lei Xianming was looking for his father's body on this trip, and he clearly had other motives.

Bai Jing simply grabbed Hu Bayi and said, "Okay, Old Hu, don't try to persuade me. Since Uncle Ming is determined to fulfill his filial piety during this trip, let's not stop him. Let's go. Anyway, we should I’ve advised you, it’s getting late today, I’ve finished dinner early, wouldn’t it be nice to have a rest early?”

After saying that, Bai Jing pulled Hu Bayi into the room.

(End of this chapter)

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