Zong Tomb: Starting from Huangpizi Tomb

Chapter 273 Arriving at Longding

Early in the morning, everyone set off again.

As the team completely climbed onto the Shenluogou Glacier, everyone was now completely within the range of Kramir.

Bai Jing followed Chu Yi and walked at the front. Hu Bayi thought for a moment and also followed.

When Hu Bayi saw that Bai Jing and Chu Yi were both silent, he asked, "Brother Chu Yi, what Lao Bai said yesterday, I saw that you were hesitant to speak. Is there something you haven't finished?"

Hearing Hu Bayi's words, Chu Yi turned around and looked behind him, and then said: "Kramiel means the Sea of ​​Disaster, and the Dragon Top you are talking about is the center of the Sea of ​​Disaster, and the terrain there is It’s very complicated, especially in this season.”

Hearing this, Hu Bayi couldn't help but asked with some confusion: "What's wrong with this season?"

Chu Yi immediately replied seriously: "This season is the hottest time of the year. The glaciers are beginning to melt. There are ice leaks, ice caves and ice buckets everywhere. According to legend, demons gather there. It’s a place I went to ten years ago and almost couldn’t come back.”

After Bai Jing finished speaking on the first day of junior high school, he said: "It was only after I learned this that I decided to go to the front with the eldest brother of junior high school. You know my abilities, Lao Hu, so you just need to follow the If we follow the path we have taken, there will be no problem.”

Hu Bayi naturally knows Bai Jing's ability, the danger sensor.

Whether there is an attack or danger on the road ahead, Bai Jing can accurately predict it.

This ability has saved everyone many times.

Therefore, all you need to do next is follow Bai Jing's footsteps, and everyone will not fall into an ice cave or the like.

After thinking about this, Hu Bayi nodded clearly.

Chu Yi seemed to notice something and looked towards the mountains in the distance.

Hu Bayi was a little confused, but Bai Jing frowned and said, "The previous wolf pack?"

Chu Yi nodded, and then said: "They are following us, and they have been following us."

Bai Jing nodded, then looked around and frowned: "It seems we need to find a safe place to stay before dark."

Chu nodded, and then the others continued to set off.

As everyone moved forward, the snow became thicker and thicker.

The most important thing is that it's snowing now.

However, this is something that cannot be said to be good or bad.

After all, the wolves would definitely not attack them in a snowstorm.

So, at least I can have a good sleep tonight.

Sure enough, after one night, no one was attacked by the wolves, and Bai Jing relied on his good hearing to find that the wolves seemed to be avoiding them.

Time soon came to early morning.

After Bai Jing got out of the tent, he saw Shirley Yang sitting on the snow in the distance.

When Hu Bayi poked his head out and saw Shirley's figure under Yang Chaoyang, he was also crazy for a moment.

Chu Yi saw something and walked to the tent with a half-smile and said: "We herdsmen have a saying: sweet-tasting highland barley wine is made by beautiful girls. Without beautiful girls, highland barley wine will not be sweet." ”

After hearing Chu Yi's words, Bai Jing looked at Hu Bayi with a half-smile, while Hu Bayi was still staring at Shirley Yang's figure in the distance.

Immediately afterwards, Chu Yi took out a wine bottle, and then continued: "A good girl is like an auspicious bird, she will not fall into your pasture by herself."

Bai Jing couldn't agree more with this. He patted Hu Bayi on the shoulder and said with a smile: "The eldest brother in junior high school is right, a good girl will not fall into your arms by herself."

Hu Bayi was stunned when he heard this, and then he understood. While a few people were talking and laughing, the clouds and fog in the distance dispersed.

On the first day of the month, he stood up, looked into the distance and said, "The four snow peaks are exposed."

Bai Jing also said seriously when he heard this: "It's time for us to continue setting off."

As he spoke, Bai Jing woke up the others, packed up his things, and continued to set off.

Today is already the fifth day since the team set off.

Obviously, everyone is getting closer to their destination.

As the team moved forward, everyone finally arrived at the location of the four snow-capped mountains.

When Chu first looked at the four snow-capped mountains in front of him, he said, "The top of the mountain is ahead of us. Everyone, please be careful."

Immediately, Bai Jing and Chu Yi walked at the front as always.

After walking for about half an hour, everyone had officially arrived within the range of Longding.

Bai Jing was walking when he suddenly stopped. Seeing Bai Jing's movements, everyone was stunned.

Hu Bayi came over and asked, "Old Bai, what's wrong?"

Bai Jing looked at the surrounding environment, then looked at Hu Bayi and said, "Old Hu, take a look at the picture we drew at the Reincarnation Temple."

After hearing Bai Jing's words, Hu Bayi also thought of something and quickly took out the picture.

After comparing it, Bai Jing pointed to a point on the map and said, "Old Hu, look, is this where we are now?"

Hu Ba looked at the pictures one by one, then looked at the surrounding environment, nodded solemnly and said, "Yes, this point on the picture is this location."

Bai Jing stood up after hearing this, and after careful calculation, Bai Jing walked to a location and said, "Yes, this is the location. This should be the tomb of the leader of the Samsara Sect of a certain generation."

After hearing Bai Jing's words, everyone perked up.

A group of people gathered around, and Bai Jing peeled off the snow on the ground. Underneath the snow was a layer of ice. It seemed that this layer of ice was quite thick, but through the ice, everyone could vaguely see something underneath. .

Afterwards, everyone started unloading supplies, and then Shirley Yang and Fatty came over with ginger spray.

As the ginger juice sprays onto the ice, the heat of the ginger juice begins to gradually heat up the ice, and the glacier begins to melt.

In this way, with the gradual cleaning and gradually spraying of ginger juice, it took about half an hour, and the ice on the ground was almost melted.

Bai Jing and others began to dig into the ice.

After a while, a whole block of thick ice on the ground was taken out by Bai Jing.

As the ice was removed, the entire space below was exposed.

Shining the flashlight downward, you can see that the space below should be no more than three meters high. Bai Jing immediately said: "Wait a moment, I will go down and take a look first."

Then he grabbed the rope and asked everyone to slowly hang him down.

Bai Jing looked around and noticed that the surrounding ice was full of people wearing the clothes of the Samsara Sect, but Bai Jing knew that these were just people who had been buried for the head of the Samsara Sect.

Finally, Bai Jing looked at the ground. (End of chapter)

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