Zong Tomb: Starting from Huangpizi Tomb

Chapter 274 Snow Mountain Golden Mummy

Bai Jing saw the body of the leader of the Samsara Sect on the ground, and immediately looked towards the hole above and shouted: "Lao Hu, Chief of Staff Yang, come down, it is indeed the tomb of the Samsara Sect."

After hearing Bai Jing's words, Hu Bayi and Shirley Yang looked at each other, both seeing the joy in each other's eyes.

Immediately, Hu Bayi and Shirley Yang used the rope to get down below.

After coming down, Hu Bayi and Shirley Yang were shocked for a moment when they looked at the Samsara Sect members in the ice wall around them.

However, Hu Bayi's habit of uncontrollably speaking bad words started to trouble him again.

"You said these people are standing together, don't they feel crowded?"

Shirley Yang couldn't help but smile when she heard Hu Bayi's words, and then said: "According to what Lao Bai said before, the Reincarnation Sect is a descendant of the people from the Demon Country. Naturally, they are also followers of the Demon Country's faith, so they must also worship them. Caves and abyss, that’s why these corpses are arranged like this.”

Immediately, Shirley Yang frowned, then took a flashlight and looked around, and finally said with some uncertainty: "But why do I feel that these corpses seem to be looking down? What do you think they are looking at?"

When Bai Jing heard this, he also gave a thumbs up, and then praised: "Haha, Chief of Staff Yang is observing carefully."

Then Bai Jing led the two of them to the middle of the tomb and said, "Look, this is where the eyes of the corpse on the wall are focused."

Then Hu Bayi and Shirley Yang vaguely saw the figure under the ice through the ice on the ground.

Bai Jing and the others squatted down, and then peeled away the broken ice shards on the ground. As the broken ice shards were pulled away, the two of them could finally see clearly what was underground.

Hu Bayi said hesitantly: "This seems to be a person?"

As soon as these words were spoken, Hu Bayi immediately reacted, then looked at Bai Jing and Hu Bayi, and couldn't help but said: "Is this person the leader of the Reincarnation Sect?"

Bai Jing nodded, and then said: "You can't be wrong. The location marked on the map is right here. If nothing unexpected happens, this person is a certain leader of the Reincarnation Sect."

As he said that, Bai Jing took a general look. Because of the thick ice layer, he couldn't see clearly the condition of the corpse below, but Bai Jing still said: "Let's open the ice layer to expose the corpse underneath. Through the direction of the corpse, By looking at the location, we should be able to determine the location of the nine-story demon tower of the Demon Country."

After hearing what Bai Jing said, Hu Bayi and Shirley Yang both agreed, and they immediately started to take action.

Shout to the top and ask them to put down the things you need to use.

After all the tools were ready, Hu Bayi lit a candle in the southeast corner of the tomb.

Then Shirley Yang carried a ginger juice spray bottle on her back and sprayed ginger juice on the ground.

After Hu Bayi lit the candle, he came back and picked up the ice chisel with Bai Jing to start with the ice on the ground.

Just as Bai Jing and the other two were having sex in full swing, they heard another noise coming from above.

Bai Jing and the others looked towards the entrance of the cave and saw Lei Xianming, Han Shuna and Peter Huang descending down one after another.

Bai Jing just glanced at them, ignored them, and continued to work.

As the ice on the ground was cut open by Bai Jing and others, Bai Jing saw the body below after removing the ice.

This corpse was curled up, with a thick layer of something like frost condensing on its body. Moreover, there were faint traces of gold on the corpse.

After taking a look, Bai Jing knew it and immediately said: "This should be made into a snow-capped mountain golden body mummy, and the body is covered with a thick layer of marsh salt."

Hearing Bai Jing's words, Han Shuna immediately walked over and squatted down.

Seeing Han Shuna's actions, the others did not react. Han Shuna studied ancient corpses, and it was normal for her to be interested in this corpse.

I saw Han Shuna put on a white glove, then grabbed the corpse, and after carefully identifying it, she said: "It is indeed marsh salt. Professor Bai is right, this is indeed a snow-capped golden mummy."

Hearing this, Hu Bayi was a little confused. He had never heard of this thing before, and immediately asked: "What do you mean, snow mountain golden body mummy? I understand snow mountain, what does the golden body mean? Is this body still made of gold?" "

Bai Jing smiled when he heard this, and then said: "That's not the case, this is actually a special method of disposing of corpses, and the process is very complicated.

When processing, first, the corpse should be placed in a coffin filled with marsh salt, and the corpse should be completely covered with marsh salt. After three months, the salt should be fully absorbed by the corpse, and then the body should be covered with marsh salt. Apply various special spices or medicines.

After all the materials applied to the corpse have hardened, a layer of paint made of gold powder is finally applied to the body to form the so-called golden body. "

The fat man was also lying in the hole above, listening. After listening to Bai Jing's words, the fat man's voice came.

"Then is this thing valuable now?"

After hearing the fat man's words from above, Hu Bayi and Bai Jing looked at each other, and then both shook their heads in amusement.

Immediately afterwards, I heard Lei Xianming say: "If you want to sell this thing, you must not sell it without 1.5 million."

Bai Jing also nodded, and then said: "As far as I know, last year, a corpse like this was auctioned in Europe, and the final transaction price was 380,000 US dollars."

Hearing this, Hu Bayi and Fatty were even more stunned.

They used the commission given by Shirley Yang to go to the black market and exchange it for domestic currency. At that time, they exchanged it for 1:8.

If you put it this way, wouldn't this body be worth more than three million?
What is the concept of three million now?
That can buy an entire alley in Beijing.

You know, nowadays, all households with ten thousand yuan are rich people.

Bai Jing naturally saw everyone's reaction in his eyes, but Bai Jing didn't care and said directly: "Okay, no matter how much money it costs, you can't touch this corpse. This corpse should be used to suppress the underground fire." , maybe one of us is buried here with these people.

Put it on, we should have determined the location of the Devil Mother, and it's time for us to continue setting off. "

After hearing Bai Jing's words, Hu Bayi looked at the surrounding pattern and vaguely understood something, and couldn't help but take two steps back.

Others are a little confused.

Lei Xianming saw Bai Jing trying to cover the ice cap and immediately stopped him.

Bai Jing looked at Lei Xianming coldly and said, "If you want to die, I can't control what you do after we leave, but now, we are leaving." (End of Chapter)

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